Don’t believe Rasmussen? How about CBS polls on Obama approval?

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For those still clinging to fantasy about Obama’s approval rating soaring mightily over Rasmussen “disinformation/propaganda” numbers…. would you believe MSM’s darling, CBS viewers coming in at 46% “approval”?

Do allow me to quote from the CBS article:

Mr. Obama’s approval rating among independents has declined 10 points in recent months…
and it now stands at just 42 percent.

Allow me to add that CBS says the “disapproval” rate of *all* poll participants is 41%.

Let’s recap… s-l-o-w-l-y, shall we? All over “approval” of CBS responders = 46%. For the math challenged, that means all those who ranged from disapproval to less than enthralled is 54%.

Overall disapproval at 41%… up from last months 39% disapproval
Self ID’d Indy types at 42% approval

What’s driving it down? Domestic Agenda! surprise, surprise

This poll was conducted among a random sample of 1,216 adults nationwide, interviewed by telephone January 6-10, 2010. Phone numbers were dialed from random digit dial samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus three percentage points. The error for subgroups is higher.

Maybe that plummeting view of approval from Rasmussen isn’t so far fetched afterall. And it sure makes for a “purtier” picture for the reading impaired…

Rasmussen trends Jan 11th, 2010….

Could be there is something to “transparency” afterall.. Altho not quite as the Biz Zero planned. Could be all that’s necessary for this thread now is a Mike’sA graphic with one big “L” on an Obama forehead?

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Hope for America!! 0-bama has proven to be so incompetent that this nigtmare may be over in 4 years. Hopefully we will have a country to re build after the nightmare.

The man is dangerous and evil.

The Real Clear Politics average of all polls shows the same thing:

The gap between approve and disapprove is at an all time low of 2.5

It’s not just one poll, or two polls which show this trend, it’s ALL OF THEM!

so now we’re being overrun by nit-twits.