Can you get any more sexist than that?
A Philadelphia radio station was conducting an interview with Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA) and Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) in which Bachmann interrupted Benedict Arlen. He snapped at her “I’m going to treat you like a lady. Now act like one.”
Real Clear Politics has the audio.
If Specter were still a Republican women’s groups would be in an instant uproar. Since Benedict Arlen jumped to the Dems in hopes of saving his seat in November (it’s not going to work) you won’t hear more than a peep.
Michelle Bachmann is a lady!
She should cut off Specter’s genatalia abd sell ’em in front of the Capitol building.
May I suggest Sen. Specter act like a man.
Aww, you beat me to it.
‘Course, if Specter were a man, he’d have stayed a Republican and faced Toomey in the primaries. Bachmann’s more of a man than he is.
Where is the National Organization of Women, when their sista could use their support. hmmmmm??????
let’s do a repeat of Mass. in Penn. in November, whadayasay? Vote the Specter-acle out!
Grumpy OLD Cuss… What a butt!
I agree… A Philly teaparty is long over due!
He was nine points down from Toomey before his crude comments, this certainly didn’t help the idiot. Just more of the arrogance he had shown during his town hall meetings last summer.
Specter should step down, he’s done, all he’s good for now is supporting campaign related businesses, ad buys, campaign signs, buttons and stickers. Now it will be the democrats wasting money trying to get him re-elected.
Welcome to FA.
Somebody pull great-grandpa’s rocker up to the fire and let him tell the kiddies stories about the olden days. He shouldn’t have to work any more.
Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA) said; “I’m going to treat you like a lady. Now act like one.”
Well we’re going to keep treating you like a scumbag, because nobody’s better at being one!
I’m surprised that’s all he said to her. She is incompetent and a fear monger who lies and needlessly speads unrest. She is a black mark on the GOP and should have water thrown on her. Bravo to him, for keeping what he really thinks of her to himself.
Senator Arlen Spector (D) is a threat to all our freedoms. He does not believe in our
original constitution and certainly does not represent the people who put him in office.
By changing over to the democrats he has shown that he cannot be trusted nor can he be taken
seriously. There’s room in the back seat of Teddy’s car to take Arlen with him…………this fall!
Just as it plays out most any other day, the real issues behind this ‘news story’ are getting lost. As much as Michele enjoys playing the victim and has an eager audince ready to listen at Fox News, this isn’t about sexism. She was being extremely rude and it wasn’t until after Specter was cut off 9 times by Bauchman that the “act like a lady comment” was said. In my mind she is in the wrong, not him, and she was being disrespectful (“unlady-like” and likewise “ungentlemanly”) . If it had been a man being rude the sentence would have been “act like a gentleman”. There’s no need to invent problems where there aren’t ones, America has enough of the real kind.
As a Pennsylvania voter I support Arlen Specter, and no skewed news story is going to convince me otherwise.