United States Land Seized By Mexican Gangs?

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Diggers Realm reported earlier today that two ranches inside our border, and just across the border from Nuevo Laredo, Mexico has been seized by Los Zetas, a highly trained group of killers in Mexico. None of this is confirmed tho and some of the information coming in appears to contradict the claims that land in our country has been seized by Mexican gangs. First, Diggers report:

The situation has become different in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico over the last few days. There have been gun-battles through the streets and fragmentation grenades used as the government of Mexico tries to run the Los Zetas out of their stronghold there. People died and were wounded. The city was on lockdown and the US government issued warnings to US citizens in the area to remain indoors. With our lack of border security and porous borders, it is not beneath my intellect to believe that the Los Zetas could be forced into a retreat into US territory and attempt to seize a hideout.

Not only that, but “first contact” with me of the initial story was from none other than Jeff Schwilk, founder of the San Diego Minutemen, who had a confirmed source in the area of Laredo. With this in mind I decided to go with the story, but to remain cautious. I clearly stated on the story that it was not 100% confirmed. It remained that way all night.

I put out my feelers throughout the night to try and collect information and other credible sources to confirm the occupation of ranches in Laredo. I did not receive actual confirmation until this morning when I got word that Kimberly Dvorak of the Examiner had made multiple confirmations within the Laredo Police Department. Up until this point the story had not spread wide. There was no reason for the Laredo Police Department to crack down hard and keep things truly blacked out as there was no heavy interest from media.

However, upon that second confirmation and her running her story “Los Zetas drug cartel seizes 2 U.S. ranches in Texas” the story to me at that point was 100% confirmed. I changed my story to reflect that and released it to the world – spreading it wide. It has since gone viral.

Confederate Yankee spoke to the Laredo police however and received conflicting news:

Twitter exploded a while ago about this story, which claims that heavily-armed Los Zetas gunmen of the Gulf Cartel have taken over ranches on the U.S. side of the border.

My curiosity got the better of me, and so I called the Laredo Police Department, and had a delightful chat with the acting watch commander, Sgt. Perez.
Sgt. Perez informed me that I was her seventh caller about this claim since she came on duty this afternoon. She stipulated two things that blows holes in the invasion claim.

  • The location of the alleged invasion is outside of their city-limits jurisdiction, so they would not be involved, and;
  • while they would not be involved in any law enforcement response outside of their jurisdiction, they work closely with the county sheriff’s office and would know if such an event is occurring.

She also provided me the number of the Sheriff’s Department. The deputy that answered the phone there was less bemused, having also dealt with this rumor multiple times in a short amount of time. She also told me that there was no invasion and no law enforcement siege, and that deputies were continuing normal operations.

Granted, Los Zetas has moved into the town of Nuevo Laredo en masse, and if they are fighting a battle with the government they may be run out and take refuge across the border. While stupid, it’s not out of the realm of possibilities. But I’m skeptical that they have seized some ranches and are holding them.

For now.


According to this site:

The approximate location of the U.S. ranches are 10 miles northwest of I-35 off Mines Road and Minerales Annex Road. Just off 1472 (Mines road) near Santa Isabel Creek south of the city of Laredo, Texas.


One other thought, being in law enforcement myself I know what the Watch Commander of the Laredo police said is quite true. If there was this massive an incident there would be a mutual aid request made for other law enforcement agencies to help. This is done routinely in big situations.

Digger believes there is a media blackout but I have a tough time believing any agency would believe a blackout would hold with this kind of incident. Doesn’t mean some ignorant supervisors wouldn’t do it…but its a stretch.

Still remaining skeptical.


Could be from this:

The FBI is advising law enforcement officers across the country that a Texas cell of Los Zetas — an increasingly powerful arm of the Mexican Gulf Cartel drug trafficking syndicate — has acquired a secluded ranch where it trains its members to “neutralize” competitors in the United States.

In order to ensure its share of the lucrative illegal drug trade, the cartel’s members reportedly are operating north of the border to collect debts and spy on competitors. They have also protected cocaine and heroin shipments that were bound for Houston, where they were repackaged and shipped on to Alabama, Delaware, Georgia and Michigan, according to the FBI.

The information, which was disseminated Monday to state, local and federal agencies, does not provide specifics, such as the location of the ranch, but includes a notation that the information came from reliable FBI contacts.

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I find it hard to believe that this government has allowed the violence in Mexico to disrupt life on our side of the border. What the hell has happened to the backbone of this country? While this is happening our illustrous government is suing Arizona for trying to protect their border. I think it’s time to packup this useless bunch of dysfunctional politicians and ship them to Mexico, where they would better fit in with the corrupt government down there. The idea that people on our side of the border should stay inside their homes, because the Mexican drug cartels are acting up is deplorable. What the hell has happened to the “sovereignty” of our country? Who the hells “Homeland” is the “Department of Homeland Security”, securing?

I have been cautioning a lot of folks, be VERY careful in re-posting this story, NONE of the BIG news services have it, no other source in Texas has it other than The Cypress News.

I called the Laredo, TX Police Dept. and they said they have NO information and referred me to the Webb County Sheriffs Office. I called the Webb County S.O. and got NO answer.

I can’t, and won’t post this as an irrefutable fact on MY blog, simply because one paper, The Cypress Journal, doesn’t give enough citation of source. Especially when the paper says the Laredo PD is their source and the Laredo PD denies it.

Some have said that a TOTAL NEWS BLACKOUT has been imposed on the MSM. I find that VERY hard to believe. Even a total blackout would still render at least some information.

The MSM is a devious bunch, they’d have a guy up in an Ultra-Lite plane with a cell phone camera if that’s what it took.

This is either a huge hoax or a huge cover-up. I’m thinking HOAX!

If it is real, and if there has been a *forced* media blackout, the Constitution just became a trash basket liner…

Curt, it’s cool, I didn’t think you were touting it as Gospel… 😈

I saw the FBI story, and that is the most reasonable thing to date to come out of this story ANYWHERE on the net, you did good!!

Here’s an article from Confederate Yankee found on Hot Air. It’s bogus.


I have to wonder though:
If perhaps a Mexican gang were to seize private or public property inside the US, say they even take American citizens hostage. Would the Justice Department then file law suites against the local police departments if they were to respond to the calls for assistance from the American citizen/property owners for violating the preeminence of the Federal government on matters of immigration and invasions?


PS I wouldn’t be at all surprised in the end to learn that there was a media blackout. In fact, if I were in charge I would insist on one. The last thing you would want right now would be truck loads of righteously indignant Texans headed to the ranches in the pickups loaded for bear. And you sure wouldn’t want the gangs to know you knew they were there. And the media would be all to happy to accommodate the blackout since it is extremely caustic to the administrations meme about how safe and under control the boarder is.

Not saying it’s so. Just saying, it wouldn’t surprise me a bit.

The reason that so many people buy/bought in to this (including me) is that it’s totally reasonable that something of the sort COULD happen, because of where this country is and where it’s headed.

And of course, who’s in charge…


This release and promotion of false news stories from the Left is a continuing covert by the Democrats to make the factual news stories that illustrate the corruption and incompetence seem circumspect and dubious. They are reduced to the desperate acts with the public turning on their incompetence and their Elitist Socialism. Every time we publish this bogus material or Breitbart shows a doctored film, we play into their game of deceit and lies, while leaving ourselves more vulnerable. These liars and frauds control the MSM and they will be promoting this crap at an ever increasing rate as the election draws near.

I realize it was not published as fact, but many readers don’t get the entire message and walk away with just the sensationalism.

We should be careful to never trust a Democrat, they have no integrity and no intention of telling the truth nor pretensions toward honesty.

The 1st RULE of good journalism is VERIFY… A bunch of bloggers, and apparently, The Cypress Times, failed to do so…

This is DiggersRealm idea of citation I am thinking, it’s what he has on the post: “The story is still developing and I’ll report more as I find out.”

This is MY response TO Digger:

LMAO… Seriously…

Either your source is a LIAR, or you AND your source have conspired to write a *LOOK AT ME* post… Well, we have ALL looked, and dude, you screwed the pooch… Your post, and the eagerness, and gullibility of some bloggers that haven’t got the good sense to VERIFY, have made a good portion of the blogosphere look like IDIOTS…

Journalistic Integrity… Look into it…

A blogger may write the most wonderful blog for years, one post like this destroys their credibility…

Kinda like that *One ‘aw sh*t’ wipes out 3 ‘atta boys’… :mrgreen:

Truth is Mexican drug cartels are in control of parts of Arizona. That is undeniable since the Feds have posted signs warning Americans, for their own safety, to stay out of recreational, desert areas that drug cartels are using. These aren’t remote parts of Arizona. We are talking about half-way between Phoenix and Tucson, right outside the city of Casa Grande. It’s about 60 minutes from Phoenix. No need to make up stories about Mexican drug smugglers, the reality is bad enough.

Like I’ve said since this story came out, the timing is very suspicious.

Nutroots (liberpuke blogger conference in Vegas) was having the Comprehensive immigration form topic the day this story came out. The nutrooters were doing mock checkpoints in border patrol uniforms, the discussion over the Arizona law was front and center the entire day.

Then this story came out. Regardless of WHO started it, I imagine the fodder it would provide to the liberpuke bloggers in the building if we on the right went on a tangent about killing the invaders….Regardless of HOW true that is.

My gut tells me there are some serious behind the scene actions around this particular story and I think further investigation into HOW this story originated is warranted. IF it was the intent of the liberpukes to defame us “Righties” for jumping the gun a=on a non-story….FAIL.

COULD it be kept silent if there is hOSTAGES taken,or injured peoples,or worse?