Daily Distraction – Double Feature Friday

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Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

From designer Henning Lederer, comes the animated version of Fritz Kahn’s 1926 posterMan as an Industrial Palace:

Der Mensch als Industriepalast [Man as Industrial Palace] from Henning Lederer on Vimeo.

Second feature below the fold.

What do your mouse tracks look like?

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Anatoly Zenkov provides this nifty tool (Mac and PC) to track your mouse pointer. Really simple. Just start it, let it run, minimize the window, and carry on as usual. In the end, you get this image that looks something like a Pollock. Circles show areas where the pointer didn’t move while the tracks show movement.

Both of today’s features come to us via flowingdata.com

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It’s the Obama Ubermensch! Notice the little guys slaving away in the gut. They’re busy sorting out all the bits, while receiving little or no reward. They just slave away day after day. When they die their tiny little bodies are thrown on the conveyor with all the other nasty bits. The little guy’s are us in Obama’s world of Ubermensch