Whether it’s textiles in the Carolinas, paper in New England or steel in the Midwest, most industrial cities and mill towns “are on pins and needles,” says Donald Schunk, an economist at Coastal Carolina University. “Day to day, week to week, any manufacturing facility seems vulnerable. People don’t know if they’ll be there.”
I could post endless pics of NE Ohio, and they’d look exactly like the one in this photo. In fact, at first I thought it was Niles or Youngstown, Ohio.
There’s something happening here, and the Democrats in DC don’t get it.
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Amazon.com: Books
Patriots, there are reasons to pack in extra grub. Think survival. I will write more on this later. It’s time to leave for work.
Why is anyone a Democrat? WTF? Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Biden, Frank, Dodd….
How could anyone be? You don’t have to be a Republican. Anything is better than being a Democrat. That picture says so much about what they are doing to our country. Enough!!
Scott, I think they DO get it, and these pictures are framed and put on their mantles as signs of success.
Go and look at NewsBusters’ last, oh, ten or twenty posts.
I think that the MSM and the Dems are working the Alinsky “Community Organizing” tactics on a nationwide basis. They did it with the mortgage industry first: destroy it, blame the republicans, and win elections. They are doing the same now, if you check newsbusters. Yesterday when Mr. Bunning ALMOST blocked a nine billion dollar extension of unemployment benefits, every single news outlet on television, on cue, basically incited violence toward the man, and the republicans in general.
Community organizing, Alinsky-style involves making things bad for people, getting them angry about how bad things are, convincing them that the OTHER PARTY, or the TEA Party, or white christians, or Jews, did these things, “rubbing raw the sores of discontent”. First you have to make the sores of discontent.
When this nation collapses entirely due to the plans of the Dems and communists, the Conservatives and repubs are going to be seen as the cause by everyone except those who read their news online, because that is what they will be conditioned to believe by their daily dose of MSM propaganda. And there will be war.
Republican Party options are no better than Democratic Party options.
The Democratic Party was not alone in the mortgage mess, they had plenty of help from Republicans.
How can anyone be a Republican?
To see any value in either of the 2 major parties is to have no clue.
It’s not about party, it’s about actions. Know them by their actions. When Republicans stop being a party of criminals it might be worthwhile to affiliate with them. Until then, hell no.
John, I’m not going to argue with you on this. Call it “lesser of two evils”, whatever you want.
I’m not of the opinion that any man is going to save America at this point, no matter what party they belong to. Call me fatalist. We have a situation where the Obama admin is doing about 1,000 blatently illegal things every week, and there appears to be nobody left in the legal profession with “enough standing” to challenge any of these things. No lawyers, no judges, no nobody. Apparently they are all on the “progressive” team, along with most of the MSM.
Obama’s admin does 1,000 illegal things, conservatives put up 8 attorneys to challenge four of these things, three of which are tossed out of court by communist-sympathetic judges.
Repubs are wusses. They gain power every so often and do absolutely nothing (except in 1994) to reverse anything the previous “progressives” did in DC. Dems tend to fire everyone within 20 miles of Washington that got their jobs during a Repub administration, and replace all of them with their “own people”. Repubs fire 6 attorneys, legally, and they get demonized. They never answer the incessant insinuations of racism with the truth about the Republican party history, or the Democrat history of slavery, seccession, Sanger, and the purposely-created ghetto. No, they just hang their heads as if the insinuations were true. WUSSES. One Republican tries to stop the nine billion dollar, unfunded, one month extension of jobless “benefits” and all the rest run for cover as the MSM demonizes the one man. SACKLESS.
Lately, you may be correct, though. G.W. Bush calls Islam a “noble religion”, ball-less dhimmi that he became. Washington does that to Republicans, it seems. I don’t know if they get threatened, their families lives used against them, or what, but when a Repub with balls gets to D.C., they get castrated almost immediately, somehow.
Only Christ is going to save us. Note, I did not say “this nation”. If God is just, and consistant to his Word, this nation is about to witness wrath and punishment such as has only been witnessed by mankind a very few times. His people who return to Him will be saved.
Joel ch. 2.
And John, if you see more “criminals” in the Republican party than in the Democrat, there’s not much I can say to help you, except, see (if you are able):
If you only watch MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN, I see how you could think that, since they usually only mention criminals in the Dem party when some mean, evil Republican forces them to notice it. Even then, it’s all about the accuser and the conservatives and the past allegations and insinuations of similar Republican incidents – relevant or not, true or not, “nothing came of it” or not. And when they DO mention criminals who happen to be Dems, it’s pretty much standard practice, on top of all that nonsequituerism, to NEVER MENTION THE PARTY that said criminal belongs to. Not in the headline, not in the lede, not in the 8th para.
Just about everyone in the Obama admin and those appointed to various pseudo-extra-governmental bodies are PROVABLY criminal. Not just somewhat, not just “criminal” the way Koslings used the term for 8 years of Bush, as a meaningless perjorative, but seriously involved in numerous crimes currently and in their past, and who have deep friendships with communist revolutionaries, terrorists, and mob thugs.
If I can only pick one, I’ll pick the Repub. Unless it’s McCain, who just uses the label, but, as I said, the Repubs are WUSSES, and would never kick the man out, despite that 99.99% of his votes are in line with the Dem party, and all he has ever done has been for the Dem party. And I include the last “campaign” he ran. Knocked one into the goal for the dems, as always, as expected of him.
I say “if you are able” regarding the possiblity that you will read those sites for a few weeks and really see.
Yes, there are some Repubs, very few in comparison, who have shadiness associated with them.
Its a matter of perspective. Repubs = lit match. Dems = raging 4-story frat-party bonfire. There is a comparison possible, but it’s not an equating.
A 1963 rusted Soviet Lada with a bad cylinder CAN be compared to the newest, fastest Lamborghini out of the plant, but to say “They’re just the same!!”, if I may use your phrase, is to have no clue.
Besides, John, speaking of blatent nonsequiteurs….I never even mentioned the Republican Party in the post you responded to.
I never did like that about fanboys. The whole “Yeah, but what about ” How about you address what the MSM and Dems are doing, or at least show some inkling that you read my comment? Nah, it’s easier to, when Dems are criticized, to defend the dems by attacking the Repubs (wrongly) as being Just The Same.
I wonder if you do the same with Islam. “Well, all the religions are evil and violent and Just The Same!” Dollars to doughnuts you do, neglecting the very notion of “perspective”.
To suggest that Bush and the GOP were not doing 1,000 illegal things daily is, again, to have no clue.
To think conservative lawyers (read GOP lawyers) have been working for good while Democratic lawyers have been doing bad is absurd.
And to get your news from television is really, really sad.
Wake up and smell the coffee. Notice I didn’t say Tea.
When and if you learn to reject anything being sold you by GOP thieves like Dick Armey is when you have a chance to do some good, to make some progress toward liberty.
As long as you think there is ANY merit in the GOP, well, keep watching TV.
@John P. Slevin:
Wow…. 1,000 illegal things daily.
Can you name ten for me?
Aye, I did not make the numerical assertion. I was responding to someone who did, and who said that Obama and D’s somehow are worse than GOP thieves.
However, I can name alot more than 10. Just start with the innocent dead in Iraq and elsewhere. Count each innocent life lost.
John. I don’t watch TV. I don’t even own a TV. If someone gave me a TV, I would permanently disable it and dumpsterize it so that nobody else could be affected by its disease.
Apparantly you didn’t read my post. I insinuated that YOU get all YOUR news from TV, and that you would be better served getting your news from other, less communist-sympathizing sources.
And I did say that (did you read this part?) NO MAN AND NO PARTY IS GOING TO SAVE US.
I don’t buy anything that any party is selling. DEMS are in charge, DEMS are wrecking this nation on purpose, so DEMS are the subject of my original post. When the Repubs are in charge, and if the Repubs become communists and decide that they, too, need to bring this nation to its knees, then I will follow suit and the Repubs will be the target of the brunt of my criticism.
And, what Aye said.
Name ten.
And don’t ever go into mathematics. I don’t think they’ll cotton to the idea that 23 and 263,725,936,000 are Just The Same, since they’re both quantifiable nonzero integers.
“count each innocent life lost”
Okay, I’m done here.
Oh oh, John P. Slevin … now you’ve done it.
You’re under the mistaken impression this is a discussion site.
It’s not.
This is a Republican Party is Always Right !!!!! site.
On this site, you have to pretend that Republicans never do anything wrong, and Democrats never do anything right.
They might use the terms “conservative” and “liberal”, but don’t be fooled.
This is a Republican Party apologist site.
Please adjust your posts to reflect the reality of this site.
Ummm… Yes, you did:
Again, name 10 for me. Just 10.
If they were guilty of 1,000 per day as you contend…then over the course of eight years, surely you can name 10 right?
Oh, and claiming the loss of life in Iraq is an illegality is a fallacy because the war was legal and justified.
Exit question: When considering the war dead in Iraq, how can you determine their guilt or innocence? Do they have tattoos on their foreheads which say “innocent”?
Ooga apparantly has reading comprehension problems as well.
Go back and see where I said that Repubs are always right.
Oh, that’s right, I said that I, and the right, criticized them when necessary, as well. I also remember saying, and then repeating for the willfully blind John, that NO PARTY AND NO MAN IS GOING TO SAVE US.
But no, to Ooga, we’re all Repub fanboys.
You people see what you want to see, and are willfully blind to what you don’t want to see.
John is one of the Obots they send out when things get hot, like the Specter affair.
No the R party is not perfect, but they are not hell bent on ruining America. The D party is unrefutably the bane of America and if it comes down to civil war, one to return America to the Constitution, I know where I will stand.
The Democrats have done so much to ruin our country, that they are coming ever so close to a worthy “reign of terror”, just like the one that started the French revolution, one that stamped out incredible, unbelievable excesses, excesses beyond imgination, by the royal family, excesses like those needed to keep Nancy Pelosi happy.
I think I see it!
Criticism of Dems = Support for Repubs to these folks! And that makes the most sense, since the Democrats’ MAIN METHOD of supporting THEIR party is ATTACKING REPUBS!
Holy goodness, it’s all so clear now! They think we operate the same way they do. They think that if we’re critical of Dems, it’s merely the result of our undying loyalty to Republicans.
@John P. Slevin:
From reading this comment, I get the impression that you are being critical of the Tea Party movement….
Tell me then, why do you have pics from a Tea Party on the website that you have linked to your user name?
View at EasyCaptures.com
Yeah…Thanks for playing.
Exit question: We all learned in school that if A=B and B=C, then A=C. Right?
So, if: Republican = BAD
and Ron Paul = Republican,
then Ron Paul = BAD.
Paulian? What a strange website. Not much there in terms of substance. Just requests for cash donations and a couple of videos.
“We neither support nor oppose candidates for federal office.”- bottom of page
Why would anyone donate to an “organization” consisting of one man whose thin, watery website claims that they will do nothing useful with the donation, and that basically, they don’t really stand for or against anything.
I wonder how many people are donating. Does the site make you a living, John? Good extra source of income?
If so, I need to make me one of those sites.
What’s happening here is the inevitable results of “free trade” and its mini-me, open borders. The Democrats support these things because they support any form of internationalism and anything anti-Western, the Republicans support these things because they are essentially owned by rich Wall Streeters who make their wealth by investments and not production.
Thank you, George, for the insightful and detailed analysis of events on the ground in America. My gnawing need to know “why” has been eternally sated.
George has got the right of it.
All of this Free Trade ideal has lead to the elimination of manufacturing in the US. Trust me, I know. I worked in Semiconductor manuf for 15 years betweem 1983 and and 1999 when I got out. Not just IC’s are no longer built in the US. But, you can’t even find a silicon wafer manufacturer or equipment manuf, either. Labor “too expensive” in the US.
Past 10 years I have been working for a Telecom company that has factories in Mexico and China. I am here to tell you that if they could do it, the senior personell would only have a mail stop here in the US. It’s not a question of them doing the job more efficiently or “better”. Trust me, they don’t. It’s only because it’s cheaper.
It’s all about “Shareholder Value”…. whatever the f___ that means. All I know is good, high paying jobs are going going…. Not sure what my kids will end up doing? Probably selling soft serve ice cream to Chinese and Europena touristss.
The Brotherhood of Nod is all I can think of clearly as I sit here staring at that photograph in the main article. It will not be long till those who have lost everything to the Government(s) end up squatting in these Ghost Towns and creating underground economies and/or government bodies. What I fear is worse is the prospect of Illegal Immigrants of using such ghost towns for such means.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Anyone seen John P. Slevin ’round these parts?
I asked him some questions earlier but, strangely enough, he didn’t seem to get around to answering them.
Wonder why.
If anyone sees that Paulestinian, point him in my direction please.
“Why would anyone want to be a Democrat?”
There are far more Dems in the United States than Rs and there always have been. There are many more in the House, the Senate, the governorships, and the state legislatures. If you don’t know why anyone would want to be a Democrat, that just shows you are disconnected from REAL AMERICA.
George, I’ll bite —
Why is “free trade, which brought me my German car, my Chinese coffee maker, my Guatemalan coffee, a bad thing . . . especially since my brother’s company ships American computers back across the pond? And what, pray tell, would you have in place other than “free trade”? Tariffs on everything? Prohibiting any imports from certain countries? What is your answer?
BRob, there is a logical fallacy in there somewhere, but I’m not well versed in their names.
Besides, there is a distinct likelihood that God is about to punish the Real America, and this might be related to the gist of your post, that we as a nation have decided that the State is our god now, or that movies or pop-music or television or bling-bling or sex or drugs are our gods now.
“The tribe has spoken.”
Taqiyyotomist —
I just asked God about your post. He said you have no idea what the hell you are talking about, because he has no plans to punish anyone. It’s not his thing. So relax and have a Bud Light!
I’d say that’s a pretty good explanation of the slide into the economic abyss…. Dems, unions, EPA, OSHA, regulations, lawsuits, taxes, etc etc.
Glad you like the picture of your “real America”, billy bob. You’ll figure out the tide’s moving out on your ilk soon enough as more and more of the population realize that government handouts are far from “free”…. as Californians are learning the hard way. We’re a patient lot.
BRob, if you think I am worried, you are mistaken.
“I’d say that’s a pretty good explanation of the slide into the economic abyss.”
BRob, you are well-versed in law, I hear. Or a hobbyist, at any rate. 🙂
You don’t have to “ask God” what he has planned, since he blessed us with his Word.
I checked again, and yep. We’re due for some judgement. I didn’t even have to ask.
It’s almost pathetic now that BRob’s own Hurbis is enough to defeat him alone, and poses no need to debate this fool due to his grossly disconnected views of society.
No, you moron, the majority of Americans are not Democrats in contrast to your opinion. Opinion does not make something factual or true, it just sweetens one’s own hypothesis over a given situation while attempting to sour truths from being consumeable. For that matter not all Americans are Republican but since you are purely ignorant on how the Consitution works:
In the United States of America, a person is legaly free to be a Conservative, a Liberal, a Progressive, or a Hippie without surpression of their values and ideals. What you are advocating and constantly sneer lights an undertone of surpressing and shutting down all political opponents that disagree with you. While you may try to deny this in a future rebuttle, your actions, your demeaner and your langauge highlights this clear undertone of aggression towards people you barely comprehend (another trait that gives suspect to you not actually being a lawyer or attorney or whatever you now claim to be).
I do not advocate my opposition’s silence, but until meaningful counterpoints are provided instead of trash talk points ment to inflame a group of people to derail the subject at hand then you and many like you will be viewed as radical and exteremly foolish (let alone moronic) in the public arena of thought. The Founding Fathers intended for our Politics to be fought in such a public arena and had theorized that Truths and hard researched facts by the spectators would choose who would be the victor in the battle of political wits, and as it stands now many Citizens have gone out of their way to read many of Congress’s penned bills including Cap and Trade and the Healthcare bill and do not like the truths in the bill nor the smokescreens being tossed in the Public Arena to deny what’s in the bills. Republican or Democrat no longer matter, people are demanding Fiscal Responsiblity which is by nature a modern Conservative value. But since you are so lost on that word in historical senses and mixing 1860’s Conservative Democrats who supported Enslavement to 1980’s-2010’s Conservative Republicans who support liberties for all Americans, you’re not worth much time anymore for must of us to even debate with other than to point and laugh at your stupidity.
i was very sad to hear that DREMMEL sold their asset and discontinued their name, what a great company to deal with from a happy custommer we are bombarded bye farhein stuff many made up of second rate steel that do’nt hold the weight and toys made with dangerous components that we learn of long after the problem occur and more and more,we can name many of ours own company we used to feel secure with their qualitys standings ,they where abused by their own desire to expand with no limitations of restraint
Mata —
Let’s look at this in global terms, shall we? Our OSHA, unions, EPA, etc. are similar to what is in place in Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, and EU. That is the crowd I want to emulate.
What country would you like the US to look like, regulation wise? Or tax wise? Name one.
Now the next step — if you are so dissatisfied with Dem rule (and it is overwhelming, when you think about it), then why not move to areas where there are no such rules? What state do you live in? I it is not one of the solid R. states like Mississippi or Alabama, then you have some ‘splaining to do.
It is one thing to whine and cry about our system; but it is what it is. If you don’t like it, then move to some place you like better.
My guess: just as with the rest of the world, you aren’t leaving the US. People simply tend not to leave the US because, for all your anti-Americanism*, it is a great place to live and a great place to do business.
*That’s what it is, you know. The vast majority of voters bend Dem. Dems are the majority and set the norms for this country and have, for better or worse, since the 1920s. Those are the REAL AMERICANS and you despise them. You are, therefore, anti-American.
I wonder if that’s the advice you would have given to these guys:
Or to this lady:
Nah, that would require both consistency and intellectual honesty both of which you are sorely lacking.
For those keeping score at home, the four black gentlemen in the first photograph are people who had the courage to do a lunch counter sit-in at Woolworth’s in Greensboro, NC in order to protest racial discrimination.
The second is Rosa Parks, who refused to go sit at the back of the bus.
Once again BRob shows the depth of his ignorance on why people are in an uproar over this congress and president’s overreaching. He wants to “emulate”, his word not mine, countries like Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, and EU(not really a country, but I’ll give this one to you). What a lovely thought. Why don’t we emulate Australia, where firearms are a no-no, but criminals run rampant? Why don’t we emulate Canada, where the healthcare system is so great that even their elected officials come to the US for treatment(of course, if the US goes this route, then where will everyone go at that point)? Why don’t we emulate the EU, or Japan, or South Korea?
The answer lies in our constitution BRob. It is because we are unique in that we prefer freedom to control in our lives. The statist mentality of the left, and in numerous cases the right, has clamped down on much of those freedoms in the name of doing only what ” is in our best interest”. The reason, BRob, that many people in the U.S. have been up in arms about this particular version of our federal government, is that they are pushing us to the edge, and millions have stated “NO MORE!”
You talk about how the dems won, yet you failed to elaborate on just what platforms they ran on to win. Obama himself talked about governing as a centrist, but in practice, has been anything but a centrist.
Here is a simple concept for you BRob. Just because you want to jump off the cliff with the rest of your lemming pals does not mean that everyone has to follow you.
Then move to those Nations then if you wish their labor laws to be emulated within the United States. For the record, you would completely hate being in Japan or Austrialia. Also, you might want to read up on modern news as Austrialia’s population is commencing a sort of “Zombie Uprising” against the Government (even going as far as dressing up as zombies). The things you want emulated from Austrilia are over 30 years expired and out of date.
And for Japan? You would cry foul for being forced to conform and assimulate to their rigid work and ethics system and laws. By many Japanese business models, Americans of the Liberal kind are too dishonorable to consider employeable within their borders and Conservatives would be considered too meek to be professionaly aggressive enough in their society and as such wouldn’t be considered employeable. Their business enviroment is brutal and has no time for hand holding that American and EU labor laws consist of. Japanese markets is praticaly a pool of sharks while American and EU markets are schools of catfish. Japanese business within the American market has focused extensively in States that do have, “Right to Work” laws and have denied Union chapters from taking root. Japanese culture in terms of management and labor vastly differs from American views, but I guess you’re too swavy to see how vastly different cultures can impact alien societies.
why would AMERICA compare to other countrys when the CONSTITUTION is here to dictate the rules,it is to the other countrys to look up to the AMERICAN PEOPLE who stand by thoses rules of freedom bye
You’re wasting your time with Butt Rub. The difficulty Obots have within themselves is that they know they can’t measure up to the standards and norms of Western Civilization, and therefore make every attempt to destroy it. They are relentless. They won’t stop until they have reduced the country to a primitive state, similar to the communism of the 20s. Then the thugs rule, and the toughest ones get first dibs on the toilet paper. There is no rule of law with them, and they can do what Stalin did to millions.
It really bugs them when they see distinguished minorities receive the respect of America. Butt Rub and the likes will never achieve that status.
The beauty of what our founders put together so many years ago was the ability to have, at that time, 13 different governments that one could choose from while still being a US citizen. If you didn’t like the day to day intrusions of government in North Carolina you could move to New York. When the Federal Government, usurps the power of the States through federal mandated conformity we lose that freedom. Now days, what’s the point of moving to a different State when the federal government’s reach negates any differences that might otherwise exist.