Investigate Man-Made Global Warming Scandal Asks Inhofe; Sanders Calls Non-Believers Hitler Deniers

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You can file this request in the trash bin. Asking Obama to investigate the global warming scandal is a waste of time but I have to give credit to Senator James Inhofe, he is relentless:

Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) today asked the Obama administration to investigate what he called “the greatest scientific scandal of our generation” — the actions of climate scientists revealed by the Climategate files, and the subsequent admissions by the editors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4).

Senator Inhofe also called for former Vice President Al Gore to be called back to the Senate to testify.

“In [Gore’s] science fiction movie, every assertion has been rebutted,” Inhofe said. He believes Vice President Gore should defend himself and his movie before Congress.

In the same hearing you have Bernie Sanders pretty much comparing man-made global warming skeptics to those who denied the rise of Nazism:

“It reminds me in some ways of the debate taking place in this country and around the world in the late 1930s,” said Sanders, perhaps the most liberal member of the Senate, during a Senate hearing Tuesday. “During that period of Nazism and fascism’s growth-a real danger to the United States and democratic countries around the world- there were people in this country and in the British parliament who said ‘don’t worry! Hitler’s not real! It’ll disappear!”

These kind of attacks will get worse as the numbers of those who believe the hoax are dwindling and the scandals keep growing.

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Curt, how can Obama investigate Gore or any of the scientists who have promoted the fraud. This would mean admitting the Great Hoax is a scam. Obama is basing a great deal of his presidency and legacy on legislation that establishes control over the US people by promulgating the Great Fraud. Do you think the Arrogant Marxist would ever back down on ordering the EPA to stand down on its classifying CO2 as a pollutant?

This Global Warming Scheme has only been a means to an end, establish control and make billions. Gore and Soros make billions and Obama slips the noose of Socialism around the necks of the American People to subsidize War Lords and Marxist Dictators of the Third World.

Hurrah for Inhofe! someone has to stand up to tyranny and corruption! Hopefully, our people will stop this insanity before it goes much farther, at present it is a forlorn hope.

I do not know if I should fall over laughing hard at this claim of me being a Man Made Global Warming Denier or the pure ignorance of those supporting Man Made Global Warming. These fools act as if the world has been in a static state of existance far before man was a species and/or piror to our industiral boon. I am reminded almost daily by the Flint Hills that Kansas was once a warm, tropical ocean millions of years ago and the spot I sit now was under thousands of feet of water a mere 20 million years ago and older. On that note I find it funny that people find it such “shocking” news that ancient shark species fossils are being found in Kansas today (even though such fossil findings are not uncommon here).

I will not change my way of life just because some tree hugging hippie thinks I should to save Mother Gaia. Infact that hippie should be glad I don’t choose to use a chainsaw on the tree she or he is hugging, after all I don’t feel sympathy towards zombies… Hmm, maybe we are in the age of a zombie apocalypse but not in how George Romero or the minds at vALVE visioned it. Instead of brain munching, it’s scandal munching and money munching zombies. Thralls to a hunger of power, blind to anything else but their goal.

Senator Inhoffe has been a champion of common sense and truth on the subject of the Global Warming farce. He did try to question Al Gore at a 2007 committee hearing — Boxer very rudely shut him down and gave Gore the floor to preach his sermon.

Inhoffe must know that neither the WH or Boxer would not undertake further attempt at any real investigative hearings on this subject and perhaps he made a public WH request as an ‘in-your-face’ to Boxer. Further, the WH probably won’t even answer his request but the Republicans can hold this up as a campaign issue. . . Obama AND the Democrats dragging their feet to uncover the truth.

Here is an Inhoffe rebuttal (May 2007) to Boxer and even though almost three years old — the words show what he was/is up against.

He deserves a Nobel Prize for relentlessly pursuing the truth of the matter AND putting up with Boxer’s theatrics all these years.

Senator James Inhoffe on The Global Warming Myth


…like asking Mohamed to investigate Islam.

Still, leave it to Senator Inhofe to keep the heat on them.