Picture of the Day: Transparency

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On Obama’s first day in office he signed a memorandum touting the virtues of the government transparency and compliance with the Freedom of Information Act.

Unfortunately, like so many other things where Obama is involved, his words regarding transparency were…just words.

The Chamber Post, an Internet blog site, sent in a FOIA request regarding global warming records.

This is what they received in response:


And the Government wonders why The People don’t trust them.

h/t – Word Around the Net via American Digest

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Oh wow, that’s hilarious. He also said all bills would be available online for 3 days. They pass them before the Congressman get a chance to read them.

Is it time to start the Impeachment?

Lying to get elected should be the first issue.

Redacted? I thought they were Jone’s bar graphs showing tree rings as they would appear if they were not round.

Aye, this is censorship for the public good, we would have been upset if we knew the truth. For example, the people are upset now that we know the truth. It is a benevolent government that is willing to have regard for the feelings of its people.

It really doesn’t take much effort to be a Liberal liar. If I had the personality of a two dollar whore, I could put those lying Liberals to shame.

Off the table Nancy, the quarter is for the beer.

That looks like it could be a Hawaii birth certificate.

Tfhr, you know it is from the Obama Administration, it is half black!

Stock tip: Invest in Sharpie. Wonder how many Sharpie markers the government goes through in a day.

If this Administration is transparent, it’s in dire need of Windex.

Just wait until an FOIA request is made for the health care legislation.
The response will be 2500 pages of blacked-out (sorry, I do not mean to sound racist) pages.
Invest in Sharpie stock. They will go through a lot of them.
This reminds me of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who explained in detail the Soviet system of justice.
The USSR had a constitution, it turned out. But the constitution was classified.
When a citizen violated one of the articles of the constitution, the citizen was not permitted to know what article he or she had violated, for to know that was to put at risk the security of the USSR.
I am not making this up.
Any release of information from the Obama Administration will put at risk our national security, as loose lips sink ships.
Should the Public learn how the Public is to be defrauded in order to pay for the Universal Socialist State, the Public would be ticked. And we can’t have that.
So the evil deed will be done behind closed doors.
The sycophantic lap-dog media can be depended on to use Chairman Rahm’s talking points, as the media is owned and operated by the Obama Administration.
That is why you continue to hear about declining profits and cutbacks in the media.
Nobody is eating the dog food anymore.
If “health insurance” is an entitlement, then it is not insurance. Re-definition of words is the substance of 1984. When do the re-education camps open?

The blocked-out text says: “Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya.” So much for the FOIA. People have to be more forceful against the government gone amok. I don’t think you can find even a handful of people who trust Obama as far as they can throw him.

Barry H. Obama: America’s FIRST BLANK “president”. No experience, no transparency, no past … just lies.

Great comment, mathman.

It is amazing watching this happen, and sad.

Not hopeless for those whom Christ is with.

Still sad to see it happen, and more than slightly fearful, being somewhat averse to torture. I am a Christian, and I do believe, not by my will or desire, that we are in for it. Someone once told me that my religion was just a buncha candy for the ears. I don’t know about all that. I would have come up with something with less physical and mental torture, and incarceration, and even death of its adherents in the last days of the era. I didn’t choose to believe the Scripture any more than I chose to believe that the sky is blue or that something falls to earth at thirty-two feet per second squared. “It’s NOT MY WILL”, and God, after all, will be proven righteous, despite all the questions we may sometimes wish to scream at Him. His Word is true, and everlasting – which should make anyone living anywhere in the world, but especially the West, gird their loins, so to speak, spiritually.


HA! (I’d laugh harder if it were not for the fact that Obama denies his heritage) I often wonder how Obama can slight people of mixed race by claiming to be of one race. Why call yourself one thing when you know full well that you are the product of two? I would think that claiming both would show a sense of fair mindedness, acceptance, and decency. I guess those things don’t count for much on the campaign trail or even in the White House.


“Barry H. Obama: America’s FIRST BLANK “president”. No experience, no transparency, no past … just lies.”

I wish I had thought of that. I’ve been running with “the first black Jimmy Carter”. Wonder what old Billy would’ve said about that.

Adrian, am I ever slow, I just caught on to the first “Blank” President.

One question! Are you referring to his resume or his mind?