The Class of 43 vs. the Crass of 39

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Aside from accepting the 2010 Semper Fidelis Award at The Marine Corps University Foundation dinner on Friday, earlier at a breakfast reunion with his former staff:

Mr. Bush also told the breakfast crowd: “I have no desire to see myself on television. I don’t want to be a panel of formers instructing the currents on what to do. … I’m trying to regain a sense of anonymity. I didn’t like it when a certain former president — and it wasn’t 41 or 42 — made my life miserable.”

(The reference seems to have been to former President Jimmy Carter, for whom some Republicans hold out no love, preferring these days to summon up his name to draw comparisons to the current president.)

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What does the body language tell you here. Carter is not liked by anyone including Clinton.

@Tom N:

True, but Chavez, Castro, and any Hamas terrorist share a mutual crush with the first white Obama.

44’s pretty crass too. It would be a tossup between whether Carter or Obama are the biggest ASSES!

He had to have been talking about Carter. As USA Today wrote up, Bush is mostly likely talking about Jimmy Carter, as Reagan “was ill during Bush’s first term and passed away in 2004,” and Gerald Ford “stayed low-key until his death in 2006.”

In 2006, Carter attacked Bush by stating he “quite often deliberately misled the American people about the danger in Iraq to begin with, the causes for going to war in Iraq, and they have also misled the American people about what is happening in Iraq since we invaded.”

Then Carter attacked him again saying the Bush administration had been “the worst in history,” but later tried to walk back those remarks comparing him only to Nixon.

Bush simply shrugged off the attacks saying that such criticisms were “just part of what happens when you’re president.” But not his White House spokesmen Tony Fratto, who called Carter’s attack reckless and evidence he was now “increasingly irrelevant.”

why would they want to stand near carter? he insulted both the clintons and the bushes. obummer wants to look chummy with the rest of the gang.

I didn’t always agree with everything that George W. Bush did as President, but at least he has class and character.

Something that none of the DemocRats in the above picture possess.

@Wordsmith: I don’t know about that. I’ve rarely felt compelled to issue a disclaimer before bestowing a compliment on the former President.

And yes, I am a conservative despite what the RINO hunters say.


Not sure what your point is about my comment…

I was merely pointing out that I’m not (nor have I ever been) a Bush kool-aid drinker. If you think that’s some type of disclaimer before being “comfortable enough” to toss the guy a compliment, so be it.

Wasn’t trying to pick a fight, just didn’t know what your point was. Now I do.

@Wordsmith: I do think it happens way too often. And considering what a piece of crap Obama has turned out to be it’s totally unnecessary to make apologies for Bush.

@Wordsmith, Mike’s America,

Ok, I love GW! I miss him more each and everyday for his class, determination, and unapologetic patriotism!

@skat: I agree.

Me too!