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As I understand, this story is a result of right-wing editing of the film–much like the ACORN scam. Is this an example of how the conservatives will do anything to put perspective the shades the truth?

Amusing a far lefty like yourself accuses us of “scamming” or dishonesty when you lie about the ACORN sting. I’d call you a liberal hypocrite, but that would be redundant.

As for this case, it remains to be seen if what she claims to have said later is true.


As I understand, this story is a result of right-wing editing of the film

Which part contains the “right-wing editing”?

Was it the part in which Sherrod states that she willfully and knowingly denied her full assistance to the white farmer because he was, wait for it…white?

Or was it the part in which Sherrod states that she referred the farmer out to “one of his own kind” ie a white attorney?

Or was it the part in which Sherrod’s audience responded approvingly to her comments?

Which part contains the editing of which you speak?


Breitbart did not edit the tape, he posted what he had, he also posted the unedited ACORN tapes.

Perspective the shades of truth? Conservatives? Whatever do you mean?

Perhaps you should concern yourself with why the WH, Vilsack and the NAACP threw little Shirley Sherrod under the bus so quickly:

Shirley Sherrod’s Disappearing Act: Not So Fast


Tadcf is just another squat and run lefty. They squeeze out their post then disappear.
That way they don’t have to worry about being proven wrong and inferior to the people they look down upon.

Which part contains the “right-wing editing”?

It’s the part that isn’t there.

“Breitbart did not edit the tape, he posted what he had, he also posted the unedited ACORN tapes.”

Did Breitbart ever bother to mention that the reason the Hispanic ACORN worker led O’Keefe and his accomplice on was to draw out as much detailed information as he could for the police? He called them and reported everything immediately after O’Keefe had left. So, a guy who was trying hard to be responsible and do the right thing got fired, and the organization he worked for was pretty much destroyed. All because of lies.

It doesn’t matter that Breitbart didn’t personally edit a tape. He’s happy to accept whatever piece of meat gets thrown over the fence. Shirley Sherrod is just one more innocent person he’s damaged to score points.

Guess what? Sherrod is still a racist. After seeing the full video she goes on to accuse Tea Partiers of being….RACISTS!!! Not to mention you had the audience throwing in their support for her actions and words.

Too bad for you Greg. Now you’ll have to run back to KOS or Huffpo for another talking point.


Did Breitbart ever bother to mention that the reason the Hispanic ACORN worker led O’Keefe and his accomplice on was to draw out as much detailed information as he could for the police?

You seem to conveniently forget that there were a number of tapes filmed at various ACORN offices. Now Greg, explain for us just what went on during all the other incidents.

He’s happy to accept whatever piece of meat gets thrown over the fence. Shirley Sherrod is just one more innocent person he’s damaged to score points.

Breitbart makes no bones about who he was going after, the NAACP and, they are far from innocent. Perhaps you noted the NAACP members in Sherrod’s audience that were quite entertained by the idea that Mrs. Sherrod was sticking it to the “white” farmer.

That piece of meat was thrown over the fence by Vilsack, the WH and the NAACP before they bothered to get into the context issues Mrs. Sherrod later explained publicly. Since she chose to stand up for herself, the NAACP and Vilsack are attempting to walk it back. She may be the victim in this situation, her audience/NAACP members, not so much.

So, imho, it matters not that the tape was cut, the short version that included the laughing and applause by NAACP members throughout her speech is the issue and that’s exactly what Breitbart wanted the public to see. It’s the left that has retrieved that piece of meat and is now using it as a diversion…… look over there, don’t look at the real racist culprits, the members of the NAACP.

Poor Greg.

Round and round and round he’s spinning.

You’d better stop that…you’re gonna get dizzy, fall down, and hit your head.

The truth has come out about this video. It’s a total scam!! #1 tadcf IS 100% CORRECT!

Who would have thought the Tea Party and Fox Noise would make this crap up just to rally the right wing nuts??

It happened without any doubt.

Video of controversial speech was ‘deliberately edited to create a false impression of racial bias,’




The truth has come out about this video. It’s a total scam!!

Really Sky55110?


Three questions for you:

1) Did Sherrod admit to engaging in racial discrimination against the white farmer or did she not?

2) Did Sherrod admit to referring the white farmer to one “of his own kind” or did she not?

3) Did the NAACP audience react approvingly to her racist statements or did they not?

Yes, you’re right, the truth is there.

It’s right there in front of you.

No one had to make anything up….all they had to do is release the tape.


YES REALLY!! YOU are wrong again!! VIEW the ENTIRE VIDEO before you make your BS snap judgement.

It was all a right WING NUT edit to make the speach look like something it was NOT!!
It’s amazing what editing does when you want to make up a falsehood.


YES REALLY!! YOU are wrong again!! VIEW the ENTIRE VIDEO before you make your BS snap judgement.

I can’t help but notice that you failed to answer the questions I posed.

Here they are again:

1) Did Sherrod admit to engaging in racial discrimination against the white farmer or did she not?

2) Did Sherrod admit to referring the white farmer to one “of his own kind” or did she not?

3) Did the NAACP audience react approvingly to her racist statements or did they not?

Care to try again?

Or do the questions, and their corresponding answers, blow holes in your poorly constructed argument?

Yes, the truth is there…you just have to watch the tape.

Exit question: Why does the “complete” tape contain an obvious edit at the 21 minute mark?

@CRAP, tadcf, Greg

The damning evidence that is present in this whole episode is that the NAACP, an organization that just finished condemning the TEA Party as racist with a resolution, is seen in the video displaying approval at the apparent discrimination of a white farmer by a black person. That, as well, is what Mr. Breitbart wanted the audience to see.

As for “editing” in the piece, it doesn’t matter to anyone other than Ms. Sherrod, who unfortunately, is a victim in a sense, but only as a matter of being thrown under the bus by this WH and there own racial biases. She is castigated by the Sec. and the NAACP itself, not for the racial aspect of her story in the video, but because their fear of the repercussions. No evidence gathering, no hearing, no calls for innocent until proven guilty. Just condemnation and firing almost immediately. Mr. Breitbart did not cost her her job. Conservatives did not cost her her job. That was purely the result of the racial reactionaries of the left.

You all need to step back and look at the bigger picture. The reaction of the NAACP and the WH in this instance is shameless, but also consistent with looking at things through race only. Race seems to be the only thing that matters to them, not equality, and certainly not content of character.

As for Ms. Sherrod herself, she may be a victim in this instance, but she certainly is not without guilt in the bigger picture of race and racism.

Castigate FOX and Mr. Breitbart all you want, but you are only doing a disservice to intelligent conversation about race relations in our country.


CRAP will not answer your questions since they would require moderately intelligent thought, and go against the preferred talking points of the left-wing rags. He will continue to shout about editing, when the bigger picture eludes him. Talk about missing the forest for the trees!


Yes, you’re right of course.

I do, however, enjoy slow roasting him on a spit over an open fire.

He lost his credibility here long, long ago but I so enjoy toying with him.

The funny thing is that he never learns and the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wobbling back to the Fire.

Aye and johngalt

The whole point you guys are missing here is the EDIT means what she said was totally taken out of context. When you include watch the entire video you will find you answers AYE and you will be the one with EGG on your face.


Still avoiding the questions, eh?

Here they are again:

1) Did Sherrod admit to engaging in racial discrimination against the white farmer or did she not?

2) Did Sherrod admit to referring the white farmer to one “of his own kind” or did she not?

3) Did the NAACP audience react approvingly to her racist statements or did they not?


Really? I just finished talking about your continuing discussion of ‘edits’ and you still don’t see it?

Your blindness to the facts in favor of your chosen view on the episode is, although amazing, not very surprising. The bigger picture, again for clarification, is the blatant racist tendencies of an organization who calls out opponents for being racist without proof. Here, we have racism shown in abundance by the approval of discrimination of a white farmer(prior to her even getting to the point of her story about her own redemption). Meanwhile, the NAACP calls out the TEA Party as a racist organization, without proof. They continually beat the drum of racism in everyone and everything opposed to the views of themselves and the WH.

That is the ENTIRE point of the whole exercise by Mr. Breitbart, which, incidentally, I have a feeling isn’t done by a long shot.