Ann Coulter At CPAC

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Great video from CPAC from Ann Coulter:

She notes how the MSM bias will eventually lead to a constant attack on whoever the frontrunner for the Republican party is while giving a pass to the Democrat frontrunner.

“I think my most important point on should run and who the conservative leader, the Republican leader is – we can’t tell them. I think it would be better if like a month before the election we announce who we’re running for president because of the media’s obsessive desire to know who’s your leader – is it Michael Steele, is it Rush Limbaugh, is it Glenn Beck, is it Sarah Palin? They want us to tell them who our leader is so they can ferociously fixate on them and destroy him or her.”

The libertarian questions and answers are quite funny.

If Ron Paul is behind it and it has NOTHING to do with foreign policy then I’m behind it.

And my favorite:

If you not leaving liberals in a sputtering rage then your not doing your job!

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That’s why we should remind everyone to boycott General Electric, CNN, CBS and ABC. Do it as a postscript to your post and ALL YOUR EMAILS. GET IT INTO EVERYONE’S HEAD.

BOYCOTT GENERAL ELECTRIC, CNN, CBS, AND ABC – Propaganda machines for Obama.


Here are the official results of the CPAC straw poll:

Texas Rep. Ron Paul – 31 percent
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney — 22 percent
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin — 7 percent
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty – 6 percent
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich – 4 percent
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee — 4 percent
Indiana Rep. Mike Pence – 5 percent
South Dakota Sen. John Thune — 2 percent
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels — 2 percent
Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum — 2 percent
Mississippi Gov. Hailey Barbour – 1 percent
Other – 5 percent
Undecided – 6 percent