Well Mata, I would argue that Brown’s five or six point victory….is actually a landslide away from the 20 or so point victory that the Dims and Coakley were expecting for themselves.
Thus I qualified it as MA, Aye. Personally I would have loved a 60% margin plus, but who knows what the final number will be when all absentee/military ballots are received.
But in the real numbers? No more a landslide than Obama’s election was.
However the domino effect of the win of even a RINO conservative in MA is nothing short of mind blowing. Support for the WH/Pelosi/Reid agenda is dropping by the hour from members of both chambers. So far Barney Frank, Evan Bayh and Jim Webb have said moving forward on healthcare is a no no. Stellar!
Scott Brown has the dubious distinction of having serious influence in the Senate… even before he’s slept off the effects of a victory party.
i just felt America breath a collective sigh of relief
Amen, native. Amen. Even among Obama supporters. A friend told me today that an ardent, die-hard Obama supporter and co-worker told him recently that he’d had enough of what’s happening in the economy–that we needed jobs and needed to work on that and health care could wait.
BITCH!! Get OUT ma house!!!!!
We needed 6 to win and we got 7. Suck it Barak, we know Michelle won’t.
i just felt America breath a collective sigh of relief
Damn it’s a good day today!
No “landslide”… unless you consider that it’s MA. But I’ll take it.
Let’s see how the left reacts. I’m betting even more denial.
EDIT: Watching Matthews on Hardball. Is it me, or is he drunk?
Well Mata, I would argue that Brown’s five or six point victory….is actually a landslide away from the 20 or so point victory that the Dims and Coakley were expecting for themselves.
Thus I qualified it as MA, Aye. Personally I would have loved a 60% margin plus, but who knows what the final number will be when all absentee/military ballots are received.
But in the real numbers? No more a landslide than Obama’s election was.
However the domino effect of the win of even a RINO conservative in MA is nothing short of mind blowing. Support for the WH/Pelosi/Reid agenda is dropping by the hour from members of both chambers. So far Barney Frank, Evan Bayh and Jim Webb have said moving forward on healthcare is a no no. Stellar!
Scott Brown has the dubious distinction of having serious influence in the Senate… even before he’s slept off the effects of a victory party.
Amen, native. Amen. Even among Obama supporters. A friend told me today that an ardent, die-hard Obama supporter and co-worker told him recently that he’d had enough of what’s happening in the economy–that we needed jobs and needed to work on that and health care could wait.