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I hear when he dresses in those special robes, he could win the Mardi Gras Grand Queen award, and who knows what could happen in all the gay bars across the country. Could be a great PR program for the dumb Fharq.

Here’s a few more additions to your gallery:

Sen. Joseph Lieberman and Nation of Islam Chief of Staff Leonard Farrakhan Muhammad

Ed Rendell (Former Philly Mayor and Louis Farrakhan)

George W. Bush and Muhammad Ali

to JB


Art, it’s the same thing I was debating in another thread.

“See, they’re just the same.”

That’s all this troll is saying. That Obama and Ed Rendell and GW Bush and Joe Lieberman are Just The Same as Obama, since they met with Farrakhan (or…wut? Mohammad Ali, somehow…)

Did Bush deny meeting Muhammad Ali?

Did Rendell deny meeting Farrakhan?

These trolls have no sense of perspective whatsoever. Logic and reason have been removed from their programming.

I am a white conservative male and would LOVE to see Col. Allen West in the White House. You see loui farr, it is not the color of ones skin, but the ideas in his head.


Thanks another great comment and perspective. Too, notice how these trolls seldom defend their attacks, and when they do, the premise has been altered.

I’ve been watching the Messiah on FOX live, talking Health Reform, while I’ve been blogging. MG! He looks like he’s been roasted on something. The lips and around the eyes don’t look too good.

Iwillnotsubmit, you have described some of my feelings as well; but we are still considered racists. I wonder if the Blacks who are beginning to lose confidence in the “Great Black Hope” and see through the Lies and Condescension of the Democrat Elites are also considered Racists.

Skook, great posts lately, all of them. I should tell you that when I read them, but it would get repetitive.


Can you provide any context for the first graphic? I think it may be needed, given all the racially-tinged language in the graphic itself. Where did the graphic come from, what is the significance of the people in them? Who are Wallace and Sillis Mohammad?

Okay, okay. I’m going to wikipedia right now.

It would be very interesting to see a conservative black man, like Col. Allen West, run against BO. My guess is that the liberals would dismiss him as an ‘uncle tom’ and continue to pit the races against one another. My hope is that all Americans will wake up and see that the libs are trying to keep a manipulated majority, in order to retain power, at the expense of the American way of life. Those who are thoughtlessly condemning their foes as racist, without any cause, are just exploiting the meaning of the word. We have no use for people who do that.

I am somewhat of a defeatist at this point, I.W.N.S.

I would vote for Col. West in a heartbeat. But when America collapses under his watch, like the Dems have planned it to do, the nation will blame the Conservatives and Col. West., because the nation will blame whoever the TV, the schools, the churches, the magazines, the movie stars, the music stars, and the newspapers tell them to blame.

And we can guess with relative confidence who that will be.

Taqiman, I have just been through my history and the website no longer seems to exist. It was the website of a Black man who was condemning the behavior of Obama and the Nation of Islam. I couldn’t separate the photos with my skills and was having a hard time following the logic of the man, a cultural malfunction, because he seemed very intelligent.

I found the pictures to be humorous, so I included them. I realize now without the reference it is an ambiguous situation, but I don’t have the skills to put that collage together, it was a Black man that I would love to talk to some day. He was funny, but mean.

I had a computer in the 80’s, so this stuff is new and self taught. I was a part-time magazine writer and used a computer as a word processor, relying on hard copy, I was only one step beyond a typewriter. This political journalism is a great learning method. I will improve with time. Your note was a wake up call, I appreciate your help.

I studied the photo and the web site a long time before using the photo, the man was not worried about being politically correct regarding Blacks whom he considered to be selling out their race for personal gain, including Obama, Sharpton, and Farrakhan.

Skook, I found the guys myspace page doing a simple search of the photo you included. Click the picture and it will take you to the page.

“I studied the photo and the web site a long time before using the photo, the man was not worried about being politically correct regarding Blacks whom he considered to be selling out their race for personal gain, including Obama, Sharpton, and Farrakhan.”

That is what I thought after studying the pictures, and the language next to them, even before asking you, and it appears I was right. I didn’t think for a minute that it was made by a racist whitey, but others might, sans context. Just making sure.

The simple tricks of the trade.

Denzel Washington gave a 4 hour speech?! That’s impressive.

Really, Movie-Farrakhan-Played-By-Denzel-Washington was more entertaining.

Give it a rest, Louie F.

I wish Chicago could muster 20,000 people for a TEA Party.

All I can think of when I see pics of Farrakhan speaking to a crowd is the big opening scene from “The Warriors”

“Can you dig it? CAN YOU DIG IT!? CAN! YOU! DIG IT!!!!”
