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” I thought he was heavily tanned”.

Lloyd Marcus at American Thinker today, “Black History Month Should be About Black History”

“Black History Month in reality is the liberal democrat’s annual fund raiser and promo campaign for more entitlement programs.”

“American blacks have achieved amazing things under extraordinary circumstances; most of which could not have happened without the assistance of good decent God fearing whites. But we never hear about these white “good guys”. ”

“Every Black History Month we are bombarded with specials showcasing white America’s history of persecuting blacks while totally ignoring the history of white blood, sweat and tears shed for blacks. It appears that all black achievement was made in spite of and without any help from racist white America.”

“As long as race exploitation is a profitable industry, America will never be allowed “off the hook”. Outrageously, the Obama administration called the same white majority who elected him racist for rejecting his government run health care plan. Race exploiters will never retire the Race Card. Race profiteers say, “Ah, it’s my favorite time of the year, Black History Month. Time to convince America that they owe us and hit them up for more freebies!””

That first quote is the most perfect description of Black History Month I’ve ever read.

I was steeped in that stuff – I got the proto-Howard Zinn education at a mostly black country-ghetto school – and what Mr. Marcus says here is true. There was no celebration of America in the celebrations of America’s black heroes. There was absolutely no mention, when I was in school being steeped in Black History, all year, every year, of the important role of the Republican party in the upward progress of blacks in America. None whatsoever, because the schools themselves, especially those like mine, most of whose board members are probably also on the take, working for ACORN or other shady scum organizations, are completely owned by the Democrat party.

I hope that folks like Zo of Zonation (at PJTV) and others can wake up the street to the reality. And I hope that some good white folks with microphones and podiums will someday grow the courage to also tell the truth. Don’t hang your head in shame when Democrats accuse you or insinuate that there is a relationship between conservatism and racism. You hang your head in shame, Mr. Republican, because you have been subject to the same decades-long intentional brainwashing. Learn and be proud of the Republican Party, and SAY SO!

It is DEMOCRATS who should be ashamed to continue even using the very NAME of the party which created the KKK, which lynched black Republicans, which fought every single law which would affirm the equal rights of blacks to whites, which CREATED every single law which dehumanized blacks, which brought us the “Whites Only” drinking fountain, which worked with the Nazi-sympathizing Margaret Sanger, and helped her in her oft-stated desire to eradicate blacks and other “undesirables” from the world, and the party which CREATED and MAINTAIN the ghetto, which forbids the real education of the prisoner-slaves within…. Even the best of them, like, say, Joe Lieberman. JOE LIEBERMAN, how could you continue to even remotely associate yourself with the name “Democrat”? Indeed, knowing what they have done, and what they continue to do, it is the Democrats who should hang their heads in shame at even calling themselves Democrats, for their shameful history, and their shameful present, and their shameful allies.

Republicans and voting-class Democrats need to wake up and learn what really happened before it all gets erased from history. It is evident that this is what is happening when I see even what I THOUGHT were reasonably intelligent, forthright, upstanding Republican officeholders and their public spokespeople, when confronted with the BS hints, innuendos, insinuations, and outright lies, they hang their heads, they offer unneeded mea culpas, and they avoid the question or statement, instead of LASHING BACK WITH THE COMPLETE, PROUD TRUTH. People have been brainwashed into believing the exact OPPOSITE of what is true, regarding our political parties and race.

Please forgive the overlong rant. This issue is quite dear to my heart.

Taqiyyotomist, as a descendant of the Original Americans I can honestly say that I have no sympathy for “professional victims” or hyphenated Americans of any variety. The hyphen is a divisive element that does not serve the Nation well. As soon as America gets over that it will be better served by Americans. The hyphen to a degree defines racism.

What matters to me is Who You Are right now, not Who your Great Great Grandparents Were. They are not around anymore but You are.

Amen, OT.

Chris Matthews stupid statements will only be outdone by his next stupid statement.

Old Trooper
yes absolutely right
best to you.