So who’s lying?
[FBI Director] Mueller said none of the intelligence chiefs at Tuesday’s hearing (including Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair and CIA Director Leon Panetta) were consulted about the decision to read AbdulMutallab his Miranda rights. That decision was made by the chief security interrogator at the scene in consultation with the Department of Justice, Mueller said.
Same day report from CNN:
At congressional hearings last month, Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano admitted they had not been consulted about the decision to Mirandize Abdulmutallab.
Ten top national security and intelligence officials were informed more than a day before suspected terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was indicted under federal charges for trial in a civilian court, a top White House official said Wednesday.
Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. said Wednesday that he personally made the decision. “I made the decision to charge Mr. Abdulmutallab with federal crimes, and to seek his detention in connection with those charges, with the knowledge of, and with no objection from, all other relevant departments of the government,“ Holder said in a letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
Among the Washington heavy-hitters in the Situation Room when that decision was made, according to Robert Gibbs, White House press secretary: Dennis Blair, the national director of intelligence; FBI Director Bob Mueller; CIA Director Leon Panetta; Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano; and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Any bets on who is the liar out of this crew?

See author page
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano “the system keeps working”.
They were winging it in the first place and are trying to get their stories straight now as they realize belatedly that people are paying attention. It’s all a “lie” if only because no one knew the truth. They didn’t know the truth because they have no organization and communication except along limited and ideologic grounds. Therefore they are caught out often.
If the Director of the FBI and CIA sat there and didn’t object then they obviously do not need to be in thier jobs.
These people are used to being able to say anything they want and the propaganda media would go along with it, no matter how stupid it was. Is it possible the propaganda media are finally figuring out that the reason the people aren’t reading their newspapers or listening to their news shows is that they now are getting “The Rest Of The Story” from the conservative talk shows and blogs, and if they don’t go back to telling SOME of the truth they are going to go broke?