Republicans are often associated with greed and selfishness (because we all know there is no such thing as Democrat fat-cats and learjet liberals; and that Democrats always contribute more to charities). But liberals are rightfully identified with the entitlement-mentality of the free lunch. Education is a right. Same-sex marriage is a right. Healthcare is a right. Riiiiight….
In full parade-fashion, last Thursday’s March 4th “Strike and Day of Action to Defend Education” saw liberal activists and students once again “fighting the good fight”, seeing oppression and racial discrimination in necessary budget cuts that affect education. Peter Robinson summing it all up:
We have here the vocabulary of the peace movement, of the struggle for decent conditions for migrants and other exploited workers, and of the civil-rights movement. Yet what did the protesters demand? Peace? Human rights? No. Money. And for whom? For the downtrodden and oppressed? No. For themselves. At a time when one American in 10 is unemployed and historic deficits burden both the federal government and many of the states, the protesters attempted to game the political system. They engaged in a resource grab.
The protests did offer students a certain kind of instruction. They taught them to replace the idealism of youth with the crassest self-pleading.
These students may like to believe that they are asking themselves, “What is good for society?” But really, they are asking, “What is good for myself?”
And yes, they can compare themselves to their brethren of 40 years ago:
The Vietnam anti-war/peace movement should be more properly and accurately scarlet-lettered an anti-draft movement. By the end of 1971, under Nixon, the draft ended. Major peace protests happened throughout 1968 through ‘71. The largest, most intense bombing of the war occurred in Christmas of ‘72 [Operation Linebacker II]. Any protests? Any peace movement marches? Not a peep. Because those protesting the war knew that they would no longer be called up to serve. Yet we’re to believe that the “peace” movement were anti-war out of altruistic good conscience on behalf of the Vietnam people. No: many were motivated by selfish interests. After the draft ended under Nixon, so too did the majority support for these idiotic marches, which only fueled more violence; not less.
-John F. Kennedy
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
The nanny state mentality is prevalent in the Democrat party brought on by the liberals that have taken over what once was a truly democratic party. My father was a lifelong Democrat and a union man but even he would be ashamed of the Democrats today. This is the man that taught me that everyone is responsible for themselves and you only get what you deserve from your own efforts. He would denounce this nanny state mentality and the Democratic Party if he was alive today. He hated the way the Democrats supported the Vietnam War protesters and called them all stinking hippies. Yes that goes for you too John Kerry. If he knew that the Democrats were trying to pass a bad health care bill that poll after poll shows the American people do not want he would be turning in his grave.
There is no doubt that the Democrats are trying to create a nation dependant on them and only them. It is like a drug dealer giving a free sample to someone because they know they will get hooked and need them. The Democrats are pushing this agenda for their own selfish needs and anyone with a brain can see that.
Speaking of turning in their graves, if we attached electro magnets and conductive wires around the bodies of our founding fathers, the spinning they are doing could generate enough electricity to power Al Gore’s house for a year, and an entire neighborhood for 5 years.
Talk to someone from a former soviet controlled country and ask them about educational opportunities, medical care, career opportunities, treatment of women, etc. . .even in 2010 . Decades later, these societies are still sorting out true freedoms/civil rights we take for granted.
I offer a few anedoctes heard from friends, co-workers, and acquaintences who have immigrated (legally) to our country, from this area of the world. I could write volumes on just their anedotes alone.
Students are not generally given the freedom to pursue any course of desired college study. It very much helps if a family is in medicine to get into medical school and same parallel connection goes for pursuing a legal career, etc, etc.
A great career goal is to work for the government — again it helps to have family members in the government.
Additionally, socialized medicine in other countries (including Japan) requires a gratuity to the medical providers, and if you are going into the hospital — tip first, bring your own sheets and blankets and make sure you have relatives of friends bring you food — or you go hungry.
A close friend’s sister, a dental assistant/nurse living in a Eastern European country — in a moderate-sized suburb of the capitol city, assisted a dentist perform a procedure to surgically reattached an arm. Seems, her employer — the dentist, was contacted by a local hospital and asked if he would come over and re-attach an arm. He confessed he had never performed a procedure like that but if he didn’t attempt, no one else was available.
Also a good part of the dental assistant’s and her employer’s (the dentist) salary is based on gratuities from patients and patients only tip badly — once. Tips are pooled and split at the discretion of the doctors.
It’s always those darn details that bursts the Utopian bubble and this does not even scratch the surface. . .