Each American generation bears a great responsibility to the following generation.
Ensuring America’s survival and prosperity as the greatest nation on Earth is a continuous struggle and obligation of every generation. Vigilance against all internal and external negative forces that seek to distort or destroy America is required by every citizen in order to preserve the original intent that the Founding Fathers had for us.
America’s freedom has come at a high price as generations have paid dearly for it all over the world. Enormous faith has been placed in this great experiment of freedom, its people and leaders to keep the American dream alive. We must never tire in cultivating our values and principals so that meaning of what it is to be a true American will endure for the future of our children.
Let us never take our success for granted or let the pride we have as Americans be twisted and slowly taken away. The mission of our generation is clear, we will not rest and we will not tire in protecting our nation’s freedom…until this freedom is handed off to be preserved by the next generation of American patriots!
My question is: When Americans turn out to vote in the upcoming elections will it be a turning point in awakening our generation into restoring American glory?
Art though to ponder:
“INSPIRED by the youth of this great nation as they begin their journey of discovery, lets band together strong in protecting our nation’s freedom.”
–Carlos Pijeira
This is a great post, I will repost it if you do not object.
The Socialist is only interested in International Socialism, Wealth Redistribution, and taxing the ‘Rich’ countries to support the underdeveloped nations. They have no sense of national pride, it is an international movement: their only experiment in National Socialism was such a disaster, (The National Socialist Workers Party of Germany), that they disavow any relationship.
The US with its national pride, wealth, and freedom is the antithesis of Socialism. The only way to destroy the US is from within by co-opting the education system, debasing the morality, and hijacking our political system with subversive politicians; to achieve the Socialist Dream of World Domination and Control.
When we have a President who tells us over and over he is not a Socialist, just like the Communist agents of the fifties and sixties who swore they were not Communist Agents only to be proven wrong with the release of the Verona Cables and the declassification of Soviet KGB Files: we are definitely under attack once again.
During FDR’s terms, there were Soviet Agents with the Presidents ear, who guided him through the Yalta Conference and through the New Deal that stifled recovery in the US while the rest of the world was recovering from the Great Depression. The Soviet Agents and Communist Agents that had infiltrated our federal government like the bees in a hive, by the hundreds as proved by the release of our own classified government papers and those of the Soviets and by the Soviet Spy, Whittaker Chambers, who chronicled it all in his book ‘Witness’, who was convinced of the insanity of a ‘Worker’s Paradise’ turned once he saw the brutal bloodbath, known benignly as the purge, that gripped Stalin’s Soviet Russia.
Unless we can wake Americans up to the enemy within the gates, our Freedoms and those of the rest of the word will be dashed forever.
Thank you for the post and the drawing Carlos.
In one respect this coming election will be a turning point as it is likely that Obamaism is soundly rejected.
But I could not say that it will be a turning point away from the kind of wishful thinking and blind ignorance that must be defeated if we are to avoid being snared by the next Pied Piper who comes along promising to be some kind of new political savior.
I like the drawing of the young child in your post Carlos, but this is what concerns me most about his and future generations. They are no longer being taught about American history and American exceptionalism. The public schools have become a breeding ground for one world socialism.
It’s amazing that we have preserved our liberty even in the face of an unrelenting socialist propaganda machine. But until we trim the sails of that machine our liberty will remain under threat.
Skookum —
“The Socialist is only interested in International Socialism, Wealth Redistribution, and taxing the ‘Rich’ countries to support the underdeveloped nations.”
What laughable ignorance you show here. All of western Europe is, to a very great extent, socialist. And they are RICH developed industrialized nations, moron!
Do you even know what the definition of the word “socialism” is? This post tends to show that you do not.
Mike wrote —
“They are no longer being taught about . . . American exceptionalism.”
This is interesting. I grew up in the heart of the midwest in the 1970s. I attended private school for HS, public school before that. Four years of college, three years of law school, and a total of 18 years working in three different industries. Longtime subscriber to the National Review, Time, what have you. But I do not recall ever hearing the phrase “American exceptionalism” until probably three to five years ago.
Who coined this phrase? What does it mean? Where did it come from? And how should it be taught in schools if it is not now?
If it means, as I suspect, sugar coating history or putting your head in the sand about this country’s historic f-ups (like Dinesh D’Souza explaining how great American chatttel slavery was for Black people), then it is little more than a wingnut version of critical legal studies — and about as useful as t*ts on a bull.
Are you defending Socialism?
Are you upset that your no-paper work Fearless Reader, who hides his superior grades and superior intellect with the mind-numbing recitation of a speech written teleprompter address on every occasion he addresses the public, has the same platform as International Socialism.
Yes, Europe is about to reap the rewards of Socialism, it is only a matter of weeks or months; just as we are about to endure a massive decrease in our ‘Standard of Living’, massive taxation, massive national debt, and the erosion of personal Liberty: all for you and countless other witless lemmings who prostrate themselves before the yet to be proven erudition of the great scholar who can neither demonstrate nor prove his superior intellect.
Unfortunately, I must attend to one of these non-Socialist businesses that has never benefited from government corruption and is not the recipient of an Affirmative Action government ride, like the greased rails Fearless Reader rode in on: if he actually earned his placement, at the Socialist Ivory Tower that is Harvard, prove it! Talk is cheap!
Oh, I had a few Professors at the University, who would be offended at the idea of calling a guest lecturer ‘Professor’; especially, since they actually earned the title. I will give you this, being the editor of the Harvard law Review and publishing nothing is a sign of a unique man, even if it was only a ceremonial position, that is a truly unique accomplishment.
Even though I must attend to one of the many businesses that actually drives the economy, I am sure someone else will attend to your mindless drivel and Socialist babel. While you steal from your boss and spout your Socialist Propaganda and either rip off your boss or charge your customers; a non-Socialist must actually produce a product. I will be back tonight and clean up your spittle and phlegm from my monitor to see if you have actually said anything of substance in your witless rants.
i wonder how much they pay a person like BROB to just continue to invade some blogs and say anything they can as long as it disrupt how much?
Skookum —
I pointed this out elsewhere — Ohio State University is a state funded hospital that has been around for about 100 years. The US military hospitals have been around since the Civil War. They are quintessentially socialistic. Yes, I am defending “socialism” because it is the only model that works to provide certain services or goods that society needs. We have a socialist court system where everyone pays taxes to maintain a justice system that not everyone will ever need. Ditto the police and the air traffic control system. There are certain things that simply are not, and should not be, left to the vagueries of the capitalistic market. We already decided years ago that medical care, to some extent, is one of those things, which is why we have a VA hospital system, a military hospital system, Medicare, Medicaid, federal health clinics, and subsidized vaccination programs. We are not actually arguing WHETHER to have a socialistic health care system, we are only debating the degrees. Indeed, you can’t complain about a “socialist government takeover” of health care and simultaneously dcriticize the Dems for cutting Medicare. It is downright schizophrenic [sic?]!
You believe in a free lunch: you like the services of government, you just don’t want to pay for them. Sorry. Part of the deal of living in a technologically advanced society is paying taxes for a higher level of goods and services than in Third World countries. If you want no socialism, then Australia, the US Canada, the EU, Japan, South Korea, and the Eastern Bloc nations are out as far as places you can live.
bees —
Disrupting you with rational argument and facts that blow the doors off your con circlejerk. I call that “fun.”
You are a fool to not understand the difference between a University and a College. As far as “State funded” as you claim for the last 100 years, try again. The Medical College of Ohio is founded and funded mostly by private business donations and programs within the local community of the State with grants and endorsements from the State being the minority contributions.
Your lack of understanding how a University structure is designed is highly disturbing.
BOob is paid in Crayons. All the crayons he can eat. The Red ones are the best, aren’t they BOob?
I would love to back track BRob’s IP address and find out who this tool really is. I’m betting he/it isn’t what he/it pretends. to be.
I am sure Curt has allowed this puss pack BRob to be here both out of a sense of fairness to all ideas, and as a way to let us have a little red meat to shred. But I am growing weary as a cat with a half dead rat. I’m feeling more and more like just biting it’s head off and being done with it. Not only does BOob not show a shred of intellectual honesty, he doesn’t even have the core components of honesty or intellect. A person who has one can be lead to develop the other, but BOob is obviously allergic to both.
Carlos Pijeira,
Excellent post. I was just sitting here watching people get their morning coffee at the local coffee shop with all their trappings and distractions of a typical Saturday morning. It is so obvious that they are mostly oblivious to the war being fought for their benefit thousands of miles away. I watched as a soldier in cammo came in and hardly a head turned except for some “too hip for war” types and me. They sneered, I stood and shook their hand thanking them for faithfully carrying on the traditions of service and honor. But it all made me think. The turning point toward the decent of every great society could be marked by the point at which the citizens stopped appreciating the sacrifices of those who keep them secure. I don’t think we have come to that point as a country, though we certainly have in some localities. But the generation of young soldiers I meet today, makes me proud and hopeful that we will turn that tide back.
TSgt CIZ you have agift for making a serious person and hard core like me to laught and cry,bye
@billy bob: I see you still refuse to see the very real indebtedness of your pet socialist Euro nations. They are in worse shape that the US for debt to GDP ratios.
Read, learn, then feel free to slither away in shame.
On, this is rich…. @billy bob huffs and puffs out his chest about running circles (so he thinks) around a foreigner who’s first language is not English.
Whatsa matter, billy bob? Did you run out of local pre-schoolers to debate? Or did they beat the pants off you as well?
What did Brob say? “Emulate the EU nations for economical success?”
Hmm, as I said before, Greece is in massive riots and many EU nations are facing total Infrastructure failure at the political level. Such a great model of Socialist ideals to embrace… chaos and revolts… Wait, the Communist revolution of Russia wanted exactly that by using “Useful Idiots” to cause such economical collapse and chaos at the social level. What did these “Useful idiots” got for their loyalty to Lenin? A bullet to the brain or becoming nothing more than Gulag slave labor.
CP you did it again your art is a pleasure to see and the recitation is one of a true AMERICAN that people should beleive in thoses words and respond in masses to a call for important things to undo thank you i have no errors here bye
Mata —
I have a question: let’s say your employer wanted to have you work in another country. You can go anywhere you want, but you cannot stay in the US. Tell me which country you would chose.
Chances are it is one of those socialistic countries I mention . . . you know, the ones with the highest standards of living and the most liveable societies. No fear of criminal kidnappings, no open sewers, non-corrupt governments so you don’t have to bribe everyone to get things done.
But you ignore the bigger point: there is no industrialized nation that is anything BUT socialist. The idea of a pure capitalist economy is found only in Econ 101 classes and Ayn Rand novels. It does not exist because is simply is not as efficient as a regulated capitalist system with a wide socialist safety net . . . which is what we and Germany and Japan and England anf France all have.
Irons —
You are a friggin idiot. I posted about the Hospital, not the med school. The Ohio State University Hospital is . . . a . . . state university hospital. IT IS SOCIALIST YOU MORON! As is the VA hospital and the Medicare program and the military hospitals and the national health service clinics. The state universities in Ohio are funded by state tax dollars from the general fund, moron. Which is why they are strapped now. So stick to what you know . . . which, from what I can tell, is not much . . . .
The college IS the hospital, you fool, that is funded by private businesses as a main staple of its income. A University is a collection of Colleges. As I said before you are a fool not to understand the difference.
And Medicare programs do not fund colleges, it pays compensation (or supposed to) for doctors to care for Elderly Citizens. Medicade is what you’re trying to argue about, which proves you are far disconnected from understanding the situation.
I used to work in printing for Wichita State University, of which my duties as both a Business Student and in the Printing press was to handle the massive Budget books that covered each and seperate College. The massive ammounts of any College’s fundings come from private Business donations as these colleges are the core supplier of highly trained employees for these businesses. I know full well just how much private business impacts a College. A University is a mere infrastructure to provide the Colleges a static place of operations and rulesets for guidiance.
Your gross ignorance over the matters constantly provides enough facts that you never indeed attend a College of any sort.
Irons —
I pose the same challenge to you: name a country you would have to work in for a year or two. The only ones that make any sense for an American and the “socialist” countries.
And I notice you did not even try to debate the rest of my post. Which is that we ALREADY HAVE a socialist medical system. The VA hospitals, Medicaid, Medicare, and the military hospitals and the national health service clinics. I DON’T see anyone actually arguing that we need to get rid of these socialist programs . . . because it would be an insane suggestion.
Yep, facts are a troublesome thing where con talking points are concerned.
Excellent post Mr. Pijeira, and excellent discussion topic. Sadly, BRob has decided to chime in with his overblown defense of socialism and the benefits to the people.
Socialism does not work and has never worked as a foundation for government BRob, and no amount of confused hyperbole from you will ever alter that fact. There is a reason people fight against the creeping socialist cloud hanging over America and it is because many of us truly love our freedoms in this country and do not want the government to be the pseudo-nanny in our lives. You bring up “examples” of socialist medicine in this country, but fail to talk about the free market making our health care the best in the world. You cannot reconcile the fact that socialism, whether in medicine, the economy or any other sector of life does nothing but retards growth and in many cases, forces it to recede instead.
We do not want your ideology in our lives BRob, and we reject it on sound principles. We wish a country that is free of government tyranny, we don’t want the “protection” from ourselves that you and your like minded comrades seek to impose on us. Your prophecies of Obama and the liberals being our leaders for long in the future makes us retch, not to mention sounding much like Gore’s prophecies of doom due to AGW. By all means, keep talking though, and the good people here like Mata, Skookum, Mr. Irons and the rest will continue to refute and shine light on your ignorance and idiocy.
I would move to Chilie if Congress gets its way, since it is a Free Market Economy who’se trade langauges ranges from English to Japanese. That and my former place of work has enclaves in Chilie.
And what BRob does not understand is the Soviet Union collapsed due to Socialism, the European Union Nations are failing due to Socialism and dealing with massive riots, and many people were left to starve or die in many Socialist nations such as Cuba and the former Soviet Union.
“Healthcare as a right” existed in the Soviet Union’s Consitition but that right was granted only to Party members. The party was roughly 5 percent of the population. That ment every single person in the Soviet Union that was not of political importance was given barely enough food and resources to survive hence why a massive black market for goods, services and medical care propped up in Soviet Russia and why the Russian Mafia took instant root in the Russian Federation. Socialist plans have lead to far more trouble than they are worth, especialy Centralist policies much like what Obama is proposing with Healthcare.
I am not Jewish, but even I am aware of what Socialist programs have caused in terms of bloodshed and suffering for those of rooted in religous existance:
The People of Ukraine, even in our generation, violently resist Russian Federation and other Socialist ideals as it cost millions of their people to starve to death in a year’s span and brought plagues onto their people. Socialism is not sanity. Ukraine posed a viable threat to the Socialist goals of the Communist party of USSR as these people of Ukraine are fiercly independent and relied on a form of Free market to sustain their sciences, culture, and argiculture and was economicaly stable before 1930’s while collectivisation policies that is Socialism was leading to rampant failures for the USSR’s early years.
billy bob, there is no where I want to live but in the USA…. save one possibility. My own island with very strict, by invitation only, immigration rules.
If I had an employer tell me I had to live and work in another country, I’d quit. That simple.
The closest to the US in debt to GDP ratio is Australia… the 19th most indebted nation compared to the US at number 20. However their laws… most especially gun laws… do not appeal to me.
Yup… my own island will do just fine. BTW, you’re not invited.
This wasn’t addressed to me, but I’m going to answer for myself. I do NOT like the services of federal government, save those that are laid out as Constitutional. I consider the federal court system, the coining of cash, regulation of interstate and international commerce, the post office, and Congressional powers only as laid out in the Constitution as acceptable.
However the services provided by the feds are deplorable, fraught with waste, fraud and corruption. Even the PO, once profitable, is a losing proposition. Medicare, Medicaid and Social security are all losing propositions. However I do believe the feds should provide lifetime healthcare to veterans, and veterans only, as part of respect and payment for their service. I do not include the elected ones in this mix, unless they served.
Between the ponzi schemes of Social Security and Obama’s proposed incremental single payer health care, achieved by price fixing insurance premiums, I think Congress should be jailed…. just as they would be if they tried the same in the private sector.
Have you left for one of your socialist countries, beckoning to you, yet, billy bob? We’ll throw you a going away party, I promise.
Irons —
“The college IS the hospital, you fool, that is funded by private businesses as a main staple of its income.”
You dumb fool, you have no idea what the hell you are talking about! My mom worked at OSU Hospitals for close to 20 years. I just worked on a contract on Thursday for a client who is going to do business with OSU! The hospital is the hospital, the med school is the med school, and BOTH ARE OWNED BY THE STATE, FUNDED BY THE STATE, AND RUN BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY! You simply had no friggin idea what the hell you are talking about, yet you spout on, refusing to admit you are wrong. Well admit it or not, you are simply flat out WTRONG . . . damn . . . you are so wrong you screwed up my keybopard and I cantt speel wright abnymore!
“A University is a collection of Colleges. As I said before you are a fool not to understand the difference.”
This is more nonsense. Some universities are, some are not. But they are all OWNED by some entity that is private or public, or private and “state assisted,” like Cornell. The Board of Trustees of the Ohio State University control the university. It is an arm of the state, which is why the Ohio Revised Code has an entire subsection on OSU. In other words, you are simply ignorant as to the ownership and funding of OSU Hospital. You know not what the hell you are talking about.
“And Medicare programs do not fund colleges, it pays compensation (or supposed to) for doctors to care for Elderly Citizens. Medicade is what you’re trying to argue about, which proves you are far disconnected from understanding the situation.”
I didn’t say “Medicare funds colleges.” In fact, the only thing I said about Medicare is that it is SOCIALIST. In the case of Ohio State University Hospital, it is a state owned, state funded hospital that provides medical care to people . . . including anti-government types who probably don’t appreciate the irony.
MATA the USA could not do without you and FA bye
That’s okay, bees…. I’d certainly make sure I had tech types as part of the talent on the island to give us wifi, and FA would be just a cyberbyte away. But I’m going nowhere. The US, as founded, is worth fighting for. And as billy bob legitimately points out, the Congress has spent many decades overstepping their Constitutional bounds implementing nanny socialist programs that are draining the nation’s coffers.
Time to get back to the basics of the Founders and Framers.
@TSgt Ciz:
Mata put in best in this thread:
He is a walking billboard of everything a progressive liberal believes in. Gives us great insight into the arrogance and ignorance of that type of person and on top of that it is great entertainment to watch the beating he takes at the hands of the readers.
Funny as hell really.
Why not invite BRob? Examples of what causes the downfall of polite, free society will be needed in education won’t they?
“Hired to work as a client”
So you are saying you’re a consumer of a certain program, instead of actually being a contract employee?
And no. The Medical College operates and runs the Hospital, fielding many of its students to work in the Hospital as part of their medical training and preperation to work in private and public funded hospitals. The state of Ohio, as per it’s budget provided by the State (I have read it) allocate very little in comparison to Jewish and Cathoic private hospitals to the Medical College of Ohio as of 2009. Infact per 1 dollar State funding, 3 comes from the Catholic and about 6 comes from Jewish donations. Please try to work on your math and please read the College’s budgets for 2008 and 2009.
CURT on 23 i have to give it toBROB that ones funny for sure bye
@johngalt: my island, my rules… LOL Okay, my dreams anyway.
billy bob’s presence is not necessary for education. The failure of forced collective good/social justice at the hands of a despotic govt is rich throughout history, and found in textbooks (perhaps not today’s…) and on the internet.
On the other hand, private barter/trade between neighbors for needed goods is quite civilized. Charity between friends is also not the result of a mandate.
billy bob’s not invited because he’s the type that drains a community system…. playing robin hood using his own criteria as to what’s correct and fair. In other words, an ego with all the wrong ideas.
MR IRONS do you mean that he is working for FA? that tell me he is being paid byCURT? bye
Fair enough, and as you said, “Your island, your rules.” I too would not invite him to come anywhere close enough to infect the society that I choose to live in. As the name implies, I love Rand’s Atlas Shrugged and long for a “Galt’s Gulch” of my own, but will fight for the United States and it’s constitution, much as I gave my oath to do some twenty odd years ago. BRob and the other libs like him disgust me with their words (words they wouldn’t have the right to use if not for myself and a few million of my patriot brothers and sisters in the military).
Irons —
You simply have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about. First, the hospital IS NOT RUN BY THE MED SCHOOL! The med school and its budget and its faculty is a very small fraction of the size of the hospital. The hospital is run by the Board of Trustees, as is the med school. Its a matter of statutory law, you ninny!
Second, where do you get this “Jewish donations” and “Catholic donations” crap from? Third, the idea that the Ohio State University is not state funded is . . . it is simply beyond the pale of nonsense. I have no idea where you get these ideas, but they have nothing to do with reality.
In short, of you have medical care extended to you at OSU Hospital, you are being cared for by the state in a state owned building by state employees with state pension benefits. If malpractice occurs, you sue the state in the Court of Claims. If some nut sneaks in and steals a purse, he is may be arrested by the state highway patrol, since they have jurisdiction over state owned property. Anyone who argues otherwise just doesn’t know what the hell they are talking about. And that would be you, Irons . . . .
rusty very funny and telling as it is ,A MUST SEE, bye
Where do I get this Jewish and Cathoic Hospital stuff you seem to be clueless about?
Hmm, maybe because historicaly Hospitals are not State Run but are ran by Catholic and Jewish systems in a form of public charity? I don’t know, but I think maybe you should really read the yearly budgets of the College you so, “Work for” as a client. It should be an required read to know who your donors are and who you answer to. The State, is a minimal faction of the ruling body. Just because it says, “University of *State here*” Does not make it a State ran faclity, they are private businesses that take donations, grants, and scholarships from other Private businesses as a main staple of income while traditionaly taking tution fees from attending students to balance a budget. A State may have some budget allocation to donate to the Universitys but, if the State’s budget revenue is in a deficit, generaly the State allocates far less to a Univeristy causing tution to increase and putting a strain on businesses who operate many programs within the colleges.
And now we get to see where his apparent paralegal practice is, being a consumer to a College…
Here is what Medicare covers for college: Nothing
Medicade covers the situation you talk about, but barely. It actually covers student medical treatments at college to a limited, if shitty, extent. Medicare does not compensate any form of College in the way you talk about. Slight allocations to Medicade does. Please get your two programs right.
MR IRONS imagine if thoses businesses donners are too much strained and would have to diminish their gifts what chain reaction would be also in trouble ,bye
Good point, Bees, that is why many Students across the nation are protesting University boards for raising tution fees to compensate declines in private donations and state grants due to the same reason: Budget deficits.
However I should correct myself to a point: Medicare does fund Graduate level education, as in these peoples getting such funding must have first made Undergraduate degrees. However, as the funding has been frozen for over a decade and very few Graduate students recieve this funding the impact Medicare has in comparison to private investments in such students is exteremly limited to almost nothing. It does not assist in undergraduate practices.
Bbob, I don’t want to get into the substance of what is being discussed. However, I too went to law school (Columbia) and am a veteran of 60 jury trials and hundreds of other cases that didn’t go to trial. I have also sat as judge pro tem on over 200 cases and arbitrated or mediated many more. I must say that whatever law school you attended failed to teach you basic civility. I have never seen a case won by name calling and insults. I have never seen a case won by calling the other side a moron or stupid or any such names. What I have noticed is that the so-called progressives resort to name calling awfully early in the discussion which ceases to be a discussion at just about that point. By the way, I have lived in France and Spain and speak the languages. If you think that these great countries are paradises, you should think again. They are bureaucratic nightmares, something like the DMV squared. And the average citizen works a lifetime thinking more about retiring than anything else. And another thing, GO BLUE!!!.
DISTERBER so well said and i was thinking when BROB is here you dont here about GRIN bye
@johngalt: I don’t worry about BLOB infecting anyone with the socialist disease he so clearly presents when commenting here. His mad ravings might actually act as an inoculant. He isn’t fooling anyone here but himself.
The problem I have with Mr. BLOB is that he hijacks these comment streams and before you know it we are talking about HIM and not the subject of this post. This is a tactic the left uses to try and distract people when they can’t answer to the substance of a post.
If he does this too much on one of my posts I have no problem in shutting him down. But I have found that after Aye or Mata get through batting around his moonbattery he usually slinks away in shame. Sadly, he pops up again like dollar weed in the lawn and starts the same nonsense all over again in another post.