is now at 69.9% Brown and Coakley 30%.
This is fun!!!! Wish my stocks would go up like this!!!!
15 years ago
Patvann. Gotta say. You were right. I remember that thread well. Made a few comments myself and then forwarded it to everyone I knew.
Well done.
My only regret….I didn’t put money on it then !
15 years ago
Damn. Busted.
(Now I wonder which blog…Well, it looked pretty after a 6pak, but I regretted it later.)
15 years ago
Follow the fraud at, she’s updating all day.
It’s only 1:30 and there are already loads of illegality coming from the Coakely campaign.
The libs heads are exploding about Brown’s lead, and everyone on our side thinks thats a funny thing. Almost everyone. I think it’s a forboding thing. When people go crazy, everyone needs to be on alert.
Lilsten to the rant by Kieth Olbermann, or read quotes by Maddow on Malloy, and his quotes, too, which she praises. Both links are from NewsBusters, both posted yesterday. (MSNBC’s Maddow Tells Wild Lefty Mike Malloy: ‘We All Love You for Your Dark Thoughts’) (Olbermann: Scott Brown’s A ‘Homophobic, Racist, Teabagging Supporter of Violence Against Women’)
I posted at MM that I wonder just how many weeks out we are from these people openly advocating violence, murder, and extermination of conservatives. We’re that close, I think.
15 years ago
PV I like the boots, but I don’t think I am bold enough to wear them, do they look good with the cumberbund? Do you need a permit for the saber? Important questions!
Are we ALL Red Sox Fans today? We will know tonight if Brown hit a grand slam!!!
15 years ago
Tomorrow is Trunk Ballot Day!
All the little ACORN workers will be snuggled up in their beds tonight, anxious and giddy, awaiting their morning trip out to the car, where the Absentee Ballot Bunny is sure to have secretly dropped bags full of exactly 1,000 ballots for their candidate.
You had asked for a link of this type sometime last week. It is in regards to some of the quiet distributions being made by the RNC. I found this on Hot Air.
This is what Steele has been doing with his increased revenues, rather than banking them. So the next time you read about smaller bank accounts, please realize that there is a new strategy afoot. I don’t know if the strategy is a good idea or not, but it seems to have worked out in Mass. The Coakley Campaign probably still doesn’t know what hit it.
15 years ago
11 Tomorrow is Trunk Ballot Day!
All the little ACORN workers will be snuggled up in their beds tonight, anxious and giddy, awaiting their morning trip out to the car, where the Absentee Ballot Bunny is sure to have secretly dropped bags full of exactly 1,000 ballots for their candidate.
I wonder if Google will have a special logo.
This is hilariously unfunny at the moment. I hope someone is watching them, but unfortunately all of the political structure there is Dem.
15 years ago
This is hilariously unfunny at the moment, and they do bear watching. Unfortunately, the whole political structure in MA is controlled by Dems. They’ll be trying all of the tricks, plus I saw somewhere recently (didn’t note the link) that MA has a fairly large % of dead voters as well as registered voters who have moved somewhere else.
Brown at 85.5% chance of winning. Senator ScottBrown 41st US Senator of 2010 Congress.
Explanation of Contract Price
Democratic Party candidate to win
Last Price: 15.5
What does this mean?
15.5 means the market predicts there is a 15.5%
chance that this event happens.
If you think it is more likely than this you should
If you think it is less likely you should
All markets trade between 0 ($0.0) and 100 ($10).
15.5 = $1.55
Click here for more information.
15 years ago
Today in New Hamphire, I had to give a couple of Mid-Term Exams to my Freshmen students and then I was driving around in the snow doing errands. I was listening to local talk radio from Boston like 680 WRKO and 96,9 Talk Radio and others. The on-scene reportage and anecdotal evidence of the callers is electric with excitement. There are very long lines in some very good places. Many people are calling saying they know no one voting for “Marcia”. Suffolk University’s pollster identified three bellweather towns as Fitchburg, Peabody and Gardner; Brown is leading by double digits in all of them. One man called from Westfield (out West!) and said there were NO Coakley signs. He held a Brown sign for a while and they were getting 80 % ‘thumbs up’ from the voters. It seems like the Brown rallies in Worcester (say “woostah”) were AMAZING.
Of course, anecdotal evidence means nothing, but it sure is encouraging to see this emotion come out of hiding and rejoice in this once oppressively Blue fog.
Wait, I have some left over ballots from the Stewart Smiley vote? Aren’t they good for 180 days, or something….
SoCal Chris
15 years ago
I was the guy who made it happen.
[OT PS.. Why is it that I have to find out that your Marine was home in recent days by reading your comments on another blog?
Don’t you love us here anymore?]
Patvann, your son is home??? Congratulations, great news!! 🙂
15 years ago
A platform or the mid-term elections might include a federal registration of ‘Citizen’ voters, with felony charges for violations: this might bring to an end the corruption of Acorn, SEIU, and other Democrat voter Fraud schemes. It is time to convict, the gloves fit.
Rob in Houston
15 years ago
Why are ballots in Spanish? Isn’t part of your citizenship test the ability to speak English? So, shouldn’t all citizens be able to vote on an English ONLY ballot?
15 years ago
Janeplain— As I noted in a previous comment, only dead Democrats vote, never Republicans or Independents. It’s cause they’re just so frisky and never stop coming at you.
Liberty Tree
15 years ago
With a Brown victory “The Obama stops here”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO BROWN!!!!!!!!!!!
15 years ago
I frankly don’t recall if it was Patvann’s posts, or the general early discussions here or a post on Freerepublic, but I sent in a donation by credit card and then got the idea of starting an email chain. I emailed all of the folks on my contact list that I knew to be similarly inclined and asked them to contribute and to forward to their contacts. I don’t really know how large the email chain grew to be or how much was raised, but it reached a point where I was getting my email back from people that were high school classmates 50 years ago and who live in Florida and New Hampshire.
The point is that a groundswell of support developed for all the right reasons and everyone who so much as lifted a finger, who spoke with friends and co-workers, who forwarded articles, comments, and emails, and/or made contributions all contributed to what seems to be happening.
As someone who is patriotic, who has children, and who has been terribly concerned about where our country was going, I want to most sincerely thank everyone of you. We started something and I am hopeful that it will take on a life of its own. More than anything else, this election has shown Americans that the Obama juggernaut was a myth and that there are things we can do to express our outrage and our commitment to the fundamental principles that have made this country great. Obama and his crew are in deep trouble. They have been all but emasculated. Think what message this sends around the world as to whether he speaks for the American people. Think of all those people who have never been politically active and now for the first time they have learned that they can make a difference.
There is much to celebrate.
15 years ago
I have great hope for today’s election. Go BROWN!!!! perhaps now those ignorant senators and congressmen will realize the American people are not kidding around. We want our country back!!
15 years ago
Heh, Coakley’s camp and the WH are already bickering about who failed who:
Q: Is Coakley still the A.G.? If so, is she A.G. if she loses this race? Also, if she’s the A.G., then who has been playing A.G. while she’s running for Senate? And, who gets to play A.G. if the seemingly inevitable legal insanity runs this thing out like Minnesota?
15 years ago
Could it be that some members of the House and Senate will be happy if Brown wins and somehow derails the Health bill. It might make it easier for them to vote in their own and our interests.
American Voter
15 years ago
One if by SEIU, Two if by ACORN. . .
15 years ago
If the MN playbook is in action, Coakley will be her own Grandma.
15 years ago
Disturber: You can say that again. I known the modum operandum of these commies very well. Never really been involved in the political arena, mostly books. But my heart ached when I saw Obama in Iowa and how people were so capturized by him. I knew then we were in trouble and since that day I have decided to get involved.
I might not have a large network of people or be a famous journalist or GOP insider, just a regular Joe who made a choice to became an American, a country that has made me and my family. I am the result of the American dream where you work hard and you will be given a chance.
I will not let an illegitimate marxist system that diminishes the existance of the human race to light up in the country that I so much love and has given me so much.
May tonight be the beginnig of the re-birth of the Unted States of America.
On Howie Carr, a woman called in from the Holyoke Brown headquarters with a heart-warming story. A couple drove in today from Hershey, PA to man the phones. The wife had been 23 when she became US citizen. Now she is in her 40’s and they brought their child with them prepared to be occupied. This couple expressed their deep love for the America she joined and their determination not to lose that blessed America. She knew many languages so she kept jumping in around the headquarters to translate for many other phone bank people. In other stories people drove from Buffalo, NY and from French Quebec to help us not become like Canada. The radio stations here are wall-to-wall get-out-the-vote for Brown. It’s beautiful!
15 years ago
@Rob in Houston:
Another equally good question is why are all government documents issued in
Spanish (and why should you be able to opt for Spanish when you call a gov. office?) Why the preferential treatment for Hispanic immigrants?
15 years ago
crossed posted from michelle malkin and it’s the best of the web. It gets my vote.
“No president has fallen so far so fast. But, of course, no president has demonstrated the staggering level of deceit, corruption, arrogance, divisiveness, narcissism, bitterness, confusion, incompetence and anti-Americanism that Obama has. And this is just the beginning of the backlash. Obama is poison. Posted By: Derrick | January 19, 2010 at 12:29 PM
15 years ago
Electoral fraud in Boston mainly, you can see the spread when the votes come in! It is electronically done. If this woman wins it is because of FRAUD!
15 years ago
Tomorrow, we must begin again: the accomplishments is Mass shows that our efforts can destroy Obama’s Machine, that Americans have had enough of the Quasi-Marxist and his dreams of a North American Dystopia. Oil your keyboards, sharpen your wit, and sight in your modems; tomorrow we start anew to dismantle the greatest threat to American Freedom since Britain landed the most powerful army in the world to crush the Rebellion. Oh we are not facing weapons, but remember Obama’s plan to field his own domestic militia with the same funding as the US Military: this madman would feel justified in creating his own personal army and turning it on us, we the ones who speak out for liberty, we are the ones who are preventing the Obamanation from gaining complete control. The task of completely destroying this Socialist Plague is up to us and the race starts tomorrow about 6 AM EST and ends at midnight Pacific Time Nov. 1.
Long Live The Republic! Long Live The Republic Without Obama!
15 years ago
Dare we dream?!
65% reporting in, Brown/53 to 46 as of 9:21 Eastern
Gee. It’s a good thing I was the guy who brought this to all of your attention last month!
-Then everyone saw Flopping Aces and it went viral.
-Then Brown took the lead.
-Now Brown wins.
*Stands like Captain Morgan*
I was the guy who made it happen.
(TeeHee ;-))
OT PS… Why is it that I have to find out that your Marine was home in recent days by reading your comments on another blog?
Don’t you love us here anymore? has Brown up at 68% while Coakley is at 30%.
Senator Scott Brown the 41st senator of the 2010 US Congress!!!!
Correction. is now at 69.9% Brown and Coakley 30%.
This is fun!!!! Wish my stocks would go up like this!!!!
Patvann. Gotta say. You were right. I remember that thread well. Made a few comments myself and then forwarded it to everyone I knew.
Well done.
My only regret….I didn’t put money on it then !
Damn. Busted.
(Now I wonder which blog…Well, it looked pretty after a 6pak, but I regretted it later.)
Follow the fraud at, she’s updating all day.
It’s only 1:30 and there are already loads of illegality coming from the Coakely campaign.
The libs heads are exploding about Brown’s lead, and everyone on our side thinks thats a funny thing. Almost everyone. I think it’s a forboding thing. When people go crazy, everyone needs to be on alert.
Lilsten to the rant by Kieth Olbermann, or read quotes by Maddow on Malloy, and his quotes, too, which she praises. Both links are from NewsBusters, both posted yesterday. (MSNBC’s Maddow Tells Wild Lefty Mike Malloy: ‘We All Love You for Your Dark Thoughts’) (Olbermann: Scott Brown’s A ‘Homophobic, Racist, Teabagging Supporter of Violence Against Women’)
I posted at MM that I wonder just how many weeks out we are from these people openly advocating violence, murder, and extermination of conservatives. We’re that close, I think.
PV I like the boots, but I don’t think I am bold enough to wear them, do they look good with the cumberbund? Do you need a permit for the saber? Important questions! is now 78% Brown and 23% Coakley
Are we ALL Red Sox Fans today? We will know tonight if Brown hit a grand slam!!!
Tomorrow is Trunk Ballot Day!
All the little ACORN workers will be snuggled up in their beds tonight, anxious and giddy, awaiting their morning trip out to the car, where the Absentee Ballot Bunny is sure to have secretly dropped bags full of exactly 1,000 ballots for their candidate.
I wonder if Google will have a special logo.
Brown surging. has Brown winning 82% Coakley 21 %
This is so exciting! I think today we start taking our Country back 🙂
Right now Cokley is collapsing down to 17%
Mikes America,
You had asked for a link of this type sometime last week. It is in regards to some of the quiet distributions being made by the RNC. I found this on Hot Air.
This is what Steele has been doing with his increased revenues, rather than banking them. So the next time you read about smaller bank accounts, please realize that there is a new strategy afoot. I don’t know if the strategy is a good idea or not, but it seems to have worked out in Mass. The Coakley Campaign probably still doesn’t know what hit it.
11 Tomorrow is Trunk Ballot Day!
All the little ACORN workers will be snuggled up in their beds tonight, anxious and giddy, awaiting their morning trip out to the car, where the Absentee Ballot Bunny is sure to have secretly dropped bags full of exactly 1,000 ballots for their candidate.
I wonder if Google will have a special logo.
This is hilariously unfunny at the moment. I hope someone is watching them, but unfortunately all of the political structure there is Dem.
This is hilariously unfunny at the moment, and they do bear watching. Unfortunately, the whole political structure in MA is controlled by Dems. They’ll be trying all of the tricks, plus I saw somewhere recently (didn’t note the link) that MA has a fairly large % of dead voters as well as registered voters who have moved somewhere else.
Coakley down to 15.5% chance of winning.
Brown at 85.5% chance of winning. Senator ScottBrown 41st US Senator of 2010 Congress.
Explanation of Contract Price
Democratic Party candidate to win
Last Price: 15.5
What does this mean?
15.5 means the market predicts there is a 15.5%
chance that this event happens.
If you think it is more likely than this you should
If you think it is less likely you should
All markets trade between 0 ($0.0) and 100 ($10).
15.5 = $1.55
Click here for more information.
Today in New Hamphire, I had to give a couple of Mid-Term Exams to my Freshmen students and then I was driving around in the snow doing errands. I was listening to local talk radio from Boston like 680 WRKO and 96,9 Talk Radio and others. The on-scene reportage and anecdotal evidence of the callers is electric with excitement. There are very long lines in some very good places. Many people are calling saying they know no one voting for “Marcia”. Suffolk University’s pollster identified three bellweather towns as Fitchburg, Peabody and Gardner; Brown is leading by double digits in all of them. One man called from Westfield (out West!) and said there were NO Coakley signs. He held a Brown sign for a while and they were getting 80 % ‘thumbs up’ from the voters. It seems like the Brown rallies in Worcester (say “woostah”) were AMAZING.
Of course, anecdotal evidence means nothing, but it sure is encouraging to see this emotion come out of hiding and rejoice in this once oppressively Blue fog.
I hope to update you more soon.
Look at for a comparison with 1775:
Wait, I have some left over ballots from the Stewart Smiley vote? Aren’t they good for 180 days, or something….
[OT PS.. Why is it that I have to find out that your Marine was home in recent days by reading your comments on another blog?
Don’t you love us here anymore?]
Patvann, your son is home??? Congratulations, great news!! 🙂
A platform or the mid-term elections might include a federal registration of ‘Citizen’ voters, with felony charges for violations: this might bring to an end the corruption of Acorn, SEIU, and other Democrat voter Fraud schemes. It is time to convict, the gloves fit.
Why are ballots in Spanish? Isn’t part of your citizenship test the ability to speak English? So, shouldn’t all citizens be able to vote on an English ONLY ballot?
Janeplain— As I noted in a previous comment, only dead Democrats vote, never Republicans or Independents. It’s cause they’re just so frisky and never stop coming at you.
With a Brown victory “The Obama stops here”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO BROWN!!!!!!!!!!!
I frankly don’t recall if it was Patvann’s posts, or the general early discussions here or a post on Freerepublic, but I sent in a donation by credit card and then got the idea of starting an email chain. I emailed all of the folks on my contact list that I knew to be similarly inclined and asked them to contribute and to forward to their contacts. I don’t really know how large the email chain grew to be or how much was raised, but it reached a point where I was getting my email back from people that were high school classmates 50 years ago and who live in Florida and New Hampshire.
The point is that a groundswell of support developed for all the right reasons and everyone who so much as lifted a finger, who spoke with friends and co-workers, who forwarded articles, comments, and emails, and/or made contributions all contributed to what seems to be happening.
As someone who is patriotic, who has children, and who has been terribly concerned about where our country was going, I want to most sincerely thank everyone of you. We started something and I am hopeful that it will take on a life of its own. More than anything else, this election has shown Americans that the Obama juggernaut was a myth and that there are things we can do to express our outrage and our commitment to the fundamental principles that have made this country great. Obama and his crew are in deep trouble. They have been all but emasculated. Think what message this sends around the world as to whether he speaks for the American people. Think of all those people who have never been politically active and now for the first time they have learned that they can make a difference.
There is much to celebrate.
I have great hope for today’s election. Go BROWN!!!! perhaps now those ignorant senators and congressmen will realize the American people are not kidding around. We want our country back!!
Heh, Coakley’s camp and the WH are already bickering about who failed who:
Coakley adviser memo: D.C. Dems ‘failed’ Coakley
Q: Is Coakley still the A.G.? If so, is she A.G. if she loses this race? Also, if she’s the A.G., then who has been playing A.G. while she’s running for Senate? And, who gets to play A.G. if the seemingly inevitable legal insanity runs this thing out like Minnesota?
Could it be that some members of the House and Senate will be happy if Brown wins and somehow derails the Health bill. It might make it easier for them to vote in their own and our interests.
One if by SEIU, Two if by ACORN. . .
If the MN playbook is in action, Coakley will be her own Grandma.
Disturber: You can say that again. I known the modum operandum of these commies very well. Never really been involved in the political arena, mostly books. But my heart ached when I saw Obama in Iowa and how people were so capturized by him. I knew then we were in trouble and since that day I have decided to get involved.
I might not have a large network of people or be a famous journalist or GOP insider, just a regular Joe who made a choice to became an American, a country that has made me and my family. I am the result of the American dream where you work hard and you will be given a chance.
I will not let an illegitimate marxist system that diminishes the existance of the human race to light up in the country that I so much love and has given me so much.
May tonight be the beginnig of the re-birth of the Unted States of America.
On Howie Carr, a woman called in from the Holyoke Brown headquarters with a heart-warming story. A couple drove in today from Hershey, PA to man the phones. The wife had been 23 when she became US citizen. Now she is in her 40’s and they brought their child with them prepared to be occupied. This couple expressed their deep love for the America she joined and their determination not to lose that blessed America. She knew many languages so she kept jumping in around the headquarters to translate for many other phone bank people. In other stories people drove from Buffalo, NY and from French Quebec to help us not become like Canada. The radio stations here are wall-to-wall get-out-the-vote for Brown. It’s beautiful!
@Rob in Houston:
Another equally good question is why are all government documents issued in
Spanish (and why should you be able to opt for Spanish when you call a gov. office?) Why the preferential treatment for Hispanic immigrants?
crossed posted from michelle malkin and it’s the best of the web. It gets my vote.
“No president has fallen so far so fast. But, of course, no president has demonstrated the staggering level of deceit, corruption, arrogance, divisiveness, narcissism, bitterness, confusion, incompetence and anti-Americanism that Obama has. And this is just the beginning of the backlash. Obama is poison. Posted By: Derrick | January 19, 2010 at 12:29 PM
Electoral fraud in Boston mainly, you can see the spread when the votes come in! It is electronically done. If this woman wins it is because of FRAUD!
Tomorrow, we must begin again: the accomplishments is Mass shows that our efforts can destroy Obama’s Machine, that Americans have had enough of the Quasi-Marxist and his dreams of a North American Dystopia. Oil your keyboards, sharpen your wit, and sight in your modems; tomorrow we start anew to dismantle the greatest threat to American Freedom since Britain landed the most powerful army in the world to crush the Rebellion. Oh we are not facing weapons, but remember Obama’s plan to field his own domestic militia with the same funding as the US Military: this madman would feel justified in creating his own personal army and turning it on us, we the ones who speak out for liberty, we are the ones who are preventing the Obamanation from gaining complete control. The task of completely destroying this Socialist Plague is up to us and the race starts tomorrow about 6 AM EST and ends at midnight Pacific Time Nov. 1.
Long Live The Republic! Long Live The Republic Without Obama!
Dare we dream?!
65% reporting in, Brown/53 to 46 as of 9:21 Eastern
woo hoo we won!
Kol Hakavot Scott Brown and Mazal Tov to FA!
America Won big time today. Thank You Massachusetts Voters!
WOLVERINES!!! Live it!
Better to be the Teabagger than the Teabagee:
*One “dip” each for Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.*