Redesign Fundraiser; Update

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As Flopping Aces approaches the 7 million reader mark I am working on redesigning the whole blog. This latest theme was designed over two years ago and it is showing its age, creating a slower and slower load time for the readers. My artist is already at work doing up a new header picture but this time it will be wider and less tall so more of the site will be visible in your browser window and many many new features will be added. Don’t worry, the old west look and feel will remain. That is the staple of Flopping Aces and I wouldn’t even think of changing that.

With that said I would welcome any suggestions for a new layout. The authors and I have discussed many new features but maybe there is something we missed so send in your ideas or put em’ in the comment section of this post.

Finally, the cost of this new site I estimate to be in the 800-1000 dollar range. The design should be around 300-400 dollars and transferring that design from the PSD to actual code will be in the 500 dollar range, a bit more expensive then the other updates I have done because I want this new design to be as professional as possible. I have put up a donation meter in the sidebar for those who would like to donate to the cause. It would be greatly appreciated.

UPDATE (02/21/10)

Goal reached in five days!

I am humbled and honored that the readers of Flopping Aces gave so freely of themselves to get us over the top. I’m in the process of interviewing different designers at the moment and will keep everyone updated as we move forward. As before, if you come up with some good ideas please jot em’ down in the comments or email me.

Thanks guys and gals!

UPDATE (03/12/10)

Just wanted to give everyone an update on where we are at. The new header art is done and now I am interviewing different designers. Pretty jazzed about the new artwork.

Thanks again to all who donated and now on to the new design.

UPDATE (04/07/10)

New update, designer is hired and will start work on the project soon.

UPDATE (06/10/10)

Been awhile since I updated so figured anyone who was interested deserved some new info. The designer has come up with a good layout, the other authors have seen the beta version of it and they like. Still some work to do on the design before it can go to the coders tho.

UPDATE (08/16/10)

Redesign is finished, now getting coded. Should go live in 4-6 weeks.

UPDATE (11/7/10)

Coding is still going on…the authors have gotten a look a almost finished site. The javascript and ajax code, which will make the site run much smoother, is whats causing the delay as well as some life issues going on with the coder.

UPDATE (12/4/10)

The coding is done! Finally. Now waiting for my server guru to upgrade us to WordPress 3.0 (ran into snafu’s trying to upgrade because of a corrupted database it appears) which should be done hopefully by the end of this weekend at which time we will install the new site, test it out, and it goes live. Anytime now!

UPDATE (12/20/10)

The database snafu is still around. Latest email from my server guru:

Yes, I was able to get to it on Friday, but every backup I tried of your DB failed. I am clearing some resources, and I am probably going to have to “maintenance mode” the site while the backup runs, which shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes or so. I plan on doing that late night. Once I get that DB backup successful, I can run the clean install and import the DB. Something tells me the import is going to give me an aneurysm too. 🙂

He’s hoping to get this done tonight or tomorrow night. Very frustrating since the design and code is done and ready to go.

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I see nothing that screams “Change me”, but I would offer this one suggestion: When using embedded words to illustrate a point, instead of having “this website changing to that one”, have this site remain and have clicking the embedded word open another one. This system is used by more and more bloggers (like Right Wing News, for example) for two very good reasons. A) You’re doing this as a passion, but you need revenue, so opening a new window while maintaining yours as open increases your viewership time. And B), MOST IMPORTANTLY, often a viewer will not return to your site if they get switched to another because they get caught up in “surfing” from that second site over to another, and you just lost them. Therefore, so too did your sponsors of banners. I find myself often just bookmarking the embed site to “read up on the facts of your statement” at a later time if you offer me an embed site. Not many others probably do that. If you switch me over to Pop Science, you might lose me for a while, time runs short, and I’ll catch’ya later, if you get my drift. But if your site is still there, I tend to close the other window and BEHOLD, you’re still there! And folks, CLICK ON THE BANNERS. It helps the website administrator pay the bills! I have my own blog, so I know how it works.

NOSTRADAMUS nice name,for new almost ingnorant of the language of the blog world …what is the BANNER?where is it?,bye

[When using embedded words to illustrate a point, instead of having “this website changing to that one”, have this site remain and have clicking the embedded word open another one.]

This is a point I agree on with Nostradamus. I almost mentioned it, but wondered if it was too great a cost somehow to do this feature not knowing about costs, etc. It would be very helpful to me as well, and I think the point of some folks being distracted away from FA after clicking on the embed is a good one. I come back, but some people may not. Also, it would help with comparing the content of the thread to the article that’s referenced.

This can be done if we authors want to add the proper HTML of target=”_blank” to every link. I generally put my hotlinks in by hand, but retyping that in every URL can get on one’s nerves. I guess Curt would have to ask the new designer if that option can be put into the shortcut hotlink editing tools with the posts.

ilovebeeswarzone: Banners are the ads you see, like on this site for the books and Child Fund International. Those who pay for those ads are entitled to see the number of “hits” they get. The more they get, the more the website owner can dicker to charge. So if you like a website like this one you should always click on their ad banners then just go back. The website administrators will thank you.

NOSTRADAMUS,very gracious of you to answer to my ignorance,i did not know that and i surely will click in those for now on thank you.

@SoCal Chris: I just wanted to give you another option as a user on links that I constantly do…. hold your mouse over the link and “right click” to get the menu options. Select either “open in a new tab” or “open in a new window” and you don’t lose your original source.

Thanks, Curt! That will be great.

Thank you, Mata!! Voila! That works very well, wish I’d known all this time (oy vay)…always glad to learn something helpful! 🙂

I write for Blackfive under Tag names (Like MCQ) and do Admin work for Strategypage. Three of us also run the Military News Network: (I’m STILL TRYING to GET THE OTHERS to do the embedding correctly there!) I also write essays for any sites affiliated with PJM (Pajamas Media). Bill Whittle is an American hero, you should look at his work there and also with PJTV. I make a FORTUNE! Heh! If I put a boatload of research into one, I get 25-bucks if I’m lucky. Most I just submit for free. Anything to help a fellow Vet. I got screwed by “The Mainstream Media” and a handful of liberal politicians years ago while on a combat mission and made it my life’s mission to expose those traitors for the propagandists they really are. We got set up and a civilian massacre was blamed on my squad (75th Regiment, 3rd Battalion) , even though we were already back onboard the Saipan and halfway across the Atlantic heading toward Lebanon when the incident took place. We were all eventually exonerated with the help of a friendly CIA officer/former Congressman who is now running for Senator. Belgian -(NATO MEMBER at the time)- .225 shell casings, not G.I. issue for my P-troop Squad in that jump. (Op Urgent Fury, Oct. ’83). I love your site though, and the style of your commentary, the issues you see as real and relevant, and the patriotism that just oozes from this site. It’s one of the first websites I read every morning and every night.

I can’t believe I just found you…but I LOVE your blog design! It’s packed with info, but very easy to read and well-designed. I wouldn’t change too much if I were you! I love the size of the videos!


I’ll make you a WordPress theme $250.00. I created the following themes

and my biz site at

Plus, many, many others. $250.00 FLAT fee. Plus, I’ll monetize it for you and SEO optimization. You have my permission to email me direct.


CURT: hi, 15th june, please updated the pink thermometer,i just came out of pp. bye. i love this bog. 🙄

So… Any news? 😐

CURT: hi, thank you for what you are giving us, TOP NOTCH QUALITY BLOGGING.

CURT, HI, DEC 16 2010.
, I’m still with you all, and this is my favorite place, and since the first time I arrive,
I feel more heavy on my head, with all the smart groups here, you sure can grow a brain,
thank you for that, and thank’s for putting up with me, to all my friends
you sure are the best

Congratulations Curt! Your blog tied with Malkin for second place in the Best Design category. Lost first place to Hot Air by a vote in the 9th Annual Right Wing News Conservative Blog Awards.

I don’t care for either of those blogs, what are people thinking? This place is the best! 😉

[Mata note: I added the link to the results, Missy. Thanks for the heads up]


CURT, IT’S like everything else in life, we propose and GOD DISPOSE, BYE

Anxiously anticipating…. like a fat girl with her face pressed against the bakery store window.


Your site looks fabulous! and always nice to have you visit.

Will be going to Missouri this week end for a few days, looking forward to listening to Darla, please tell me they won’t cut to a high school basketball game in the middle of her show. 😉