I watched this earlier today and my thoughts went along the lines of, “the words are correct, the idea presented is correct, but there is no outrage or passion in his rebuttal of Schumer.”
Now, having had 10 or so hours to digest and think about it, I believe my first assessment is correct. Now, maybe he was just being congenial and respectful, and that is all well and good, but we are talking about the next Supreme Court Judge here. Someone who may be on the court and influencing opinion for the next 30-40 years. That is a big responsibility for one person and if that person cannot even fathom the necessity of natural law as being the pillar our freedoms and liberties are founded upon, then she does not have the necessary qualifications to be approved by the senate, let alone even nominated by a President sworn to uphold the Constitution of our great country.
As for myself, I believe that no matter what my previous relationship with Schumer, I would not allow him to make a little comment like he did and only give a mild rebuke. My response would have been similar to Gov. Christie’s of NJ when confronting his media about being confrontational.
I want more people like Christie in government, whether local or national, black or white, male or female, as long as they are passionate and conservative, they will get my vote.
I watched this earlier today and my thoughts went along the lines of, “the words are correct, the idea presented is correct, but there is no outrage or passion in his rebuttal of Schumer.”
Now, having had 10 or so hours to digest and think about it, I believe my first assessment is correct. Now, maybe he was just being congenial and respectful, and that is all well and good, but we are talking about the next Supreme Court Judge here. Someone who may be on the court and influencing opinion for the next 30-40 years. That is a big responsibility for one person and if that person cannot even fathom the necessity of natural law as being the pillar our freedoms and liberties are founded upon, then she does not have the necessary qualifications to be approved by the senate, let alone even nominated by a President sworn to uphold the Constitution of our great country.
As for myself, I believe that no matter what my previous relationship with Schumer, I would not allow him to make a little comment like he did and only give a mild rebuke. My response would have been similar to Gov. Christie’s of NJ when confronting his media about being confrontational.
I want more people like Christie in government, whether local or national, black or white, male or female, as long as they are passionate and conservative, they will get my vote.