Looks like Obama and pals are reading the tea leaves:
And while Coakley and Obama were holding a rally in a 3/4 filled hall:
The Brown rally was overfilling:
And from The Corner:
Friend in Worcester reports: “Crowd just started spontaneously singing God bless America and then exploded, the whole hall. Now they’re chanting ‘We want Scott.'”
Friend who is in Worcester e-mails: “People are lined up down the sidewalk. Folks are driving around honking horns. It is like the Red Sox won again. Just totally joyful.”
As for the Coakley rally, all you missed was:
Bush’s fault …. hold accountable … Bush’s fault … Wall Street …. Bush’s fault …. hold accountable … Bush’s fault … Wall Street …. Bush’s fault …. hold accountable … Bush’s fault … Wall Street …. Bush’s fault …. hold accountable … Bush’s fault … Wall Street …. Bush’s fault …. hold accountable … Bush’s fault … Wall Street …. Bush’s fault …. hold accountable … Bush’s fault … Wall Street …. Bush’s fault!
The Democrats just don’t get it…..
Text of Brown’s speech
Well lookie lookie…..Kirk can’t vote after the Tuesday election in Mass.
See author page
Yep, the Dems are living up to their reputation… blaming Bush and being hateful… Funny how the WH wants Bush on the Haiti disaster…
Those videos are hilarious. zero can’t even fill up the hall? Unbelievable.
I have to keep reminding myself that this is MA .. not PA, MN, OH or some other battleground state. This is MA .. the state that went for McGovern went Nixon crushed him in 49 other states.
I wouldn’t want to be a Democrat now .. even in a “safe” seat.
Sarah Palin drew more of a crowd than Obama & Coakley for most of her book events .
If anyone participated in even one of the 2009 peaceful protest rallies across our country, they will have heard and joined in the spontaneous break out of patriotic songs. The mention of the spontaneous singing of ‘God Bless America,’ in the post above, demonstrates the continuation of this grassroots love-of-country passion.
Democrat politicians may be starting to comprehend the strength of this citizen-grassroots’ passion as may be evidenced by Bill Clinton’s January 15th Coakley rally remarks.
One very liberal site reported that Clinton urged the MA voters to “. . .take back this tea party idea. .” An interesting account.
Guess Obama’s only remaining staging king, Axelrod, forgot to pull the greek columns out of mothballs in advance of the big zero’s appearance.
I see that Obama is continuing to push the argument that a vote for Brown will mean the end to his health care plans.
Yeah Barry, that is exactly the point!
Sheesh, talk about someone not getting the message. Is Obama really living in such a bubble that he honestly doesn’t get it? That is rhetorical, no need to answer the obvious,,,
I saw a couple of other videos earlier, one was Obama getting heckled for a few minutes, he stood there making noises like a dummy without a teleprompter, something we are all familiar with.
Then in another video, when the Clinton motorcade was leaving, there was no one out there to wave bye except Scott Brown supporters yelling Scott, Scott, Scott. They panned the street and the corners were filled with Brown signs and supporters, the motorcade had to pass all of them.
Also, the Cambridge Police Patrol endorse Scott Brown even though Coakley’s husband is a retired member. You know, those cops that act stupidly.
And, how about this:
Starting? Starting? Ya Think?
I’ve been wondering where in the world Senator Bayh was hoping he would come to his senses and vote against this fiasco. Well, here he is:
Bright boy that Senator Bayh is, sheesh!
It isn’t just that Scott Brown is winning, the polls or the size of his rallies, it’s why this is all happening for him. It isn’t just Coakley being an idiot either, it’s Obama’s policies that are handing over a blue state to a Republican.
@TSgt Ciz:
Funny you should mention living in a bubble. He and toned-arms just gave an interview, can’t remember the periodical, he complained that his life was like a bubble and he is lonely. Guess the White House parties, golfing with the pals, and vacations just aren’t doing much for him.
@Missy 10
Consistent rumors offer Mike Pence is strongly considering a 2010 run against Evan Bayh.
For this particular president, it’s not pronounced “lonely”, it’s “rone-ree”, 🙂
Only 2/3rd’s full? Wow, glad I wrote this before the facts rolled in. I think the Minuteman State is about to get a political earthquake.
And watch President Obama’s speech before that Baptist church in DC that happened before he jetted off to prop up Coakley. Scattered polite applause as he talked about himself, blame President Bush, Haiti, immigration reform, and Dr. King. At the end, again scattered polite applause. Nary a single shout of Amen.
As for Kirk, oh good. Now lets roll Tuesday and make it such a landslide that no one can steal the election.
Massive parties at the white house on an average of one every three days for the past year. The taxpayers have footed the bill to feed approx 50,000 of the worst riff raff in America and O’Dumbo is still lonely. If he simply did his job he would have hundreds of visitors per week and no chance to get lonely for anything but his Chicago mob mistress, coke and a daily BJ, given to or taken, from some man.
@American Voter:
That may be why Bayh made that comment, now, let’s see if he is worried enough to come to his senses and torpedo this mess. Mike Pence would be a great Indiana senator and would have a good chance at that seat with the mood being as it is.
He was probably reading from note cards during the interview otherwise it would have been, “uh, uh, rone, uh, uh, ree.” Without help the interview would have lasted some painstaking(for the interviewer) hours.
If in the context of metophor conservatives are “red” and liberals are “blue”. Then Massachusetts is our political “Stalingrad”. We’re holding on the tractor factory, the Volga is at our backs. After tuesday we’ll know if the counteroffensive has started and the begining of a long march not to Berlin but the seat of our govermment in Washington. And to steer it away from being a seat of tyranny so that “goverment of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth”.
Obama qualifications to reform health care:
No birth certificate
Cannot stop smoking
Difficulty telling the truth.
Narcissistic personality disorder.
Therefore, I Igor produce Obama Birth Certificate at http://www.igormarxo.org
Compare Obama Care vs Igor Care at Obama vs Igor Care
There were thousands who were unable to get into the filled hall for the Obama/Coakley rally so someone has their facts wrong. There was a huge overflow with people who had lined up starting at 8AM not able to get in. So….contrary to the slanted info here…..this is no where near over.
Well nants, if you say it’s true, then is must be so. I’m sure it will be a cinch for you to provide some sort of supporting evidence to counter the slanted reporting here. Or is your word alone good enough?
Amen brother
Weeee have a new number and it’s even worse. Ben Smith from the not conservative at all site “Politico” writes that there were only 1,100 in the hall. Information from a “fire department official.”
And Obama got heckled big time by a Pro Life activist in Boston:
It’s no wonder so few showed up for the Coakley rally, Obama was there. He’s there with his same old lame pitch that’s starting to sound like a mantra,MMMMhopeMMMMchange. I tell you folks are getting tired of this guy. He’s on TV more than the Shamwow guy and people just want to throw something at the screen.
This is really really really GOOD NEWS. I predict a Scott Brown victory.
This is too funny! Unless you were there..don’t give your already skewed opinion bc the news lies! First of all, it was not 3/4 full at the Coakley Rally. Thousands of public were waiting to get in, however, due to rsvp and other pre-reserved space (in alliance with capacity), only about 1200 to 1300 were allowed in from the public. I know this bc I was fortunate enough to be seated there..and speak to several people…and see for myself how packed it was. The lines were insane. As for the repetition of Obama being “heckled”, I mean give me a break. HE wasn’t being heckled. It was an anti-abortion rebel who was trying to get his 2 minutes of fame. It should have been directed to coakley if anything since this was her rally. Obama was simply there to support her. This loser knew he wanted to get the right attention by waiting for the perfect moment to attack, and that would be right when Obama was speaking. Not to mention the sad part about all of this is when he was removed from the hall, his child was left there to protest and yell. Something I find so disgusting. Great job raising your son buddy.
What news agency are you referring to on the lying part? I have read from many different places that is was not full. Obviously there is no way of knowing the truth of this. I have to take most of what is said on internet with a grain of salt. however If the poll numbers given by Politico (an Obama supporting news organization) are accurate then it stands to reason that it is plausible the hall was not full. Again, who cares. on the grand scheme of things, coakley, by her own mouth has set her destructive course. She is not very intellectually adept at talking to the public. Obviously she should not quit her day job.
Hi Mark!
I have read so many news articles at this point, so unless I go back and research, it will be difficult to tell. I can say that FOX NEWS in one concrete source I do recall. I do agree with you that the internet fact are always to take with a grain of salt. As far as getting a reliable source on the fact of whether or not the space was filled (which is what my main argument was), you can consider me that source! 🙂 I was there from start to finish. I walked to my boyfriend’s store early that morning, which is directly across the street from where the rally. The lines were insane at that hour. I was privileged enough to experience being on the guest list and sitting beside many politicians. Being that I was right there, and a bit curious, I asked several questions to people that were working the event, people who work for northeastern, etc. Much of the public (and trust me there were enough to fill that place twice), were not allowed in due to other issues (rsvps, coakley invites, and an estimate of what they felt they would allow in, based on this and also wanting to create a less chaotic environment). The Fox news caster that I do recall was in the rally way before it began, when people were still outside. As far as who is the better man/woman for the job, well that’s for people to decide based on what they feel are the issues they feel most passionately about. Let’s face it, we are never going to agree 100% with any candidate. As far as Coakley’s public speaking, well, let’s just say that most of the animated actors (I mean politicians) that have come to office in the past, haven’t exactly earned a golden globe from me based on executing their promises. Animated, intellectually adept, or not…I don’t care. It’s the issues that matter to me. I was actually pleased with the rally, but Mumbles Menino gets my award for “huh”?
Good Luck!
Thanks for your response. well put. I appreciate most what you said,”As far as who is the better man/woman for the job, well that’s for people to decide based on what they feel are the issues they feel most passionately about. Let’s face it, we are never going to agree 100% with any candidate.” well said
God Bless
AJ you didn’t give us any insight into why you think Coakley should win? Her only platform seems to be that she agrees with everything the WH puts in front of her. Add in the attitude she has shown by avoiding questions and reporters who ask her something not on the accepted quiz sheet and people make up thier minds by what they see.
Hi Aleric!
You are correct, I didn’t give any insight as to why I think Coakley should win. However, I also didn’t say that I think she should win. My argument was about the hall being filled (and the heckler). Just giving my view from my point of view (literally). My attending the rally was purely an opportunity given to me so I took it, especially because I was seated in the 3rd row with the congressman, kerry, menino, patrick, etc. Ok, I am bragging I guess…hahaha but it really was exciting. I felt like the white house crashers bc I certainly did not belong in the seats I was in! Had I been invited to the Brown rally with those seats, I would have been there too for experience alone. Anyways, as for who I think should win the race? Well that I have not shared with anyone. I will probably keep it to myself for my own reasons, but yes you do make some valid points.