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He Are The People Our Parents Warned Us About [Reader Post]

“We are the people
They couldn’t figure out
We are the people
Our parents warned us about”

I once flew from Chicago to Hartford seated next to someone who services Hammond organs and did so for some big name bands. He mentioned one which happened to be a long time favorite and told me that they occasionally came by the shop in a city outside of Hartford. “Man, I’d love to be there one time and meet them” I said to my neighbor. He just shook his head. I looked at him quizzically for a moment and then I thought I caught on. “Are you saying that it’s better I don’t meet them and maintain the image I hold rather than learn the truth?” He nodded. The former lead guitar player has twice been arrested for beating his wife since then. I’ve flown on a fairly regular basis for more than 25 years and that’s the way it is with celebrities. Some are really nice and some are awful. A lot of them are really ignorant about current affairs.

Jimmy Buffet, a native of Mississippi, is planning a benefit concert in Gulf Shores, Alabama on Sunday. Sounds great. I’ve loved his music as long as I can remember- back to the early 70’s. On my wall hangs a sign that reads “It’s five o’clock somewhere.” I’ve tailgated and consumed Concoction machine-produced Margarita’s all afternoon prior to concerts. I loved it. Right up to when I read Buffet’s book “A pirate looks at fifty.” Buffet lives his own life. Married more than once, Buffet seemed painfully self-centered. Flying his private jet often for frivolous endeavors, Buffet would make certain his wife and kids were occupied with some distraction so he could ditch them and go Bonefishing with a pal.

Buffet makes the argument that people get angry when they see oil creeping onto the beach and that’s fair. But then he violates the Ingraham rule (“Shut up and sing”) and goes political on us.

“To me it was more about eight years of bad policy before (Obama) got there that let this happen. It was Dracula running the blood bank in terms of oil and leases,” he said. “I think that has more to do with it than how the president reacted to it.”

Even for a monstrously wealthy liberal with a private jet who couldn’t care less about what energy costs the average Joe, this was pretty ignorant.

Jimmy Buffett’s horse carriage

It wasn’t all that long ago that Barack Obama opened new areas to offshore drilling.

It wasn’t all that long ago that Barack Obama gave a safety award to the very oil rig that sank.

And Barack Obama has been the single biggest beneficiary of BP monetary largesse.

Barack Obama is thicker than blood with oil and with BP.

Buffett writes fun music but facts are not his strength. That was quite clear when he said “To me…” Everyone is entitled his own opinion but no one is entitled to his own facts. Then again, maybe it’s because Barack and Jimmy have something in common;

Seems everybodys joggin or heavy into health shit
Don’t tell me that I ought to get rolfed
Cause I love cajun martinis and playin afternoon golf

We are the people there isn’t any doubt
We are the people they still can’t figure out

Buffett made an interesting comment:

“If you’re born and raised on the Gulf Coast and it’s kind of in you, and you don’t feel anger and rage initially over what’s going on down there, I think you’re a hypocrite,” he said in a telephone interview from New York. “That’s the way I felt. Now, what you do with that is a big question.”

It is. So here’s my question: Why doesn’t Buffet do a benefit concert in New York City, charge a reasonable buck for it and donate all the proceeds to Gulf relief instead of doing something in Alabama? How much can they spare? Who’s really being relieved?

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