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The Moocher State Of Kalifornia Allows Welfare Recipients To Gamble Away Our Tax Dollars

Socialism run amok. Here in my State, the Socialist State of Kalifornia, we take a load of taxes from those who work and give it to any freeloader who wants it. Sure, there are those who need a helping hand for a few months until they find work….but in my experience working the streets of a low income area in South Central, many…MANY…of these people on welfare are just too lazy to get a job. Why should they? This state pays them more for doing nothing then they can make at a entry level job. If you add kids to the equation then even more money comes in.

Want to see what our tax dollars are going to?

California welfare recipients using state-issued debit cards withdrew more than $1.8 million in taxpayer cash on casino floors between October 2009 and last month, state officials said Thursday.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger issued an executive order requiring welfare recipients to promise they will use cash benefits only to “meet the basic subsistence needs” of their families. The order also gave the state Department of Social Services seven days to produce a plan to reduce other types of “waste, fraud and abuse” in the welfare program.


Those cards, known as Electronic Benefit Transfer cards, look and work just like ordinary debit cards. They allow welfare recipients to access two accounts: the cash offered so needy parents can provide a home for their children while they train for better jobs, and an electronic version of food stamps that comes with rules governing where and how the benefits can be spent.

The cash benefits, however, can be withdrawn and spent just about anywhere.

The Capitol Casino, which occupies a pair of small rooms a few blocks from the legislative chambers in Sacramento, appears on the social services website showing where clients can get money. Each room has an ATM: one is so close to a poker table that a player with long arms could lean back and withdraw cash without leaving his chair; the other is a few steps from the blackjack table.

At the Casino Royale on the outskirts of Sacramento, the first thing patrons pass as they walk to the gaming floor is the ATM with a sign next to it saying, “Exceed your ATM daily limit here!!”

Out of the 52 States, California is ranked 13th in Dan Mitchell’s “Moocher” Index:

I wanted to get a better understanding of the variations in government dependency. Is there a greater willingness to sign up for income redistribution programs, all other things being equal, from one state to another? The “all other things being equal” caveat is very important, of course, since the comparison produced by CIS may simply be an indirect measure of the factors that determine welfare eligibility. One obvious (albeit crude) way of addressing this problem is to subtract each state’s poverty rate to get a measure of how many non-poor people are signed up for income-redistribution programs.

So California ranks 13th in the amount of non-poor people signing up for welfare.

No wonder they allow them to gamble with out money eh? Who cares…as long as they keep voting in the Democrats.

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