The Rise and Fall of BHO

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The fall of Barack Hussein Obama is proving to be no less meteoric than his rise to public adoration. In fact, the fall may be even more dramatic than the well staged rise via staging, crowds and media hype of the historic nature of America’s first black POTUS.

The steady decline in policy support may have been noted in sundry polls, but it is in the last 48 hours that fallout from the MA special election of Scott Brown as the junior Senator may have taken it’s toll on the Obama “magic”. Instead, as FA compadre, Scott Malenski, notes, the liberal/progressive “friendlies” are turning on Obama in droves.

Domestically we have a major supporter and powerhouse, Paul Krugman, publicly humiliating Obama using the O’supporters’ catch phrase on his NYT’s blog yesterday… “He wasn’t the one we’ve been waiting for.”

Health care reform — which is crucial for millions of Americans — hangs in the balance. Progressives are desperately in need of leadership; more specifically, House Democrats need to be told to pass the Senate bill, which isn’t what they wanted but is vastly better than nothing. And what we get from the great progressive hope, the man who was offering hope and change, is this:

I would advise that we try to move quickly to coalesce around those elements of the package that people agree on. We know that we need insurance reform, that the health insurance companies are taking advantage of people. We know that we have to have some form of cost containment because if we don’t, then our budgets are going to blow up and we know that small businesses are going to need help so that they can provide health insurance to their families. Those are the core, some of the core elements of, to this bill. Now I think there’s some things in there that people don’t like and legitimately don’t like.

In short, “Run away, run away”!

Maybe House Democrats can pull this out, even with a gaping hole in White House leadership. Barney Frank seems to have thought better of his initial defeatism. But I have to say, I’m pretty close to giving up on Mr. Obama, who seems determined to confirm every doubt I and others ever had about whether he was ready to fight for what his supporters believed in.

Dear Mr. Krugman… of course Obama wasn’t ready to fight for what the progressives believe in. Because, had you and fellow left believers paid close attention to the O’campaign, this was never about you and your beliefs, but about about “da won”. He is, first and foremost, a self absorbed politician with an ambitious agenda. Why is this a surprise? tsk tsk

The brow has to be seriously raised when uber-liberal journalist, Michael Hirsch, adds his own scathing damnation in Newsweek.”

Someone must have misinformed Barack Obama when he ran for president that the U.S. Constitution allotted him only a one-year term, rather than four years. Otherwise it’s difficult to understand why, faced with solving a Depression-size economic crisis, two wars, and global warming to boot, he felt that he also had to grab hold of the third-rail issue of health care during his inaugural year.

It’s been a disaster, of course, and may go down as one of the biggest political miscalculations in modern history. For the American public—haunted by too many rounds of layoffs, appalled by Wall Street’s government-aided Grand Heist, aghast at the size of federal spending that never seems to find its way into their pockets—health care was simply an intervention too far. Cue the tea partiers—and one freshly minted senator and future Republican rock star, Scott Brown. Lay poor Teddy Kennedy to rest all over again.

Hirsch, however, does hold true to his ever progressive optimism, noting that “overreaching” is a bipartisan trait. True enough… and only a negative in Hirsch’s column if the the GOP does not learn lessons from the past. Something I’d say anyone conservative or independent hopes they will demonstrate if they again come to power.

Another major domestic powerhouse, as Scott mentioned, Mort Zuckerman, didn’t mince his words either when he penned his Daily Beast op-ed, “He’s Done Everything Wrong”. Zuckerman, in the past an unapologetic supporter, is apparently now apologizing…. and labeling the Obama admin “corrupt” and “revolting”.

He’s misjudged the character of the country in his whole approach. There’s the saying, “It’s the economy, stupid.” He didn’t get it. He was determined somehow or other to adopt a whole new agenda. He didn’t address the main issue.

This health-care plan is going to be a fiscal disaster for the country. Most of the country wanted to deal with costs, not expansion of coverage. This is going to raise costs dramatically.

In the campaign, he said he would change politics as usual. He did change them. It’s now worse than it was. I’ve now seen the kind of buying off of politicians that I’ve never seen before. It’s politically corrupt and it’s starting at the top. It’s revolting.

Yet Zuckerman did try to throw Obama a few bones in his equally scathing op-ed. In his 10th paragraph, he said:

He’s improved America’s image in the world. He absolutely did. But you have to translate that into something. Let me tell you what a major leader said to me recently. “We are convinced,” he said, “that he is not strong enough to confront his enemy. We are concerned,” he said “that he is not strong to support his friends.”

The political leadership of the world is very, very dismayed. He better turn it around. The Democrats are going to get killed in this election. Jesus, looks what’s happening in Massachusetts.

In the first sentence, Mort states unequivocably that Obama has “improved America’s image in the world”. In the second, he contradicts that very statement. For how can the world be “dismayed” and unconvinced of an American President’s strength and dedication to allies, yet still have an “improved” image?

Case in point, Germany’s Spiegel in their their op-ed today, “The World Bids Farewell to Obama”. “Dismayed” may be an understatement, as the op-ed reads more like a poltical obituary… methodically checking off some (not all) adminstration failures.

US President Barack Obama suffered a painful defeat in Massachusetts on Tuesday. With mid-term elections looming, it means that Obama will have to fundamentally re-think his political course. German commentators say it is the end of hope.

US President Barack Obama has had a number of difficult weeks during his first year in the White House. Right after he took office, he had to wade through a week full of partisan bickering over his economic stimulus package combined with a tax scandal surrounding Tom Daschle, the man Obama had hoped would lead his health care reform team.

Then there was the last week of 2009, when a failed terror attack on a flight inbound for Detroit exposed major flaws in US efforts to identify and stop potential terrorists.

This week, though — a week when Obama should have been celebrating the first anniversary of his inauguration — may have been the president’s worst yet. Scott Brown, an almost unknown Republican member of the Massachusetts Senate, defeated the Democratic candidate Martha Coakley for the US Senate seat vacated by the death of Senator Edward M. Kennedy. The defeat in a heavily Democratic state not only highlights Obama’s massive loss of popular support during his first year in office, but it also could spell doom for his signature effort to reform the US health care system.

Center-left daily Süddeutsche Zeitung German commentator had, perhaps, the zinger perspective:

“Obama made a serious misjudgement. Right at the beginning of his first year in office, he saved the banks, rescued the automobile industry from collapse and passed a huge economic stimulus package. He had hoped that these enormous deeds would give him the space to address those issues which are dearest to him: health care reform, climate change and investment in education.”

“Those issues, however, are clearly not priorities for people in the US at the moment. Scott Brown campaigned on two promises, both of which apparently struck a nerve with the electorate. He wants to block health care reform and he wants to find ways to reduce the enormous budget deficit. It is here where the roots of dissatisfaction with Obama are to be found. His reform agenda, in its current form, is highly suspect to Americans. And they have the impression that, if he continues piling up debt, he will be gambling away the country’s future.”

Let me repeat that phrase… “… they have the impression that, if he continues piling up debt, he will be gambling away the country’s future”. Welcome to the heart of the movement that catapulted a Republican Senator to a seat held by a Kennedy for decades.

Bears repeating…. it’s the economy, stupid. An issue that transcends party loyalty any day of the week. Spending our money while promising us results for the spending… only to see deplorable results and generational economic oppression… doesn’t score points with an educated electorate – no matter what their voter registration says.

The UK has no dearth of acerbic observations on the tide turning embarrassing loss either. Gerald Warner notes that Obama’s “change we can believe in” has successfully managed to turn the home of Kennedy monarchy “bright red”, and resting ..”comfortably in the hands of the GOP.”

The Telegraph India, notes Obama’s three electoral strike outs:

The defeat in Massachusetts is the third big loss for his party in a row since Obama moved into the White House. Two months ago, Republicans similarly unseated governors in New Jersey, another equally solid Democratic stronghold, and in Virginia, which Obama had convincingly won in his presidential election in November 2008.


Any loss of a majority in the Senate and the US House of Representatives, now controlled by Democrats along with the White House, will make Obama a lame duck President for the rest of his first term in office.

Obama’s WH is not unastute to the global damage to “da won’s” reputation. So the official talking points have been issued to the faithful for marching orders. Of the 17 bulleted phrases we will begin to hear thru the media, over and over, for the next weeks, 11 of them are direct, or indirect, “blame the Republican” excuses.

· Senate Republicans have an obligation to the American people to join us in governing our nation through these difficult times and to help clean up the mess they left behind.

· It is mathematically impossible for Democrats to pass legislation on our own. Senate Republicans to come to the table with ideas for improving our nation and not obstructionist tactics.

· Saying “no” might be a good political strategy but it does nothing to create jobs or help improve the lives of struggling Americans.

· Republican Hypocrisy on Debt Limit Puts Our Economy, Seniors and Veterans at Risk

· In 2001, America enjoyed a $236 billion budget surplus with a projected 10-year surplus of $5.6 trillion.

· Republicans squandered those surpluses by spending wildly on massive tax breaks for the wealthy and special interests, leaving President Obama with a $1.3 trillion deficit on the day he took office last year.

· Now, as the time comes to take responsibility for those mistakes, Senate Republicans want to pass the buck.

· Senate Democrats didn’t create this problem – we are simply cleaning up the fiscal mess that we inherited from the last Administration in order to avoid the economic catastrophe that would be created if the United States defaulted on our debt.

· When they were in control, Senate Republicans voted seven times to raise the debt limit and refused to pay for the costs of major initiatives. Their claims of fiscal purity do not square with their record of wasteful spending and excess.

· Standing against this measure would demonstrate yet again that Senate Republicans have no real plan to solve our nation’s economic challenges they helped create.

· Republicans, now more than ever, have a responsibility to work with us to move our nation forward with economic policies that continue us on the path to recovery.

The MA loss is not hard to interpret for joe blow citizen. The outrageous spending is simply not acceptable. Nor is forcing unpopular legislation thru despite the diverse reasons for opposition.

If this current POTUS ever “had a dream” for “remaking” America into a nation clearly opposed by virtually all political “kitchen table” spectrums, he can consider them dashed. In fact on Tuesday, Jan 19th, the need for his run to the center, simply in order to remain relevant as a leader, was etched in stone.

If Obama intends to hang on to a legacy other than being the “historic” first black President of the American superpower, he’s going to have to come up with something better than finger pointing. Because when the next black US POTUS comes to power, and he or she will, they shouldn’t have to live down the irresponsibility of this “pass the buck” mentality, in addition to shouldering the responsibilities that already weigh heavily on the leader of the free world’s shoulders.

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What do you do when a speech is no longer enough…. Whoooooosh, gurgle.

Get Soros to tank the financial system again.
Speaking of Soros, see this on his Sec. of State Project. This is how the Dems get a favorable decision in each state during election season.

Now that The One is going after the banks, what are Gates and Buffet going to do? Take it and let their socialist ideology run supreme? Buffet invested in Wacovia and Wells Fargo big time! …Who is behind this plan to go after the banks? Sunstein?


🙂 They were quick to get it! and it’s taken a whole year to sink in over here. Shows how deep the kool-aid was.

He’s losing the Left. Never had the Right. Now by a wide margin, he’s completely losing the Center.

Why were the wizard self proclaimed pundits so bent on ignoring Obama’s background, and particularly his lack of any understanding of all things economic? Wan’t the “preacher” in him too obvious?

The response O. provided to the Dem Massachusetts defeat demonstrated further evidence of arrogant narcissism. It did not project any particularly unusual intelligence, as his supporters pretend.

Regardless what he pretends, Krugman is IMHO an ideologue, and demonstrates a serious lack of objective understanding. Sorry, but his views on economics fly in the face of common sense, and against all practical experience.

Obama has lost relevance and if some Democrats play out this ideologue theater of the absurd to the bitter end, i.e. Peolosi and Reid; they can write memoirs about their loyalty to the empty suit of Marxism, they will have a great deal of time on their hands. They are writing their own epitaph for their political demises, that is their destiny. We, the American People need to minimize the damage to our economy and to the country that has been perpetrated by this Marxist Empty Suit and prevent further encroachments to Freedom by the International Marxist Movement.

What do Michael Jackson, Tiger Woods, and Obama Banana have in common?

Aargh, mate: Take everything, give nothing back. Aargh!

The dark side isn’t going to let him go without a fight. Talk about incitement to hate!

People like him are like the Arabs who accuse Jews of being as bad as the Nazis, but then praise the Nazis for the “work they left unfinished.”

It’s Demoncrat liars like him who love the Taliban

Mata, great post. Thank you.

I’ll just paste what I posted in Scott’s thread, since it’s late, and it took me so long, and since your post is the main course for his appetizer…NO offense, Scott…it was a tasty appetizer 🙂

I remember thinking before the election that this inevitable vindication would be bittersweet. While it is somewhat reassuring to be shown clearly that what you know is true and right, and always has been, it is sad, frightening and sickening to see that nearly half my countrymen are so deluded and wrong.

Regarding the quote: Obama’s enemies and Obama’s friends are not who this person thinks they are. This has nothing to do with strength, or conviction. OBAMA HAS BOTH. This has to do with alliances, and ideologies. Just whose side this man is on is a mystery, but it is clear as crystal that it’s not America’s as defined by our Constitution, it’s framers, and as represented by our flag.

He may think he’s on America’s side, in the sense that he is on the side of the America he envisions, the America which he and his allies will destroy and remake.

The man and his allies are destroying America with purpose and much foresight. With as much purpose he is disrespecting, neglecting and even dismantling our alliances, and he is giving comfort, aid, and strength to our enemies.

We have never before had a president who, with all his friends and allies, wish to destroy our nation. We must pray to God that these United States of America will remain so, and will live to see another president, one who loves freedom and one who loves America and all the good for which she has stood. We are in real, immediate danger of being destroyed by the deception and malice of Obama and his allies, and by the gullibility and blindness of half our nation.

James Raider, @ #6

Who knows, maybe within the next year or so the lefty media will actually do so, and “find” all the connections we already knew all about? That would be fun times, indeed.

60 Minutes hits us with an expose on Ayers and Dorhm and their views about destroying America, and their very close friendship with Barack Obama.

Nightline brings us a story about Frank Marshall Davis and his views about destroying America, and his very close friendship, surrogate fatherhood, and mentoring of Barack Obama.

Newsweek discovers an old paper by Cloward and Piven, and tells us about their methods for destroying America, and the use of their tactics to take down her institutions by Barack Obama.

TIME Magazine tells us all about Jeremiah Wright, and his non-Christian religion and the views of Black Liberation Theology on destroying America, and his close friendship and mentoring of Barack Obama.

The New York Times digs into the public record and finds Khalid Al-Mansour, and tells us about his religion’s views about destroying America, and about his close association with, and collegiate financial sugar-daddyhood of Barack Obama.

I need to go to bed, since I’m obviously having completely unrealistic and delusional fantasies about the left, and what they are likely ever to notice.

I’m glad that SOB is going down, and here is why.

Do we really have another 3 years?

I hope Americans wake up and get moving back to the Right before it’s too late.

Mata, it’s been kind of freaking me out watching the left turning on each other in full public view. I thought they reserved their wrath for conservatives but I see they are capable of eating their own, pretty ugly sight to see. I always thought they were loons, but now I’m thinking they are unstable, borderline crazy and unfortunately with all their fringe groups, running the country.


I love reading comment sections, the post was unique with all the links the commentors are providing, all are working together on an important cause, no trolls. Great piece, thanks for sharing.

Some random observations:
1. President Obama is not a politician. Since a politician creates nothing, a politician has the occupation of making deals and agreements. That is all politics is, really; can you give your word and then keep it? George H.W. Bush could not keep his word on taxes, and lost. Obama cannot even keep his promises to members of his own party, let alone his promises to the citizens. Others have provided lists of promises which have not been kept; suffice it to say that Obama reminds me of President Nixon: “that statement is no longer operative.” And Nixon resigned.
2. President Obama is not a businessman. So far as I have been able to determine, he has no idea what business is. An enterprise which provides value for value, using the earned value to compensate its employees and build itself, has been the backbone of the United States from the beginning. Business requires accumulation of capital, because one only remains in business if one pays one’s expenses. His attack on the banks has depressed stock markets around the WORLD.
3. President Obama is not a communicator. A communicator lets us into his own vision (that vision thing denounced by George H.W. Bush). The vision thing is what characterized Reagan. That vision thing is what kept FDR in office, despite his manifest faith in socialism. Obama is passionate about only one issue: class warfare. He really believes in “from each, according to his ability; to each, according to his need.” He would replace equality of opportunity with equality of outcome, a deadly substitution.
4. President Obama is a Chicago boss-style don. For him the end justifies the means. The end is a socialist utopia, based on a flawed and discredited view of human nature. His approach resembles the approach Stalin took toward the socialization of Agriculture in the USSR. Commit genocide. In this case, the genocide is the “death panels” [excuse me, that should be end-of-life counseling] which will cut costs by ending the lives of senior citizens by the simple means of refusing care. The genocide is the elimination of private industry, by the successive state control of the auto industry, the banks, the health industry, and so on. Once he is done there will be no need for any further elections, as the State will control everything.
5. Obama has no interest in national defense. Since the United States is corrupt and flawed, he will enlist the leaders of Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, Russia and others in revamping the United States into a form more amenable to his vision of a socialist utopia. This does not require defense; it requires eliminating the barriers to foreign domination. The trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, to be held in New York City, is a key part of this elimination of national defense. In that trial it will be the US which is on trial. And it is the US which will be declared guilty.
6. We are in big trouble.

Wouldn’t it be cool if the tea party people could get Schumer out of office?

For “random” observations, those were incredibly focused and astute. Great comment.

How much longer do the Democrats think that “blame the Republicans; blame Bush” mantra is going to work? We were defeated and we accepted it – now we’re faithfully marching back up.

And yes, it’s the economy, stupid, and to BHO: it will ALWAYS be the economy, moron! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Taking on side issues and acting on your agenda in exchange of addressing the issues that really need to be dealt with is neither the way to run a country nor is it the way to be a leader.

Change we can believe in, indeed. Change for the worse, that is. Democrats, do you miss Bush now?

barrack hussein obama has run out of time. he is now a lame duck. let’s remind him over and over who the real boss is. people like him need reminders so they don’t forget. he isn’t our friend. in fact he and that woman michelle despise us.


I agree with Taqiyyotomist!

In #5 you said:

The trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, to be held in New York City, is a key part of this elimination of national defense. In that trial it will be the US which is on trial. And it is the US which will be declared guilty.

Just sent a chill up my spine, as I was reading through comment #5, the news was telling us the military has dropped all charges against the five terrorists. Let the slander of this great country and the troops and patriots protecting it begin. This administration is digging us into a deep hole we will hopefully soon begin to fight our way back out of. Pray that what happened in MA snowballs!