Oh yes please…..let them try this please:
Iran’s elite* Revolutionary Guards are ready to provide a military escort to cargo ships trying to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza, a representative of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Sunday.
“Iran’s Revolutionary Guards naval forces are fully prepared to escort the peace and freedom convoys to Gaza with all their powers and capabilities,” Ali Shirazi, Khamenei’s representative inside the Revolutionary Guards, was quoted as saying by the semi-official Mehr news agency.
What numbnuts. Not only will they get their asses handed to them but this will also verify the Israeli claim that these blockade “runners” are nothing but Iranian ships bringing weapons to Hamas.
And from Ace we hear the names and bio’s of those “peace” activists on the earlier flotilla:
Fatimah Mahmadi (born 1979), is a United States resident of Iranian origin, and an active member of the organization “Viva Palestine”, she attempted to smuggle forbidden electronic components into the Gaza Strip.
Ken O’Keefe (Born 1969), an American and British citizen, is a radical anti-Israel activist and operative of the Hamas Terror organization. He attempted to enter the Gaza Strip in order to form and train a commando unit for the Palestinian terror organization.
Hassan Iynasi (born 1982), a Turkish citizen and activist in a Turkish charity organization, is known of providing financial support to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terror organization.
Hussein Urosh, a Turkish citizen and activist in the IHH organization, was on his way to the Gaza Strip in order to assist in smuggling Al-Qaeda operatives via Turkey into the Strip.
Ahmad Umimon (born 1959), is a French citizen of Moroccan origin, and an operative of the Hamas Terrorist organization.
And from The Jawa Report comes the unedited audio from the Israeli Navy and the Terrorists onboard the flotilla:
Some examples:
“shut up, go back to Auschwitz”
“we’re helping Arabs go against the US, don’t forget 9/11.”

See author page
Wordsmith – Ref#111 – bin Laden and Zawahiri would have been dead more than a few years ago had the our military not been made to fight these ragheads with one hand tied behind their back. ROEs suck. This conflict is more politically correct than any I’ve seen in my lifetime. As for helping the indigenous peoples of Iraq and Afganistan; we’re playing one side against the other to achieve our goals. We should not be in the nation building business, but the killing our enemies business. Then we should pack up and leave. If there is collateral damage, hey its war. You do what has to be done to win the battle and protect our forces first. When we leave, Iraq will go back to civil war and Afganistan will revert back to the 5th century. Hearts and minds cannot be won in the Islamic world until there is a rewrite of the Koran that is compatable with the rest of the world. Until that happens Islam is an enemy to all so called infadels. That be all beliefs other than Islam.
@ Liam
Why you gotta go and dump on Catholics? What did we do? 😥
I think Wordsmith is getting the short end of the stick here, although he seems to be holding his own. I would have agreed with the majority of folks here several months ago. I had been rather upset that the American Muslim community has sat on their hands while radical Islam has held the stage front and center. But it seems that lately, more and more American and moderate Muslims are starting to speak out.
There is this:
and this:
and the list goes on. You get the point.
Oh yeah, this is a must read, the Jews are going to have their own Flotilla party to Turkey. How can you not love those guys. When God handed out Huevos, He gave them the extra large, brass set:
@Smorgasbord: i apologize for shortening the name. And yes people call me Li or Lee.. I could care less, but that doesn’t mean you don’t.
@Aqua: lol, sorry Aqua – not dumping on Catholics at all. The catholic church has more of a government-centric structure that dictates many things. Not saying that Catholics are unable to think for themselves (some of the smartest people i know are catholic). If the Pope dictates or decrees something, you would be hard pressed to not see the majority of the diocese not abiding. That has gone for really bad popes, and really good ones. That was one of Luther’s issues with the church – it wasn’t (at that time) easily accessible by laymen. In my area the catholic churches that i have attended still seem to have this feeling. That by no means that every catholic (thus, why i said ‘in my area’). Sorry for the poor explanation, and please accept my apology.
@ Liam
Accepted. 🙂 I didn’t think you intended to dump on Catholics, just checking.
I take the edicts from the Vatican very seriously, but I make my own decisions. Even as Catholics, we are encouraged to find our own road through Christ. Priests, Bishops, Cardinals and even the Pope are just our guides.
Back to the Flotilla; has anyone read the story in the Jerusalem Post yet?
@Minuteman26: Many times I have asked how many “innocent civilians” is one soldier’s life worth? In other words, when a choice has to be made whether to bomb an area or send in the troops, give me a number of “innocent civilians” it would take for the military to feel it is worth to let a soldier die. How many of those “innocent civilians” actually are the enemy.
Every war I know about had more civilian casualties than military. I look at it this way: We save more “innocent civilian” lives by getting a war over with as soon as possible than are lost in the battles.
SMORGASBORD: that is very smart way to figure it. bye 🙄
@Romeo13, INRE your hopes that SIOA/Gellar would go the Kelo/eminent domain route, it appears you will get your wish.
Gellar states in her Human Events op-ed today that her anti-mosque grassroots creation intends to sue the government, demanding they evoke eminent domain and declare the Burlingame Coat Factory a “war memorial”.
This may put the kabosh on both sides of the argument… or not. Gellar’s hyperbole remains as strident as ever, and is as equally insensitive as the mosque plans themselves.
I wonder if Ms. Gellar has ever been asked if it would have been okay if a Christian church or Jewish temple had acquired the building for similar purposes? And I also wonder if the several hundred of those “good and decent Americans”, who were Muslim victims of the jihadist attack, would object as strenuously as Ms. Gellar to the raising of a church or temple on the site?
Guess we’ll never know.
So perhaps the middle ground is for government to step in, seize control, and stop the political battle being waged. This path certainly feeds the big Zero’s favorite solution – government being the answer to all things.
Personally I doubt such a decision will yield such a sage ruler as Solomon. The WTC memorial and the Flight 93 memorials are all fraught with continuing political battles and questionable decisions…. of which this blog is filled. Considering the method of government acquisition, if successful, Gellar and ilk may find their next protests are INRE the design, and perhaps a token plaque of thanks for a Muslim “donation” that happens in lieu of eviction.
Because, for Gellar, I’m sad to say this is not about that building or that site. It’s about Islam and Muslims. This is abundantly clear with her chosen name for her grassroots organization… “Stop the Islamization of America”. Will her followers now go to every new proposed mosque to carry out that goal?
Smorgasbord – I tend to agree with you. One other point though, many of those so call “innocent civilians” aren’t really that innocent.
Darm, I was hoping they would use the Tax base arguement… so we could get a good Religious Freedom vs. Em Domain argument going… LOL…
Of course, I’m still trying to figure out why churches don’t pay property tax in most places… kinda flys in the face of Equal Protection, and Seperation issues… but thats another argument.