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Anybody from Chicago have any news or inside info on the Larry Sinclair affair? That also involves two murders of of gay men who knew BO, one very well, choirmaster for Rev Wright exectued with bullet to the head, supposedly had affair with Obama. I would bet that Daley and Oprah know everything about this and are sitting on it, cuz it has the possiblity of bringing down the entire phony political machine in Chicago and could even carry over into that chubby Oprah.

Also, very mysteriously, Larry was arrested and incarcerated without charges for one week in Delaware by Biden’s son, the AG, in order to keep larry Sinclair from the press during critical week in the primaries. This would be obstruction of justice and abuse of power. The Bidens are smelly. Worse than dog pooh.

atti, citations, please. Why has Sinclair disappeared from the public view? Maybe he’s just full of crap? I dislike Obumble as much as anyone but we don’t need to go after his pecadillos. Besides, liberals get a pass on all morality issues since they don’t have any moral values. “Anything goes” is there mantra. Let’s stick to the Marxist policies of The Fraudulent One.

@ Jarhead.

One, he hasn’t disappeared. He has his website which is active.
Two, he’s published a book. You can get it at Amazon.
Three, because the following crimes are at issue here: murder (Rev. Wright’s choir master, Donald Young, was executed, bullet to the head, within days of trying to make contact with Larry Sinclair. There was a second murder of an individual whose name I cannot recall but is intertwined with Sinclair and and Young), obstruction of justice, and abuse of power (Larry was served with a warrant from Delaware, jailed for a week, never charged, lawyer chickened out and ran.

I don’t think you can call these pecadillos, but rather, serious crimes by big time pols. Do you not think that these breaches of the laws are part of the Marxist syndrome, just as the internet Obots were/are, and the primary election crimes as well. This is more than just having a lark in the rear of a limo with a gay guy and a bit of coke. It’s barbaric. Get with it, Jarhead, and help us bury the Ivy League turd. He has smelled up America enough.


PS: Obama has spent a lot of effort and no doubt, money as well, to stifle or snuff Sinclair.

CURT what a beautiful scenery picture it could be from many places thank you.

thank you CURTa very relaxing picture.

Obama picked the Colts to win and even when they were up by 10 points in the first quarter, they were blown out much like the polls by the Democrats.

The photo is a sunset in beautiful Miami which is currently in the throes of global warming.

I found this Evan Sayet speach to the Heritage Foundation. It is three years old, but it’s main concept is as topical today as it was in 2007. This will provide a key insight to all of the leftys you meet during your daily travels.


Members of the new interrogation unit will have the authority to travel around the world to talk to suspects and will be trained to handle certain high-interest people, such as al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Linguists and cultural and interrogation specialists will be assigned to the group and will have “some division of responsibility” regarding types of detainees, a senior administration official said. Most of the group’s members will work there full time, although they will have part-time support from the FBI.
Interrogators will not necessarily read detainees their rights before questioning, instead making that decision on a case-by-case basis, officials said. That could affect whether some material can be used in a U.S. court of law. The main purpose of the new unit, however, is to glean intelligence, especially about potential terrorist attacks, the officials said.
“It is not going to, certainly, be automatic in any regard that they are going to be Mirandized,” one official said, referring to the practice of reading defendants their rights. “Nor will it be automatic that they are not Mirandized.”
The director of the HIG is expected to come from the FBI, and the deputy will be selected from one of the intelligence agencies, such as the CIA. Although past CIA techniques have come under fire in the debate over torture, the agency will continue to play “a very important role,” one official said.

So if you got a call that the FBI was interrogating a “high-interest” person, would you assume they were Mirandized ?

A member of Esquadrilha da Fumaça, Smoke Squadron demonstration team from Brazil, makes an awesome recovery at an airshow:

Haven’t seen the sun in 3 weeks here in Louisville…Snow and grey skies.

We have several inches of global warming on the ground here in Indiana….haha

Well, I slept through our earthquake this morning, happened shortly after 4 am. Usually I’m awake by then, thank goodness it was so minor.

Found out about from our neighbors shortly after 5 am when we were out shoveling snow.

So strange, a couple of weeks ago we had coyotes in our backyard howling and carrying on at 3:30 am, woke us up but not the neighbors. Hubby opened up the patio door and yelled at them so they would leave, went out at daylight and their tracks were right under my neighbor’s bedroom window, that very loud howling did not wake her up but this morning’s little rumble did.

It was only 4.3, all my pictures on the walls are still there, the dog, finally, also slept through it, all seems well. What was strange was the dog was acting weird from about 9 to 10:30pm. He kept jumping down off our bed and waking me up to pick him up because he’s to tiny to jump back up this went on several times. Finally hubby stuffed him under the covers and he settled down. Wonder if he sensed something.

GREGORY wow i think that would be enouph to have a hearth attack on the way up quite unusual show thank’s

A like-minded colleague just forwarded this link to me. Satirizes Obama’s constant use of a “strawman” to back up rhetorical arguments while pontificating from his telepromter.

Reminds me of John Kerry during the 04 campaign — had always just met a soldier, veteran, voter that agreed with everything he said. No names ever given — lots of strawmen/women out there!!!


MISSY you must have been scare after learning that and as you know your small dog like mine also feel more of noises that big one does and he must have felt more rumbles after shocks and was warning you the best way he could of something was still going he alone heard bye


I wasn’t frightened, had I been awake I may have just thought it was the National Guard planes flying over, they changed their flight path and fly really low over our homes. When there are more than one they really vibrate the place and are loud.

We went through one back in the 70’s, while helping a friend make party treats. She was sitting on a chair at the kitchen table, I was standing next to it, everything started to move on the table and her pictures wound up tilted. I’ll never forget the way she just grabbed onto the bottom of her chair. That one only lasted seconds and I don’t remember hearing anything, the neighbors said this one was a loud rumbling noise and they also heard cracks.

Rio might have sensed something, his favorite part of his day is bedtime, he’s got a built in clock and waits beside the bed ready to be picked up before we get down the hall. He’s never behaved like that, he doesn’t like to jump, he also waits for us to pick him up and put him on the floor.

Look! We are all the proud owners of beachfront property in the Virgin Islands and we only had to pay $50 million for it. What a steal!

Maybe we can ship northern families that are losing their homes over there so they don’t have to invest in a beater to camp out in or waste money on coats, boots, gloves, blankets, etc.

The property soliciting accusations of “pork” from critics is the Castle Nugent National Historic Park. It’s in the U.S. Virgin Islands, about a thousand miles from Miami and an expensive jet ride to get there.

Two weeks ago, on a near party line vote, a huge Democratic majority in the House agreed to spend $50 million to buy the former cotton plantation on the island of St. Croix.

“This is a beautiful and important natural and cultural resource that is in danger of being lost forever,” Virgin Island delegate, Donna Christiansen, told House colleagues in January.

“The site to be designated as the Castle Nugent National Historic Park continues to be heralded as one of the last pristine areas in the region.”

Those mean old Republicans! Who cares if we can’t afford the maintenance on our existing parks, this is St. Croix, we want it!

“Now is not the time to spend up to $50 million dollars of the taxpayers’ money to buy nearly 3,000 acres of beachfront property on a Caribbean Island,” said Rep. Doc Hastings, (R-Wash.), ranking Republican on the House Natural Resources Committee. “We can’t afford a price tag for a new park in St Croix, just as many Americans will never be able to afford a visit there.”

Democrats approved the purchase, even though the National Park Service has yet to complete a study on the purchase.

“We don’t have the money to do this,” said Rep Jason Chaffetz, (R – Utah). “Currently the National Park Service has an estimated $9 billion in backlog maintenance on existing parks. Why should the people of Iowa, Rhode Island or California or Utah have to continue to pay and supplement the people there on St Croix for this property?”


MISSY the REP are right that money could have help a lot of people to recover from their problems of needs how come they approve some expenses like that is in it ridiculest? specialy against the advices of the REPUBLICANS


They aren’t going to listen to the Republicans if there’s a way they can get away with something like this it will be done. Not to many will ever even know about it. I only saw it because of digging through news items at various sites.

Just know, what we never find out about is probably worse. Runaway spending has been a bad Washington DC habit for many years with both parties, that’s why the Tea Party movement is gaining strength, finally!

God Bless: Prayers and Best Wishes To Fox News War Correspondent, Jennifer Griffin, Battling ‘Aggressive’ Breast Cancer
