The facts are clear in the Shirley Sherrod case. Breitbart receives a edited video of a speech given to the NAACP by the USDA officical. In it she admits to racially discriminating against a white farmer (but blacks can’t be racist remember) and even going so far as to refer the white dude to “one of his own kind.” While she is admitting all this the NAACP crowd is reacting quite approvingly to the racism.
Then the whole supposedly unedited video is released and we see that she did in fact admit to the doing the above racist acts but she has seen the light and now is trying to redeming herself.
Good for her.
But the fact still remains that she was a racist then, she committed a racist act, and the NAACP members loved her for it. Even the President of the NAACP was appalled at the reaction of his members to her racism:
We are appalled by her actions, just as we are with abuses of power against farmers of color and female farmers.
Her actions were shameful. While she went on to explain in the story that she ultimately realized her mistake, as well as the common predicament of working people of all races, she gave no indication she had attempted to right the wrong she had done to this man.
The reaction from many in the audience is disturbing. We will be looking into the behavior of NAACP representatives at this local event and take any appropriate action.
The President, Ben Jealous, leaves out the fact that he was IN the audience that night. So he should look into his own behavior first.
And now there is talk about hiring this lady back, which is ludicrous, but hardly suprising coming from this White House. She admits to abusing her powers against farmers of color. If a Bush official had admitted this what would the outcome of been? Would ANYONE be considering hiring this Bush official back because they had seen the light?
No way, no how.
In both the full video and a 3 minute excerpt I produced, Sherrod labels the entire Republican Party racist, claiming they simply can’t stand to see a black man in the White House. She also characterizes totally legitimate political opposition to ObamaCare from average citizens as mean and ultimately racist in the end. Had some previous Bush appointee called the Democrat Party a bunch of race-baiting hucksters, or poverty pimps – putting black citizens in that camp, too – there is no way said official would be able to keep their position. Yet, that is precisely what Sherrod did, only it was Republicans and her political opponents she so openly smeared.
The standards are ugliness, ignorance and divisiveness. There should be absolutely no doubt that those are the standards to which a Bush appointee would be held. I see no valid reason to not hold Sherrod to the very same standards, as well.
Meanwhile Sherrod goes on CNN and says this is all because the NAACP “got into a fight with the Tea Party.” This conveniently distorts the truth.
The NAACP picked the fight. They chose to label the Tea Party as a bunch of racists to begin with. All Andrew did was point that mirror at them. Here he is this morning debating that lefty wackjob Eric Boehlert of the Soros funded Media Matters about the MSM racist smears against the Tea Party. (h/t Gateway Pundit)
Some in the blogosphere are offering apologies to Sherrod. I think none should be offered. She admitted to the racism. Those are the facts. She smears the Republican party as racists and any opposition to ObamaCare as racist.
The fact is she was a racist that used her power to hurt those of color.
She should stay unemployed.
More here.

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Two points for Skookum; air ball for Madalaine!