It’s a big day for the little man in Iran.
The 31st anniversary of the Islamic revolution has arrived, and to remind the USA Ahmadinejad has been blowing smoke at the White House and the American people for quite some time now.
My question is will he remain in power to celebrate the next anniversary if there is another anniversary to celebrate at all?
Art thought to ponder:
“In the shadows those inspired in doing harm to humanity continue to realize their dreams.”
–Carlos Pijeira
CP you did it again so perfectly and poeticly done thank you.
would it be possible to think that thoses country unified with their upbrings could work to get us to advance more deeper into war until we are no more able to multiply our capacitys of of winning too many of them like the Russians did with Napoleon it came in my mind reading a fews exerps in news lately and a conspiracy like that is possible and would we be fooled by not looking into it?
I consider our most successful foreign policy was with Libya. There was a time when all you heard on the news was Qaddafi, Qaddafi, Qaddafi, till you were sick of it. Then one day a U.S. missile arrived at his front door. Suddenly there was silence and you rarely heard his name again. I bet most people today have no idea who Qaddafi is.
It is beyond my understanding why Ahmadinejad’s plane did not mysteriously disappear over the mid-Atlantic. Bush: “ Gees! I don’t know what happened. Sorry to hear that. Would you like us to help search for the wreckage?”. After such a tragic accident I’d be willing to sit down and talk with Chavez, Hamas, and that Korean guy and I bet the talks would be very fruitful.
The louder the anti-war crowd screams the bolder the dictators become.
Nowhere is the Obama Administrations danerous inexperience and incompetence on better display than the mishandling of Iran.
Obama tried his make nice and talk approach and got slapped in the face. You would think that he would now see how stupid that was and how it only allowed Iran more time to continue towards building a bomb that threatens peace in the world.
Instead, he seems to say “let’s give them one more chance.” Then one more, one more and one more.
The best opportunity to solve the problem of Iran, which is the source of all Islamic terror, is slowing passing us. The Iranian people themselves have declared they want to end this nightmare but Obama can’t even offer them any words of support.
Apparently, Obama doesn’t believe the U.S. should be leading the world and helping to guide other nations to freedom when he’s so busy trying to destroy freedom at home.
In addition to our Emperor having no clothes, he also allows the children to play with loaded firearms.
PAT you might have hit on the nail with your mention EARTHQUAKE being responsible for wheathers changes it make sense,bye
MIKE’AMERICA i read a sponserd link on my google you might be intersted to check[obama new world order http://www.visionrevisited.com or http://www.VISIONREVISITED.com interesthing bye
Mike, the only addition I humbly suggest for your succinct post is the impotent comment from Obama when the Iranian demonstrations started, “We have to see how this plays out.”
Yes we wait and wait, in the mean time the story is playing out and despite Obama’s Cult of Personality, Iran seems to be on a fast track to major bomb construction and the world is closer every day to nuclear genocide; while Bo and Mechelle fret over fat minority kids and gaining control of our medical system, aka health care.
Carlos, nice drawing.
Your powerful work definately stirs the emotions Carlos,
Our countries pristine monument recognizing the father of this country and it’s beginning as opposed to the dark forboding image of destruction and the insane, evil figurehead that threatens us and may also destroy Iran.