Female American Terrorist “Jihad Jane” Indicted

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Jihad Jane has been indicted:

A suburban Pennsylvania woman known by the alias “Jihad Jane” has been arrested and charged with trying to recruit Islamic fighters and for plotting to assassinate a Swedish cartoonist who made fun of the Prophet Mohammed, according to a federal indictment unsealed today.

Colleen R. LaRose, 46, of Montgomery, Pa., described by neighbors as an average “housewife,” is better known to federal authorities as “Fatima Rose” or “Jihad Jane.”

The indictment, obtained by ABC News, charges LaRose with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists and conspiracy to kill in a foreign country.

She is also accused of making false statements to a government official and of attempted identity theft, a passport she allegedly stole with the intention of giving to an Islamic fighter. The court papers claim that LaRose reached out through the Internet to jihadist groups saying she was “desperate to do something to help” suffering Muslim people, and that she desired to become a martyr.

Check out the indictment below:

Indictment 1

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Are you sure Coleen is not really Chuck? Creepy.

She sounds like an Obama hater and TeaBagger to me.

She looks mean as a snake. Really cruel.

She is fighting for an ideology that if victorious, she would be wearing an Abayas, Jilbab, or Burqa.

I wonder how much money she was offered.

I wonder what her political leanings are?? My guess would be Liberal Dem with a history of protests and erratic behavior.

Treason I say. Enforce it they wont, they never do.

Eric Holder will no doubt decide that she was only exercising her “religious preferences!”

She looks like a fetal alcohol syndrome survivor.

I don’t know what she looks like but there is surely something about her that is wrong. Gosh why does she ever have to this to her own country for crying out loud!grrr

i wonder if she was or she ever was on heavy drugs,because her lawer can make a case that some peoples who have abused drugs has their brain alterded to become compulsive if they decide to follow a fantast to change the world all by themself and follw it to the end no matter what .thoses go unnotice for a long time and this is dangerous.

Sorry bout that. From now on ill go as Kaz

That’s sad and sounds really crazy , but still prove the point that Islam is all about hatred,killing and denial to everything different. This woman looks like a devil in a human shape and I’m dead sure that she was on drugs and also that muslims paid her a lot of money to get her to their bloody cells in order to make her their own dirty tool to kill and torture innocent people.Please for the loyal American people who been raised on Jesus Christ loving teachings be careful , never let them brain wash you and deprive you from the true God’s love like this devilish woman . Stand for your faith and your country against the islamic danger and never fear or shake .

COPTIC CAROL you know we have to deal with the problem at the source,they are all among us for instance ,in QUEBEC they are in a daycare and teaching the religion to young kids and it is good that it came in the news and a minister reply that there was no problem there so the other party fought the decition and that same minister reverse his desition and banned that action will talk to the muslim to not bring their religion into public funded places,bye i am checking for more on this new story

Update. Internet blogs had been tracking Jihad Jane finally turning her in after determining she went from loony to dangerous and warn, more out there:

‘Net Posse Tracked ‘Jihad Jane’ for Three Years
Civilian Monitors Warn of Others Like ‘Jane’ on the ‘Net Who Are More Dangerous


I know Rusty Shackelford has monitored the jihadists for years, used to read him regularly. He successfully got lots of their sites knocked off the net by going after their providers. Hopefully the FBI will be eager to sift through everything else the sites monitoring these net terrorists have.

Here’s the story on this one, very interesting.

I turned in Colleen “Jihad Jane” LaRose to the FBI — A Jawa Report Exclusive


all i keep hearing is how the poor american women had to have been brainwashed by the muslems.Everyone has a choice to make …she wanted to be a terriorist.