Obama denies being an ideologue or a Bolshevik, why? Is he ashamed of his heritage and convictions, are just intent on keeping his motivations covert until the right time to spring his true nature upon us. Or is there a technicality that we need to grasp?
Perhaps we should analyze the term Bolshevik. Historically, the Bolsheviks were a faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP), founded by Vladimir Lenin, they split from the Menshevik faction in 1903, during the Second Party Congress. They eventually gained control during the October phase of the Revolution in 1917. Bolshevik means majority or large and the nick name resulted from having the majority rule in a crucial vote. Later on after gaining complete control, Lenin maintained that since there was no opposition, there was no longer the need to call themselves the majority party or Bolsheviks, thus they named themselves the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
Eventually, Lenin died and Stalin gained control of the party, Trotsky was exiled and wrote extensively condemning Stalin’s ‘incorrect’ version of Communism by referring to it as Bolshevism, a derivative of Bolshevik, in apposition to Leninism. Consequently the term Bolshevik developed negative connotations for the ‘pure’ Communist; perhaps this explains President Obama’s displeasure at being called a Bolshevik. He like many others must feel the sting of those who are critical of Stalin’s regime.
Ideologue: the term evolved in the highly contested political and philosophical debates of the French Revolution; coined by Destutt de Tracy, initially, it referred to the study of the science of ideas or the study of ideas and the means and logic of those ideas.
Later, Napoleon used the term as a pejorative toward his political opponents, since that time it has been used as a term of derision in political discussion to point out an opposing politician’s inability to grasp ideas that are different than those of his party line, thus reflecting a pettiness and lack of cognitive ability.
President Obama taking exception to being considered an Ideologue becomes a matter of conjecture when examining the platform of America’s Communist Party. Although President Obama denies any association with the Communist Party of the United States, (CPUSA) they are in express aggrement with all of his policies. They could not have had a better representative if they had won the election.
The CPUSA’s stated goals are to achieve a free, prosperous, and peaceful society free of racism, sexism, homophobia, and exploitation, in which all people have the opportunity to develop to their full potential. These same goals were espoused by Obama during his campaign, the same goals of the Social Democrats and of the Progressive Democrats. The Communists above all maintain that they advocate a peaceful Socialist Revolution and a peaceful transition to Socialism. Obviously if they didn’t, the Communist Party would be outlawed; therefore the claim is probably one of expediency and is purely academic.
Randal Hoven of American Thinker Condensed the CPUSA’s party platform.
1. Immediate Relief
1.1 A moratorium on foreclosures and evictions.
1.2 Reset mortgages so payments are affordable.
1.3 No bailouts for banks.
1.4 Extend unemployment compensation, increase payments and eligibility.
1.5 Increase food stamps, WIC, children’s health ins., low income energy assistance.
1.6 Assist state and local governments.
1.7 Fund “ready-to-go” infrastructure projects.
2. A Peacetime, Green Jobs Economy for All
2.1 Enact massive public works.
2.2 Make existing buildings energy efficient.
2.3 Construct new schools, affordable housing, mass transit and bridges.
2.4 Major clean, affordable energy dvpt project for solar, wind, and biomass.
2.5 Program to cut greenhouse gas emissions, environmental cleanup.
2.6 Restore energy regulation and public ownership of utilities.
2.7 Enact the Employee Free Choice Act.
2.8 Enact HR 676, US National Health Insurance Act, single payer.
2.9 Fund public education, pre-school through higher and technical.
2.10 No privatization of Social Security or Medicare.
2.11 Expand and improve SS & Medicare benefits.
3. Restore Civil Rights, Bill of Rights, Separation of Powers
3.1 Restore Civil Rights Act enforcement, affirmative action.
3.2 Outlaw hate crimes.
3.3 Preserve Roe v Wade.
3.4 Immigration reform with path to citizenship, no militarization of borders.
3.5 No exploitative guest worker programs.
3.6 No human being is illegal.
3.7 Repeal the Patriot Act.
3.8 Investigate and prosecute Bush administration violations.
3.9 Expand voting rights.
3.10 Enact publicly financed elections.
3.11 Same-day registration.
3.12 Voting rights for ex-felons.
3.13 Restore Fairness Doctrine in media.
4. Strength through Peace
4.1 Withdraw US troops from Iraq with no bases or US corporations left behind.
4.2 Full care for returning veterans.
4.3 No war on Iran.
4.4 No expansion of troops in Afghanistan.
4.5 Assistance to Iraq to rebuild Iraq.
4.6 New foreign policy of diplomacy, respect for all nations.
4.7 Renew commitment to UN.
4.8 End trade policies that enrich corporations and destroy jobs.
4.9 Ratify Kyoto Treaty and other climate change agreements.
4.10 Enforce nuclear non-proliferation.
4.11 Work to abolish nuclear weapons.
4.12 Cut Pentagon spending in half.
4.13 Close down US bases around the world.
All things considered, I understand why a true Marxist in the Russian tradition balks at being labeled a Bolshevik, it is an insult from the days of Trotsky’s bitter writing over his ouster and banishment. Being upset at being labeled an Ideologue is a matter of history. In the context of the early days of the French Revolution, President Obama should consider it a compliment to be called an ideologue, If his frame of reference is from the Napoleonic perspective, he is indeed an Ideologue, after all Karl Marx frequently implied that it was essential to be an Ideologue. Obviously President Obama is confused over these issues as he seems to be over many issues. It would probably be a much easier presidency if he would just be honest with the American People and admit that he is a Communist Ideologue, with his reelection chances diminishing daily, he has reached the point where honesty can only improve his ratings. Of course if he had been honest in the beginning, he would have never been elected.

A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
In the end Obama will go the way of John Reed who championed Communism throughout the Western world only to end up as a prisoner of it. The end of their Marxist road to progress was the Gulag.
“It would probably be a much easier presidency if he would just be honest with the American People and admit that he is a Communist Ideologue,…”
Boy, isn’t that the truth! But he has just told us that he is not an ideologue, so either he does not understand the concept, or he is lying again. Either way, we will never get the truth out of The Won.
Obammer is what his Svengalis say he is. Right now they be a scratchin’ them there heads.
Obama’s communication to the American people, even the world has been intertwined with junk science, bogus statistics, rearranged facts, and even telling false personal anecdotes. He is so invested in himself, he fails to listen to what is going on around him — still savoring his 08 win as a mandate to do what ever the heck he wants. I sincerely believe he is surprised at the roadblocks he is encountering within his own party — otherwise, the cornerstones of his agenda would have been enacted by the Congressional super majorities.
He is his own undoing. Not only is he losing poll numbers by the day, but also, the loss of perceived credibility of his words. When the average citizen can readily fact-check through accessible information and routinely find contradiction, it then becomes hard to accept information whose relevant facts maybe too sensitive for even the Freedom of information act accessibility.
If we cannot believe in much of what our President tells us going forward — that becomes a real detriment to confidence in our system, our country. Perhaps this is why the underlying leaks of Obama administration hinting control of the internet, radio, tv??
When we turn the pages on this chapter of history, I predict historians will offer a narrative of Obama’s one term performance as the worst President ever as he attempted the takedown of the United States of America.
Rapide: The above link demonstrates your place in life.
Nothing further need be said.
Davey, most of the contemporaries of Stalin and Mao were ‘liquidated’, each of them was so worried about consolidating power and control, they didn’t want to be bothered with competition. The tribulations and trials of being a Super Hero or Elitist who serves the masses. In a way Stalin was much more humane with his executions, a bullet through the brain or a firing squad was much more desirable than the torture and lingering death techniques of Mao.
These executions didn’t involve a few hundred people, we are speaking of executions by the millions. Many of our American Progressive Socialists lost their enthusiasm for Communism after visiting Russia during Stalin’s Purges. Whitaker Chambers was a Progressive Socialist who changed his convictions after witnessing the depredations of Communism in person. He wrote of his conversion in his book Witness, the book that Ronald Reagan credited as the reason he went from being a New Deal Democrat to being a Conservative Republican.
Progressives have been churning out propaganda for decades, most of our Leftist Ideologues are not old enough to have the experience or wisdom to see through the propaganda, they follow in blind obedience to ideals that don’t exist and have never existed.
AV, Obama reminds me of a man who has fallen down the outhouse hole and cries for help. When you reach down to help him, he tries to pull you in with him: he doesn’t want help, he just wants to pull you down in the sh*t with him.
Obama was raised in a family of Communists, he associated with Communist Radicals throughout his life, that’s all he knows; consequently, he is trying to pull us down the Socialist Outhouse Hole with him. Hopefully, this country is strong enough to withstand the assault from this Progressive Socialist.
I do not believe Obama is confused. Obama is the frontman for the Soros determination to bring down the USA.
I do consider Obama to be naive, taking himself so seriously, as no man would ever do. His ‘yes’ men encourage him of his conviction to ‘be right’ at all times, otherwise he would not look into the mirror so often. His need for daily self-admiration is that of a pathological narcissist, and he is very ill.
When Shuster (MSNBS visited the Whit House, he talked about seeing over 300 pics of Obama in the West Wing. People lableling him ‘messiah’ caused Obama to believe even more than he already did on his own.
Obama does not run the show, but rather much a larger cabal determined to destroy America. Just follow the money, and his background!
I checked out the CPUSA website, looking for a platform. There isn’t any. So other than directly out of his ass, where did this poster get the CPUSA platform?
Do you think that because it is not on their web site, it does not exist? That is pretty poor logic!
Perfect analogy.
You should send this analogy to Congressional Minority Leaders as a reminder to not fall into trying to rescue NoBama’s HealthCare debacle through the televised trap he is setting.
Ok, where is it? Tell me where I can find the CPUSA platform?
Joe if you read the article closely and follow the link you will see that it is from an article in American Thinker by R. Hoven. It is not unusual for these sites to change after causing embarrassment to their hero through an article like Mr Hoven’s. After the change the whining sycophants are then given the green light to whine like a pig when you cut his throat just before butchering.
Inge, 300 hundred pictures! I wonder if those are for visitors or for the Won himself. Pathological Narcissist, I like that term, how fitting!
Joe, why don’t you contact the CPUSA and ask them?
AV, great idea, I’d do it now but work is calling.
Great article, Skook.
Did you all know this?
Iran means “Aryan”.
If the CPSU platform is as alleged in this amalgam of assumed connections I must give this party greater consideration. Who could argue with aims of this group with a few exceptions? I think they have hijacked the Democrats platform or have the dems gone pink!? What next?? Indiviual protections for endangered corporations equivalent to the constitutional rights of individual citizens……….? NAH…..
Can you guess which Bible verses Barack Hussein Obama likes to avoid?
Proverbs 19:10 (NIV): “It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury – how much worse for a slave to rule over princes!”
Also Proverbs 30:22 (NIV) which says that the earth cannot bear up under “a servant who becomes king.”
And Ecclesiastes 5:2-3 (KJV) advises: “let thy words be few…a fool’s voice is known by multitude of words.”
Although Obama is not descended from slaves, he may feel that he’s destined to become a black-slavery avenger.
Or maybe an enslaver of all free citizens!
For some stunning info on Pres. Obama and his fellow subversives, Google “Michelle Obama’s Allah-day,” “Obama Supports Public Depravity,” “David Letterman’s Hate Etc.,” “Un-Americans Fight Franklin Graham” and also “Sandra Bernhard, Larry David, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher, Joan Rivers, Sarah Silverman.” Also Google “Prof. F. N. Lee’s ISLAM IN THE BIBLE [PDF].”
PS – Since Christians are commanded to ask God to send severe judgment on persons who commit and support the worst forms of evil (see I Cor. 5 and note “taken away”), Christians everywhere should constantly pray that the Lord will soon “take away” or at least overthrow all US leaders who continue to sear their conscience and arrogantly trample the God-given rights of the majority including the rights of the unborn. Do we need a second American Revolution?
PPS – For a rare look at the 181-year-old endtime belief which has long neutralized millions of American patriots by promising them an “imminent rapture” off earth – which has diverted them away from being prepared to stand against all enemies, domestic as well as foreign – Google “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty,” “Pretrib Rapture Diehards,” “Edward Irving is Unnerving,” “Pretrib Rapture Secrecy,” and “Pretrib Rapture – Hidden Facts” – all by the author of the bestselling nonfiction book “The Rapture Plot” (the most accurate documentation on the pretrib rapture’s long hidden birth in Britain in 1830 – see Armageddon Books). Also Google “Stamping Out Harold Camping.”