Obama May Hold Military Tribunal Of KSM At Gitmo….Major Flip-Flop

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Hmmmmm……guess President Bush’s plan to try the scum at Gitmo wasn’t a bad idea after all eh? It’s amazing what ONE Senatorial election can do….wait till the next one comes around and watch Obama’s head explode:

The trial of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed won’t be held in lower Manhattan and could take place in a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay, sources said last night.

Administration officials said that no final decision had been made but that officials of the Department of Justice and the White House were working feverishly to find a venue that would be less expensive and less of a security risk than New York City.

The back-to-the-future Gitmo option was reported yesterday by Fox News and was not disputed by White House officials.

Such a move would likely bring howls of protest from liberals already frustrated that President Obama has failed to meet his deadline for closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay.

It would also indicate that after years of attacking the Bush administration for its handling of the war on terror, Obama officials are embracing one of the most controversial aspects of it.

The administration is likely considering Gitmo because Congress is moving to cut off funding for holding the expensive trials in civilians courts.

Andy McCarthy:

Reality has yet again dragged the Obama administration, kicking and screaming, toward a more sensible policy. Like the decision to close Gitmo, which was announced without regard for the imperative of detaining committed jihadists, the decision to hold civilian trials for alien enemy combatants was made without regard for security, costs, the prospect of surrendering national defense information to the enemy during wartime, or the betrayal of humanitarian law caused by rewarding the worst war criminals with gold-plated due process. Not holding the civilian trial in New York City is a good thing. Not holding a civilian trial at all would be a far better thing. Since we have not made provisions for a national-secuirty court to deal with the novel challenge of international terrorism, wartime alien enemy combatants should be tried by military commission in the safety of Guantanamo Bay — which is what it was built for, at great expense to the American taxpayer.

This administration completely fails in many things, but none so important as their responsibility to protect our shores and the American people. Bringing terrorists into our country and handing them our rights is beyond stupidity. It’s dangerous.

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Well that really is CHANGE. (If it happens)

If this does happen, someone is going to have to fall on the sword. AG Holder?

I’ll be looking for a bumper sticker that reads GITMO, using the Obama hopey-changey “O” for the GITMO “O”.

Don’t believe it until you see it. These libtards are clearly more committed to their radical blame America ideology than they are to common sense.

They’ve already withdrawn the military charges and I find it hard to think they will easily reinstate them.

It just occurred to me what Obama’s strategy is. Keep the American people off balance and crazy making. He comes out with a ridiculous statement that a child of three would know wouldn’t go over well. Let the people toss it around for a few days or weeks or months (according to the height of ridiculousness and/or importance. Let the momentum build then do a 180 degree turn and rescind the whole thing. This has happened so many times this last year that he has become known as the flip-flop president. The guy just can’t make up his mind and take a stand on anything. He reminds me of the baloon men at auto stores that dip and blow with the wind and have no substance or real reason for being there except to attract attention.

Getting the Right to go off on a tangent that goes no where is a strategy the Witless Wonder and his pin heads use against us on a regular basis. Use caution leaking factual and accurate nws to Fox seems to ring hollow.

No matter what happens, he has painted himself into a corner. Lies and obfuscation can only carry you so far as long as we keep these little machines fired up!

So, is this change we may or may not believe in?

Good find, Curt!

Obama seeks $200M to help cities host 9/11 trials


OK then. So much for the freeze on spending. This is the most economically illiterate President ever. Military Tribunals at GITMO are at a secure location and in the budget. I’m all for docking Obama’s salary for this nonsense. This idiot couldn’t run a lemonade stand without a bail out!

I believe this ‘toon points out the obvious inanity of it all. He ain’t called “the Big Zero” fer nuttin’….

This idiot couldn’t run a lemonade stand without a bail out!

He doesn’t even have the experience for that job.

Hold Khalid Sheik Mohammeds trial at Guantanamo Bay? I’m taking this with a grain of salt, this would send Obamas already frothing at the mouth supporters into a frenzy. It would be another broken promise added to the endless list, so I doubt Obama would do this because it is such a detrimental risk to his political career.

“Less of a security risk?” I wonder if Hussein got some CIA info that our “religion of peace friends” were going to blow something up in NY if the trial were held there? As even the 24/7 efforts of MSNBC would not convince the American people that such an act would be “Bush’s fault” and not his OWN, Hussein reconsidered the wishes of his leftist friends/supporters/handlers to hold the show trial in the US! This America hating, fascist, Chicago thug is already in “some political difficulty.” Fifty thousand murdered Americans might well remove him from the Whitey House–immediately!

why does he offer 200million to a city who want to take the detainees procedure i just read on OLDtrooper link?

OK. Can anyone convince me that just one of these clowns know WTH they are doing?


Administration changes story on Christmas Day bomber

“A number of news organizations are reporting that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the al Qaeda soldier accused of trying to blow up a Northwest Airlines jet, is now cooperating with authorities and has provided useful intelligence to terrorist investigators.

The Washington Post, citing “Obama administration sources,” reports Abdulmutallab “has been providing FBI interrogators with useful intelligence about his training and contacts since last week.” The Politico quotes a “law enforcement source” saying Abdulmutallab has provided “useful, current intelligence.” And ABC News, citing a “senior administration official,” reports that the intelligence “has been disseminated throughout the intelligence community.”

The reports represent a striking turnaround in the administration’s position. Ever since the public learned that authorities had just 50 minutes to question Abdulmutallab before he was read his Miranda rights and refused to answer any further questions, the Obama administration has claimed that it had, during that brief interrogation, gotten all the information that was possible to be gained from Abdulmutallab. On Fox News Sunday January 24, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said that “FBI interrogators believe they got valuable intelligence and were able to get all that they could out of him.” When host Chris Wallace asked, “All they could?” Gibbs answered, “Yeah.”

On January 31, top White House adviser David Axelrod told Meet the Press that Abdulmutallab “has given very valuable information to the government about activities in Yemen and some of his experiences there.” To emphasize the point, Axelrod said, “We have not lost anything as a result of how his case has been handled.”

So just a few days ago the Obama administration claimed that Abdulmutallab had given up everything he knows. Now, they claim he is giving them fresh, useful intelligence.

The administration’s new position seems to be a direct response to bipartisan criticism of the handling of Abdulmutallab. Many lawmakers on Capitol Hill were appalled to learn that he had been questioned for just 50 minutes before being advised of his right to remain silent. The criticism started among Republicans but spread to some Democrats and threatened to spread further unless the administration addressed the issue in some way. So now comes the news that Abdulmutallab is talking again.

The news is being reported in a frankly political context. “The revelation could deflate recent Republican attacks against the Obama administration’s decision to read Abdulmutallab his Miranda rights,” reports the Politico. The “senior administration official” who spoke to ABC News denounced “people with no experience and apparently less knowledge about the case and the issues involved” who “have made it a cause celebre.” Other news organizations are reporting administration pushback stories as well, including reports that Abdulmutallab’s treatment closely resembled that given by the Bush administration to shoe bomber Richard Reid. (Politico reports that that news “further undermined” GOP criticisms.)

But on the issue of Abdulmutallab and what he has told investigators, the question remains: Were Gibbs, Axelrod and the Obama White House telling the whole story when they said Abdulmutallab had told authorities all he knew?”