The Fort Hood Report: Why No Mention of Islam? [Reader Post]

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It really is not any surprise that this report coming out of the US military is completely sterilized as it has been the aim to whitewash it from the beginning. It details how everyone else screwed up but Hasan was just a troubled military man who simply freaked out and killed 13 of his compatriots, sic.

Look at the photos the media selected to use of Hasan. Downplay any mention of terrorism.


We have become so politically correct at avoiding ‘offense’ to Muslims that we close our eyes to the obvious. The recent failure of the boob bomber to successfully become a suicide martyr gets branded a ‘terrorist’, while this Hasan who was observed attempting links with al-Quiada and professing his faith and how great a faith it is.

Next time we may not be so lucky.

There WILL be a ‘next time; as sure as death and taxes.

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Hasan was handing out Korans the morning of.

10-minute Ft. Hood doc: Remembering A Massacre

Hasan could have posted a picture of himself on my space wearing a explosive vest and shouting Akabr Allah and officer Barbary the author of this report would have us believing, nothing to see here just move along.

Can’t believe the tone of this article, didn’t read the entire article, may have missed the Bush bashing, but the journalist appears to have cleared his head of the Obama magic.

From the article, author makes a good point, both West and Clark are ignoring lessons they learned as young officers:

young officers are often ordered to read Sun Tzu’s The Art of War with its command to know your enemy. In midcareer, they study the contrast between capabilities and intentions, which is why they aren’t afraid of a British nuclear weapon but do fear the prospect of Iran getting one.

Yet the leaders of the two-month Pentagon review, former Army Secretary Togo West and the Navy’s onetime top admiral, Vernon Clark, told reporters last week that they didn’t drill down into Hasan’s motives. “Our concern is with actions and effects, not necessarily with motivations,” West said. Added Clark: “We certainly do not cite a particular group.”

From yesterday’s Christmas bomber Senate hearings:

Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair, in a candid assessment of what went wrong before and after the attempted bombing of a Northwest Airlines flight, said he had wrongly caved to external “pressure” to trim the no-fly list and even admitted the intelligence community would probably drop the ball in the future.


Here Blair, head of National Intel is saying he caved to pressure to trim the no-fly list and later claims his analysts were told to “cast a very fishy eye, several years before 2008.” When your feet are held to the fire, blame Bush. But, we have read earlier that CIA analysts were to back off muslims after Obama was coronated.

Blair also said criteria for adding people to the government’s “no fly” list was too legalistic. He said that in recent years there has been pressure to shrink rather than expand the list because of a cascade of complaints from people getting “hassled” by authorities.


Though the Obama administration has since moved to expand the list in the wake of the terror attempt, Blair said analysts were being told to cast a “very fishy eye” on including more names for “several years before 2008.”

The committee was also told the State department didn’t know the Christmas bomber was issued a visa because his name was mispelled. Hundreds could have died because someone got sloppy.

But, will we see anyone on Obama’s crack team disciplined? ever?

So far, nobody has been disciplined in the wake of the terror attempt. Though Obama appeared to wave off calls for resignations when he unveiled the results of a preliminary review earlier this month, Lieberman said Wednesday that anyone who “did not perform up to the requirement of their jobs” should be “disciplined or removed.”

Yep, and the “panty bomber” was just a well meaning kid with an explosive case of jock itch.

And this is how you keep career military beurucrates in their postions thus undermining the integrity of the postions and creating political officers.