How Obama & His Chicago Gang Are Bringing Down His Presidency

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You know it’s getting bad when even those most afraid to criticize the messiah, are doing just that:

Financial Times Washington Bureau Chief Edward Luce has written a granularly informed insider account about those who hold the keys to the inner most sanctum of Obama Land — Rahm Emanuel, Robert Gibbs, Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod.

It’s a vital article — a brave one — that includes “dozens of interviews with his closest allies and friends in Washington.”

Most are unnamed because the consequences of retribution from this powerful foursome can be severe in an access-dependent town. John Podesta, president of the powerful, administration-tilting Center for American Progress, had the temerity and self-confidence to put his thoughts publicly on the record. But most others could not.

Mark Schmitt, executive editor of the liberal magazine the American Prospect, wrote that “Luce has written what seems to me the best and most succinct rundown of what’s gone wrong in the White House, with particular attention to the role of Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.”


…this Luce piece is unavoidably, accurately hard-hitting, and while many of the nation’s top news anchors and editors are sending emails back and forth (I have been sent three such emails in confidence) on what a spot-on piece Luce wrought on the administration, they fear that the “four horsepersons of the Obama White House” will shut down and cut off access to those who give the essay ‘legs.’

But in the too regularly vapid chatter about DC’s political scene, serious critiques of the internal game around Obama not only deserve review on their own merits but have to be read — because Obama is not winning. He is failing and people need to consider why.

Any serious survey of the Obama administration’s accomplishments and setbacks over the last year has to conclude that the administration is deeply in the red.

If current trends continue, this once mesmerizing Camelot-ish operation will be be seen in the history books as the presidential administration that — to distort slightly and inversely paraphrase Churchill — never have so many talented people managed to achieve so little with so much.

I find it amusing that the left is just now figuring out that Obama is still in campaign mode. Something us conservatives have noted for a long time now. But better late then never I suppose.

The writer, Steve Clemons, complains that there are talented people in the White House. I would ask him which planet he resides on? If he means talented campaigners then I would agree. Any group that could get the most inexperienced, empty suit, into the White House is most definitely award winning campaigners but when it comes to running a country they are completely and utterly clueless.

Jonah Goldberg describes it well:

I remember arguing with liberals about his qualifications during the general election and you’d often hear: He’s run such a brilliant campaign!

Yes, yes he did. But that’s not governing. Obama’s using the one experience in his life where he successfully ran a significant enterprise — his own campaign — and he’s designing his presidency around it, because that’s all he knows. It’s fine to blame the four horsemen, or to scapegoat Rahm. But the problem starts at the top.

The Luce article does tip-toe around blaming Obama, but even with that glaring omission it’s a must read.

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Somewhat ott, conspiracy theorist caller to Sean Hannity speculated that Obama’s alleged Chicago mob connections might explain why he has a vendetta against Las Vegas since allegedly the mob vowed vengeance when they were kicked out casino management.

n., pl., houses of cards.
A flimsy structure, arrangement, or situation that is in danger of collapsing or failing.

idiom: idiot Obama; government administration worth less than nothing for it’s total lack of experience and inability to solve any problem.

Barack H. Obama, American’s first BLANK president.

Obama is supposed to be another “GREAT COMMUNICATOR”, fortunately he is NOT. He talks AT people, this is not the definition of communication. A hypnotist also talks AT people! Do you see any other similarities? There may be another great communicator, BUT it is not, “THE WON”. A great communicator talks TO the people, ON THEIR SAME LEVEL. RUN SARAH RUN ,and HAPPY BIRTHDAY from a big fan.

With his seeming unchecked vanity, would Obama refrain from firing some of his inner circle appointees fearing such a change could be construed as admitting a mistake in judgement?

Unless BO is forced, by powerful influences, to make any changes these people will stay put.

If changes are made, would they be as meaningless as Van Jones’ departure — he seems to still be in the mix of things.

On Hannity tonight — Mark Steyn >> “The four Corpsemen of the Obamaclyse” very well stated

He will never fire any of the 4’horseman’, without them he would even be more disposed of incompetence. They are the ones forcefeeding his words; Soros the ideas.

…”the consequences of retribution…” Is this why FOX is so weak in its “reporting” of the thuggery at the White House? Is the network concerned that executive branch leftists would refuse interviews? WELL SO WHAT! Seems to me that would be a badge of courage for FOX and do nothing but INCREASE its viewership!!!! I could make EXTRAORDINARY hay out of a White House which refused to come on my network because I had the “audacity” to tell the TRUTH about its occupants and toadies!

I think we’ve probably reached the point that we could say what we’ve got on our hands is a, “Toxic Presidency”.