Color Me Happy [Reader Post]

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I’m smiling. A grin that just won’t quit is plastered on my face because of the stunning upset last night when a, gasp, Republican won the bluest of all Senate seats, thus throwing sand in the gears of the Obama machine’s march towards socialism.

Republican Scott Brown whipping the pants off Coakley last night is cause for rejoice. As is the delicious schadenfreude of seeing the left in disarray, pointing fingers and laying blame for the historic repudiation of leftists, Obama and everything they have been trying to force down our throats for the last year. It appears America may survive Obama after all. And what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

As Rush Limbaugh noted, many Democrats are headed for the tall grass. If a vote was held today on Obama’s health care bill, at least 5 formerly sure votes wouldn’t materialize. Last night’s wake-up call has the ‘less elite’ Democrats being brought face to face with the stark reality that they are accountable to ‘we the people’ instead of the Obama machine. And a vote for Obama could very well mean they will be enjoying their lucrative pensions much sooner than they thought.

Scott Brown’s historic upset doesn’t mean America is home free. I predict the Democrat leadership will continue ignoring the will of the American people and probably enact an unconstitutional health care bill. And I expect they will also continue taxing us to death as they redistribute our wealth to their union buddies and politically connected rent seekers. The good news is, the American people have shown that they will not stand for it.

Nancy, Harry and other political ‘elites’ have a terminal case of inside the beltway syndrome- also known as cognitive dissonance. They have bought into their own version of reality. A reality that doesn’t allow for the possibility that their own narrow world view isn’t the universally accepted view they believe it is. And any version that doesn’t comport with theirs is, well, invalid. And one election in Massachusetts isn’t going to change their minds.

Case in point: Noticeably absent from all talking points today, is any serious discussion by leftists of the fact that this election was a referendum on Obama. A stunning rebuke. A warning bell that Americans don’t want what he is selling.

Leftists, instead of learning from their mistakes, will continue doing what they do so well. They will ignore unpleasant realities in hopes they will go away. If that doesn’t work, they will re-define them, spin them, repackage them and trot out a new improved version of the same old same old. But their tactics are wearing thin, as is Obama’s charisma and ability to influence. As is the old media’s ability to control the discussion.

I know what Obama and crew still don’t know. That the American people have finally seen the light and they don’t like it one bit. And they are not going to sit back and let Obama turn this country into another failed socialist state. The people have spoken, but the Democrats still have waxy yellow build-up.

The left will continue their path towards assisted suicide due to their complete inability to allow for the possibility that the American people know better than than political elites what is best for America. And when Demoicrats are thoroughly repudiated again in the next election cycle, they’ll continue to blame Bush or race or sexism. They will not change. And they will lose again.

I must admit to a certain satisfaction in the fact that one of my truisms is coming true. I’ve always said ‘Give the left enough rope and they’ll end up hanging themselves.’ Nice to know some things never change.

Crossposted from Right Bias

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Couldn’t have said it better myself. I am a business man who was in Florida when the MSM called the Presidential election for Gore and I am here in MA and the feeling is historic. It’s my wish that Democrats remain as arrogant as ever so when the 2k10 election roll around they will be equally surprised!! I joked with my Democrat friend from Texas (yep Texas) that Democrats would blame Bush for Brown’s win. Can you believe it, 0-bama had the nerve to do exaxtly that!! My fellow Republicans, there is hope for America!! Stand tall and be proud!!

I’m happy too Nancy, but my color is light skinned.