Wow, Chrissy is throwing Dean under the bus. These communists are funny.
15 years ago
Circular firing squad in action.
Jack Deth
15 years ago
Dean is still as dumb as a sack of hammers! He could also do with some decent tap dancing lessons.
I wonder if Chris and Howie would be up for a game of Russian Roulette with a loaded .45 M1911?
PS: Listening to Matthews still makes my teeth itch.
Hard Right
15 years ago
Jack Deth, it was great watching Matthews last night. He was clearly in pain due to the loss. It was also clear he’d been drinking to ease that suffering. He was slurring words and using the wrong ones altogether.
I got a kick out of olberscum’s rant against Brown. He called him a bunch of names, said they must be true because he hasn’t refuted them, and if we didn’t like the names he was called to disprove them.
15 years ago
Dean is dumb and a door knob. Circular reasoning is just that circular reasoning. If the tingle up my leg understood he was giving FUBAR.
I don’t know what is more bizarre: Howard Dean living in a fantasy world thinking Brown’s voters wanted a public option in health care or Chris Matthews behaving like a leprechaun on crack.
15 years ago
Chris obviously doesn’t think the voters are aware of how good Progressive Socialism is for them. Please continue this line of thinking and your Marxist Agenda will never recover. Normally a loss can be overcome, but stupidity and arrogance will condemn you to insignificance indefinately.
How fortunate we are that MSNBC is so compliant with the Republican cause by keeping nitwits like Mathews on the payroll, we should all send an email congratulating them on their superior wisdom and cognitive reasoning ability. They cut the board twice and it is still too short, what a shame!
15 years ago
chris probably got paid a little bonus to go after howard dean. by no means am i calling chris matthews a guy who happens to be always right. but even a broken clock is right twice a day
Dean and Gibbs should get a room together. They have no problem lying to spread their propaganda.
Look at the evolution of healthcare rhetoric…
1) Obama advocates the public option as the path to a single payer system
2) The public option becomes a possibility thanks to the Democratic Party’s control of the WH and Congress. Obama all of a sudden claims that the public option is a means of introducing “competition”.
3) After struggling to pass a mess of a healthcare bill, the Democratic Party suffers an unforseen defeat in one of its safest Senate seats in the country. Losing the Dems’ 60th vote, in a race in which the healthcare bill was the central issue.
The Democratic Party blames the loss of a pro-public option candidate on the voters’ disgust with former president Bush and the voters desire for a public option.
Lies and more lies.
Brown showed that you can be civil and still call the Democratic Party on its deceptions. Learn from his example…
15 years ago
That was a ‘debate’ between two brainless commie nitwits.
Brown winning was a vote FOR HellthCare? Completely delusional, but it was Dean, so that’s a given.
I cannot believe how completely tone-deaf the entire Democrat establishment is. They are entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts. The fact of the matter is that America rejects the overreach, the Government intrusion into our everyday lives. The Massachusetts voters rejected Obie, no matter how blind he is or how much spin he applies.
I really wonder who their crack dealers are. Are they unionized?
15 years ago
What an idiot!
15 years ago
That’s more Matthews in one sitting than I’ve watched in two years combined, maybe three.
In the words of Howard Dean: “EEEEYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHAaarggh!!!!!!!!!!”
15 years ago
I’ve not watched CM in a long while. I noticed in the segment that he wasn’t wearing the tan make-up he used to use. He looks pasty and drawn.
Also, he seemed to have a more realistic view of the election results than I expected.
15 years ago
Dean’s logic is a perfect example of what happens to someone that bogarts that joint waaaay too long.
15 years ago
Where was this deep examine of the facts when Matthews was gushing about PEBO??
Well the big nose has been in constant use snorkeling up Obama’s behind and the the big shoes were wedged in his own spacious mouth…until today. We’ll see how long this lasts.
Wow, Chrissy is throwing Dean under the bus. These communists are funny.
Circular firing squad in action.
Dean is still as dumb as a sack of hammers! He could also do with some decent tap dancing lessons.
I wonder if Chris and Howie would be up for a game of Russian Roulette with a loaded .45 M1911?
PS: Listening to Matthews still makes my teeth itch.
Jack Deth, it was great watching Matthews last night. He was clearly in pain due to the loss. It was also clear he’d been drinking to ease that suffering. He was slurring words and using the wrong ones altogether.
I got a kick out of olberscum’s rant against Brown. He called him a bunch of names, said they must be true because he hasn’t refuted them, and if we didn’t like the names he was called to disprove them.
Dean is dumb and a door knob. Circular reasoning is just that circular reasoning. If the tingle up my leg understood he was giving FUBAR.
I don’t know what is more bizarre: Howard Dean living in a fantasy world thinking Brown’s voters wanted a public option in health care or Chris Matthews behaving like a leprechaun on crack.
Chris obviously doesn’t think the voters are aware of how good Progressive Socialism is for them. Please continue this line of thinking and your Marxist Agenda will never recover. Normally a loss can be overcome, but stupidity and arrogance will condemn you to insignificance indefinately.
How fortunate we are that MSNBC is so compliant with the Republican cause by keeping nitwits like Mathews on the payroll, we should all send an email congratulating them on their superior wisdom and cognitive reasoning ability. They cut the board twice and it is still too short, what a shame!
chris probably got paid a little bonus to go after howard dean. by no means am i calling chris matthews a guy who happens to be always right. but even a broken clock is right twice a day
This is too funny:
Thanks Padre, that is one of the funniest things I have ever seen; “should have stuck with Hillary” that is too funny for words.
You might be onto something about the bonus. I believe Dean is eyeing a primary challenge to Obama in ’12 and Obama knows it.
Dean and Gibbs should get a room together. They have no problem lying to spread their propaganda.
Look at the evolution of healthcare rhetoric…
1) Obama advocates the public option as the path to a single payer system
2) The public option becomes a possibility thanks to the Democratic Party’s control of the WH and Congress. Obama all of a sudden claims that the public option is a means of introducing “competition”.
3) After struggling to pass a mess of a healthcare bill, the Democratic Party suffers an unforseen defeat in one of its safest Senate seats in the country. Losing the Dems’ 60th vote, in a race in which the healthcare bill was the central issue.
The Democratic Party blames the loss of a pro-public option candidate on the voters’ disgust with former president Bush and the voters desire for a public option.
Lies and more lies.
Brown showed that you can be civil and still call the Democratic Party on its deceptions. Learn from his example…
That was a ‘debate’ between two brainless commie nitwits.
Brown winning was a vote FOR HellthCare? Completely delusional, but it was Dean, so that’s a given.
I cannot believe how completely tone-deaf the entire Democrat establishment is. They are entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts. The fact of the matter is that America rejects the overreach, the Government intrusion into our everyday lives. The Massachusetts voters rejected Obie, no matter how blind he is or how much spin he applies.
I really wonder who their crack dealers are. Are they unionized?
What an idiot!
That’s more Matthews in one sitting than I’ve watched in two years combined, maybe three.
In the words of Howard Dean: “EEEEYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHAaarggh!!!!!!!!!!”
I’ve not watched CM in a long while. I noticed in the segment that he wasn’t wearing the tan make-up he used to use. He looks pasty and drawn.
Also, he seemed to have a more realistic view of the election results than I expected.
Dean’s logic is a perfect example of what happens to someone that bogarts that joint waaaay too long.
Where was this deep examine of the facts when Matthews was gushing about PEBO??
LOL! …and more Dean, as well, at least for me.
It’s better ‘n a vaudeville routine.
It’s like watching two toothless pit-bulls in a dog fight, or, better yet, two loose cannons on an enemy ship in a stormy sea.
Chris Mathews is a clown.. Where’s he hiding the big nose and floppy shoes..
@CC Rider:
Well the big nose has been in constant use snorkeling up Obama’s behind and the the big shoes were wedged in his own spacious mouth…until today. We’ll see how long this lasts.
Blue on Blue. Priceless!
Both impassioned dolts!