From The People’s Cube comes this handy chart to use on friends, family, and co-workers.

Just give this handy chart to anyone, and ask them “how much does it hurt your wallet?” If they say 0, they have too much money, and we need to take their wallet. If they say 10, take their wallet, what are they doing with one anyway? With their wallet in Party approved hands, we can ensure better quality at our local government-approved hospitals, fix a pot hole in our roads, or whatever else is deemed needed by The Party.

See author page
On top of the federal tax and fee increases, consider this:
In Washington State, I-960 was passed by the citizens in 2007. This initiative required a 2/3 majority to raise taxes and if they couldn’t get that, then the tax increases would be put up to a vote of the people. It also contained sunshine provisions allowing the public to see what the 10 year cost would be for the legislation.
The Democrats in the Washington State legislature are overturning I-960 so that they can close a $2.8 billion budget defecit by raising over $1.5 billion in new taxation. This includes a hike in the sales tax from 6.5% to 7.5% for the state portion. Add in the local sales taxes and most places in the state will have a 10.5% sales tax or higher.
Had they frozen spending last year to 2007 levels, or even 2008 level, they would have had either no defecit or a significantly smaller one.
From 2005, state spending has increased by over 33%. Had they been more modest – a better steward of the peoples tax dollars, and had slight increases over COLA, they wouldn’t have a defecit today.
One can only hope that they will learn – one of these days.
Since I joined this blogg site more than a year ago, I have expressed my fear: three countries were going to be hit very hard with the rise of the Left and its alliance with Islam: Taiwan, Greece and Israel.
Taiwan will merge with (or be taken over by) China and the US, under the Obama administration, is not going to stop that. China owns us now, by holding our debt, and dictates to Obama what to do.
Greece is now the focal point of world currency speculators (including none other but G. Soros). Greece is the leading indicator as to what is happening to the economy of the European Union. Moreover, Greece is a laboratory for experimentation as she has fiscal indicators that resemble that of the US. What the Euro zone needs is for Germany to leave the Eurozone, because it’s economy is too strong in comparison to the rest of Europe and they are not willing to bail out Greece and the rest of the European countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Austria etc). However, the Germans are too stubborn to realise that the best thing is for them to leave the Euro. Sarkozy has already told Merkel to take it easy with Greece, but this Eastern German Lady is too stubborn to see it. The Germans are asking Greece to contract her economy. Contraction is what happened in the 30’s and led us and the rest of the World to the depression and the economic, political and social chaos that ensued. So, what happens to Greece, might foretell what will happen to the US.
Israel is the number one target of the left and the Muslim alliance that has put the Obama administration into power. Iran and Syria are working very hard to get rid of Israel. Unfortunatelly, 78% of liberal US Jews voted for Obama. It shows that American liberal Jewry has bigger interests in mind than Israel. They have forgotten that Marxism and Socialism mean the destruction of the Jewish people, just like it happened in nazi Germany and in the USSR during the 1930s.
So, pay close attention to these three countries, that the left has targeted. What happens to them will tell us a lot of what will happen here.
As an addendum to the comment above regarding Taiwan, Greece and Isreal, let me add one point: Greece is targeted not so much because of her economics, but because it’s the spigot on the faucet of the muslim migration into Europe.
Boy, Obama is gonna put the screws to the GOPers!
“White House Asks GOP To Come To Health Care Summit With A Plan”
That is, a plan to address “insurance reforms, cost containment, expanding coverage, and the impact health reform legislation will have on deficit reduction.” So he is going to say
“This approach gets coverage to an additional 30 million people. Got any response?”
Boehner: “Uh, yes. Capital gains tax cut.”
Obama [sighs]: “There being no plan offered by the GOP, let’s move on to cost containment.”
This is hilarious!
“House Republican Leaders Demand Halt to Talks on Compromise Bill”
Dems in the House and the Senate are working out the kinks between the two plans, probably in hopes to get a plan, then force the Senate GOPers to put up or shut up, once and for all. And if the plan LOUDLY includes GOPer proposals from the February 25 meeting, how in the hell can they STILL vote in lock step and keep any semblance of credibility on the issue of bipartisanship and solving problems. No WONDER the GOPers want the Dems not to fix their issues on the bill. Because if the Dems are snipping at each other, there is no fire turned on the GOPers.
No, this is hilarious: