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Survey Of “Historians” Say Obama Is The 15th Greatest President Of All Time; Ahead Of Reagan

Two Republican in the top 15 from this list of “greatest” Presidents of all time….no bias here eh? And Obama? He gets the 15th stop, three spots ahead of Reagan. (h/t Hot Air)

Yeeeaaaaah: [PDF]

In office for barely two years, Obama entered the survey in the 15th position – two spots behind Bill Clinton and three spots ahead of Ronald Reagan.

Obama got high marks for intelligence, ability to communicate and imagination, but his score was dragged down by his relative lack of experience and family background


[T]he scholars rated Dubya a dud as a president, ranking him in the bottom five at 39th place


Bush got docked for saddling Obama with two bloody wars and a recession, and he got low marks for “ability to compromise, foreign policy accomplishments and intelligence,” according to the survey.

Only Warren G. Harding, who was 41st on the list, scored lower in the intelligence category.

That’s not all from these nimrods. They ranked Reagan third in the category of “luck.” Which means they feel he had nothing to do with the USSR crumbling…AND put him 36th for intelligence.

And the Pièce de résistance? Number 1 ahead of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Lincoln is…..wait for it….Franklin D. Roosevelt. They even have him number one for handling of the economy!



The requisite sanctification of JFK is in full force here too. He placed 11th in intelligence, just above George Washington(!) and 18 slots ahead of Ulysses S. Grant, who was not only brilliant on the battlefield but who churned out one of the great memoirs in American history (highly praised by Mark Twain, among many others) while he was dying of cancer. But hey — JFK looked great on camera, so there you go.

And Obama can read well off a teleprompter.

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