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great SKOOKUM a visual escapade for my imagination i agree of the mentality of some to feel superior and throw their weight on others who are more intelligent than they are but have the graciousness to forgive the tyrans byeand thank you.

Bees, thanks for the commentary; Part 2, will be one to make people cry and laugh. I have several horses waiting on me: so I wont be back to the keyboard until later, but I will watch the comments with my Blackberry. Keep up the fight my good friend, your prose is improving. Your friend, Skook.

SKOOKUM you are a good teacher i look farward for number 2 bye.

Great read Skookum.. Of course I appreciate your closing characterization of the perils of liberalism on any peoples, but especially native peoples… a “soft” racism .. ( or even spoken ). I really enjoyed the journey and description of the trip. Well done and I’m envious. Looking forward to pt II.

Skookum, you are a highly skilled story teller. I loved reading this adventure and look forward to the next installment. Personalizing the characters in the story, and then weaving in the lesson of liberalism & the nanny state is brilliant. Well done!

I love your stories Are these commentaries in a book? If not, you should publish. I’m still relishing the story from yesterday about Frenchy and his mail order bride/
Also looking forward to Part II and more, and more.
Wonderful seeing what life was on the northern frontier.

Hi Skookum. I’ve been lurking on this site a long time, and always enjoy when you post. I thought I’d take a minute to chime in with the other folks who said you should publish these stories and let me know where I can buy a copy. You’ve a great flair for making the people in your stories seem familiar and real, and I’m always left wishing you’d written more. I’m very much a child of the suburbs, and never found much joy in camping, but you make me feel a wanderlust that I know I’ll never get to embrace.

Good luck and good hunting to you. And thanks again for sharing.

Awesome. . .makes for greater appreciation of God, Family, Humanity, Nature, Conservative Values, Love of Country. . .looking forward to Part 2 !!!!!!

I set here at work and I think about the high rise building about a mile away and wonder about what Skookum says about cultural subversion. I drive slowly down Interstate Highway 44 on my way home each day, construction signs are every where and the traffic moving slowly to avoid damage caused deep holes or hidden obstacles. The highway passses right beside the high rise building and I see the signs informing the public where the money to upgrade the highway is coming from. There next to the high rise building is a huge sign flashing pictures of jackpots to be won and winners that have. Obviously, I am looking at a casino . . . the largest complex in the state of Oklahoma . . . I read the sign and think . . . Hard Rock Cafe, London, Hard Rock, Las Vegas . . . Hard Rock, Chicago . . . but then the irony . . . Hard Rock, Catoosa, Oklahoma and all that brings on a wavering of the mind . . . humorous . . . not humorous? Right . . . wrong? Destructive . . . constructive? Needed . . . not? On and on goes this mind warp.

The Hard Rock, Catoosa, Oklahoma is somewhat a misnomer . . . since the owner . . . The Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma chooses to identify the facility as being in “Tulsa, Oklahoma” . . . but everyone local knows that it really is in Catoosa.

The signs indicating where funding for the new highway all say “Funding from the Cherokee Nation” . . . since that is actually where the money comes from. Why? Because the improvements on the highway are required to reduce the traffic congestion caused by the huge number of people that frequent the gaming facility. Oh, and there is another irony . . . Native American Tribes are not allowed to own “gambling facilities” but they can own “gaming facilities” . . . and more vacillating.

What is the greatest injustice done by the invasion of the native peoples culture by the meme of the foreigner. Gambling . . . maybe. Cultural subversion . . . maybe. Alcohol . . . Disease . . . What, when where how is it truly any of these? Maybe it really is the very concept of mind control . . . to cause the vacillation of perspectives . . . on one hand to show that there is a better way . . . then destroy a mans ability to achieve and maintain it.

Does the casino give the native a better chance at living in the world of today or are we just building concrete idols to a lost culture?

TALLGRASS the cherokie nation and other nation indian are very involve also in my place with gaming business and are sucsesful at it too,they will have transportation for their guest and people like them i am also mentioning the bingo games with big prize ,i never went but i heard a lot and i have to admit i would have gone to play my own luck if i had the chance to go,bye

Thank you, all of you. Yes, I am writing a book, each article about life in the North is a chapter. Your comments guide me in the story selections. There are many stories to write; however, writing a political analogy makes the selections more difficult. It is an excellent method to sharpen the writing skills.

With a little luck, I will develop a Skookum series, I love writing about my old friends, the animals, the rivers, horses, feats of endurance and survival in the far North. I have written professionally as a magazine writer, (25 years ago); but most of that was technical and how-to stuff with a little humor now and then, despite the shock and horror of my editors.

I have always wanted to write the adventure material, but I lacked the motivation and confidence to commit: now, thanks to Curt and my friends at FA, I am almost ready to invest in a self-publishing program and to hire a tutor to help me with the technical parts that I am sure await me like thin ice.

No matter what my writing future holds, I will continue submitting articles, at least until Curt says, “enough”.

@Skook. . .Like many others have also said, I’m looking forward to your future published series, The storylines you have shared have such strength — any thought to a writing a screenplay?

Tallgrass, the Indian gaming casinos are an interesting paradox. After subjugation by the “Omnipotent White” (sarcasm added), the minority cultures are left lacking in a state of dependency; except the casinos, with help from organized crime and corrupt politicians, now turn the tables on the “Omnipotent White” and slowly eat away at his fiscal well being like a parasitic cancer. Discounting people like our Don, most people are utter fools when it comes to gambling, like they are fools and weaklings when it comes to illicit drugs. Gambling is like a drug for most of us, sure there are some intelligent people who can make the cards pay for them; but those big casinos need someone to pay the light bill. and that someone is the “Omnipotent White”, how ironic.

Once you have made whole cultures wards of the state and a political party benefits from bestowing “Dependency Status” on the culture or race, it results in a symbiotic corruption that is nearly impossible to stop.

Believe it or not, I think the only answer is for people like you and I to write our feelings and try to illuminate a passage out of the vortex of Democrat Corruption, at least for those who have the desire to break the shackles of Socialism and Cultural Enslavement.

I think the Second Part of this story might illustrate this malfunction a little better.

Nuanda, don’t give up on camping. I suggest going out with an outfitter who does summer trips for non-hunters. There are many in the US and Canada. They love to guide people in the summer. They treat you like royalty.

Actually, I am recalling a story of taking an elderly lady out on a specific trip through the mountains, retracing the trip that she and her departed cowboy husband took her on 50 years earlier, sort of a cowboy and debutante love story. It is such a touching story it brings tears to the eyes of this old trapper just thinking about it.

There are some outfitters who guide people through the most beautiful places in the world, if you don’t do horseback, there are outfitters who do snowmobile trips in the winter. I love the outdoor life and encourage everyone to participate. To realize the awesome power of nature is to stand closer to G-d.

Check it out on the net. Let me know if you have questions!

American Voter, so funny that you should ask, several years ago, a customer asked me to write a musical for Universal. I went to the Used Bookstore and bought several books on ballet and wrote a musical based on a young male dancer and his two girl friends with opposite and diverse personalities.

They said they found it very interesting, at universal, and that it was being considered; they told me that it was being considered every six months for two years, that was almost five years ago.

I think the odds are in favor of the guy who publishes his own material; but I guarantee you, I can write a screenplay. I wrote the musical in one night, at a Motel 6, and worked the next day.

Thanks for the kind words AV. I think the successful screenplay almost always follows the successful book and rarely does the opposite apply.