We all know that the Leftists like to promote recycling right?
Well, in a beautiful demonstration of reduce-reuse-recycle irony, someone at the NRCC took San Fran Nanny Pelosi’s 2003 letter to President Bush and did a little rewording.

(Somewhat larger version here.)
Bush’s 6.3% unemployment rate, and it’s subsequent steady decline, are looking even better now than they did then.
Right Nancy?
It’s a shame no one at the NRCC thought to post a version of that actually large enough to read.
But if anyone wants to read what it says before it was altered, I posted on it last week:
I’m going to try and run it through PhotoShop to make it better when I get a few minutes.
AC and Nike, great material; please try to circulate it beyond our humble reach.
She is an inveterate, pathological liar. I remember circa ’06 she was ranting and raving about her plan to get us out of Iraq. After the mid-term elections still no word from her about her plan. Was she keeping it a secret? To this day, we’ve yet to hear what the plan is/was. She never had no one. I sent an email to her with some raw language asking where the plan was and then accusing her of lying. I inadvertently left my name and hometown in the signature. Immediately after and for the next 12 months I received over 400 hang up calls. I know they came from her office. She’s an effing pig. The entire upper echelon of the D Party is one big lie. What a tragedy for the country.
Art, don’t be too hard on her, remember she has humble origins.
Ew, you shoulda warned us!
Missy, I think it’s too kind.
Maybe soooo, how about this one?
Thanks, Missy, terrific photo of that billionaire crook monster. Looks like a great site. Thanks.
Good Morning! http://www.freakingnews.com/pictures/25500/Nancy-Pelosi-Facelift–25810.jpg
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Friday that she is leading a 12-member “bipartisan” congressional delegation to Haiti. The group includes one Republican — outmatched by 11 Democrats.
Though Pelosi’s press release used the word “bipartisan” five times, Florida Sen. George LeMieux is the sole GOP lawmaker in Congress visiting the devastated island nation for what would presumably be a bipartisan cause — assessing ways to help the country recover from its earthquake.
This is just one small example of how this POS lies.
All this delegation is really going for is to determine what the most efficient and effective way is that they can use this disaster to enrich themselves and strengthen their power back home.
Becuase, really, that’s all the Democrats ever do with any crisis.
How can we use this? That’s their only concern.
You are very welcome. They can get a bit risque for me at times, but much of their stuff I find hilarious, as well as their comments. Have checked in for quite awhile, watching the various hats the Big Fur Hat has used is unexplainably funny. A had to be there thing.