America has been denied in its thirst for a leader. We are experiencing trying times, engaged in two wars, several states on the verge of economic collapse, a banking system that has a peculiar relationship with our federal government, staggering unemployment, an Executive that is preoccupied with a Health Care Plan that America has rejected, a domestic security departmet that has targeted American Vets and political opposition rather than Terrorists and has told us the system works when a terrorist on an airplane has a failed detonation, an Attorney General who refuses to prosecute obvious election felonies against members of his own race, an illegal alien problem with an un-enforced border that is not being addressed, bizarre and unprecedented nationalization of automakers, a stimulus program that enriched fat cat bankers and union bosses while leaving america with staggering debt and no detectable benefit, and with every foreign policy initiative our President leaves us feeling that our National interests are being pre-empted for a vague notion of International Socialism.
America is reaching out with desperation for leadership: like unfulfilled lovers we are left with the unappealing, sterile, and chaste meanage a trois of Pelosi, Reed, and Obama. Shakespeare portrayed America’s emptiness in its need for a leader and the emptiness when those leaders are unable to fulfill the basic fundamentals of leadership with the example of ‘Venus And Adonis’ and the illustration of unrequited love.
In one of the most sexually loaded poems of English Literature, Shakespeare’s goddess is like a beast in heat and unleashes sexual innuendos at the object of her erotic arousal, Adonis, a teenage boy; while she is in a perpetual state erotic arousal and oozing with desire, Adonis is oblivious to her passion and remains obsessed with himself.
Venus cannot understand how he can resist such a beautiful and alluring woman like herself, she tells him, “My flesh is soft and plump, my marrow is burning”- she is continually smothering him in her ample bosom and he resists to come up for air.
In an enraptured embrace she tells the ‘reluctant boy’, to ‘feed’ and ‘graze’ on the landscape of her sexuality.
Venus And Adonis: Lines 235- 238
Within this limit is relief enough,
Sweet bottom-grass, and high delightful plain,
Round rising hillocks, brakes obscure and rough,
To shelter thee from tempest and from rain…
Venus’ frustration mimics the frustration of the American people- and reaches a comedic height when she pulls him on top of her and thinks he is at last going to fulfill her desire, for ‘Now she is in the very lists of love {ecstasy of desire},/ Her champion mounted for the hot encounter; but once again he leaves her unfulfilled. ‘He will not manage her, although he mount her.’
Thus we leave poor Venus to her frustration, while the American people languish in frustration with leadership that is overly concerned with a Health Care agenda that has been rejected and ignores more pressing problems like national security and actually stimulating the economy instead of the bankrolls of bankers and unions.
We the American people can easily love a leader, but the emptiness that results from a leader who ignores us and leaves us in an agitated state of frustration is quickly losing the public’s confidence. Love is diminished with frustration and eventually turns to bitterness, a leader who ignores the real concerns of the governed to only address his pet projects is inviting the ire and scorn of the governed. A once passionate love withers and becomes forlorn, for the people ask only to be governed with their interests foremost; otherwise, love is abandoned and forgotten. The impotent and ineffectual narcissist becomes a pariah and is forgotten, he ends up with only his own image for his comfort.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
No matter how many time president doofus tells us he is not a socialist I for one will never believe him. And for that matter, how can anyone believe him about anything. What he has said in the past, what he has written and his actions now point to a socialist, a BIGTIME socialist. Now the question is, is he destroying the country because he wants a socialist state, or is he just plain stupid. BIG PLAIN STUPID.
Twellsy, I must say, I agree with you. Although, I am always trying to come up with creative ways to say the same things that you have expressed so elegantly and directly. Well done, my patriot friend!
Enjoyed this piece. America got seduced. The “narcissist” became evident during the Presidential campaign, if proof had not already been provided by someone who had written Two autobiographies well before having accomplished anything.
As to “socialist,” it is not clear that he has an agenda beyond the burnishing of his own image. His community organizing past was simply an available and effective trough for feeding his ego. It is rather doubtful that he cared about his community. Nothing in his character would suggest he cares about anyone but number one. He has no vision for the country he leads, and evidently many of his former supporters, who are actually paying attention, have become very disenchanted with their teleprompted magi. His agenda is confusing, but his stubbornness against the public’s wishes and interest on the health care front is very consistent with narcissism, . . . IMHO.
James, thanks for the critique. This was a strange and difficult article to write. There is no doubt that if Obama had the interests of America first and was not worrying over his legacy and Black Nationalism, he could have captured the love of the American people and become a JFK, Lincoln, or Washington. With his narcissistic personality and the lack of cognitive brilliance, he has blown that opportunity forever. His only chance is to jam this obscene health care abortion down our throats and hope the Liberal Media and Madison Avenue Whores can write enough BS to design a fraudulent legacy that will stand the test of time.
That is where we the little guys come in, we keep throwing punches and kicks until he spits the bit and sticks his toes in the dirt and says enough or is impeached. He doesn’t have the courage or character to stand up under relentless attack: he is a pathetic example of Affirmative Action at its worst. He has had the rails greased all his life and now that he is being slapped in the face, he is getting angry. I say, “All Right!” Keep the pressure on boys, what ever works.
Thanks for your contributions James, you are a Patriot and you have a lot of skill, keep up the good work. We all contribute the ideas and experience that we have, I have way too much classical BS and I throw it at the readers now and then. Hell, I’d wear a Speedo like Arnold if it would do any good, but I might cause Mata to sign off early.
Keep the Faith, James.
LOL. Poor Arnold didn’t have a clue either. His answer to California’s problem when he was elected was to start by floating $20 billion + worth of bonds into the abyss of debt. California, guided by Hollywood geniuses applauded and cheered. The outcome was as obvious and predictable when Arnold was elected, as it is today for the current administration’s lack of fiscal acumen or constraint, unfortunately.
O seems to be getting away with NOT talking to any media that will ask tough questions. I suspect that he’s afraid he would lose his cool, then the bloom would really be off the rose. Narcissism cannot accept either confrontation or being shown to lack knowledge, or brilliance, or competence, . . . “What? You dare question me?” Although, I don’t doubt that we’ll all be witness to that eventual unravelling at some point this year.
As you say, keep the pressure on. It will work.
Obama’s statements about not being a socialist are rather reminiscent of Nixon’s famous tag line,” I’m not a crook”. He left office in disgrace. How come Marine 1 isn’t warming up on the White House lawn?