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BITCH!! Get OUT ma house!!!!!


We needed 6 to win and we got 7. Suck it Barak, we know Michelle won’t.

i just felt America breath a collective sigh of relief

Damn it’s a good day today!

No “landslide”… unless you consider that it’s MA. But I’ll take it.

Let’s see how the left reacts. I’m betting even more denial.

EDIT: Watching Matthews on Hardball. Is it me, or is he drunk?

Thus I qualified it as MA, Aye. Personally I would have loved a 60% margin plus, but who knows what the final number will be when all absentee/military ballots are received.

But in the real numbers? No more a landslide than Obama’s election was.

However the domino effect of the win of even a RINO conservative in MA is nothing short of mind blowing. Support for the WH/Pelosi/Reid agenda is dropping by the hour from members of both chambers. So far Barney Frank, Evan Bayh and Jim Webb have said moving forward on healthcare is a no no. Stellar!

Scott Brown has the dubious distinction of having serious influence in the Senate… even before he’s slept off the effects of a victory party.


i just felt America breath a collective sigh of relief

Amen, native. Amen. Even among Obama supporters. A friend told me today that an ardent, die-hard Obama supporter and co-worker told him recently that he’d had enough of what’s happening in the economy–that we needed jobs and needed to work on that and health care could wait.