Sunday Funnies

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LOL- laughing at Dear Leader… not with him!

Another dozen comics for reactionaries at Reaganite Republican…

-Have a great weekend-

Pant Condell’s latest, on Geert Wilders’ trial.

Fifteen thousand comments on this one vid, in one week.

So who paid those cartoonists to help Obama in villifying Toyota?


…the “please dont.” reply on the cartoon with Sarah thinking of running for prez.

Who would the cartoonist prefer?

That’s right, they don’t have a clue.

F’n alinskyite.


Thank you for the video. It is powerful. Can you imagine Islamic thugs roving the streets of Amsterdam and attacking gays! Amsterdam!! God save The Netherlands from the Islamic s/its, poops, tyrds.

I’m sending this to my address book.

“Sarah’s the Look-at-me wing of the Republican party.”

Is that cartoon funny? Poignant? Interesting? Saying something remotely intelligent?

Oh, that’s right…NO. Gotta hand it to ya, Wordsmith, you are quite evenhanded and fair with your selection of “funnies”. Some from the right, some from the left, some from the State Sanitarium.

Some, apparantly, from the UAW. Some seemingly from Rahm Emmanuel.

Taqiyyotomist: if you want to see something a bit less evenhanded ;-), click on my comment links above…

Is that cartoon funny? Poignant? Interesting? Saying something remotely intelligent?

Sad to see so many from the left, the UAW and R. Emmanuel.

Thanks, pookie, I’ve been checking them out as well! Great collection at the first site. I haven’t made it throught them all yet.

My pleasure, Mr.(?) T!



What’s with the Sarah bashing? Where am I?

Thanks for posting that one, yonason. I haven’t been able to find Mallard Fillmore on-line & in color for months!!


I just stumbled on it. You’ve got some great stuff on your website as well.

Thanks, yonason. Just a little FYI, I don’t have a site per se, but I post cartoon threads at 5 different sites & 2 of them have given me a subforum…


I just followed the links you gave above. Again, nice collection. I especially liked this one.