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If you want to talk about the years worst reporting you have to consider FOX NEWS NOISE!!
They are by FAR the worst!





and you right wingers call FOX a creditable news source???

@Real American Patriot: When Certified Real American Patriot tells you Fox News is CRAP you know that Fox is telling the truth!

What a little Stalinist you are CRAP!

Happy New Year comrade!

Where will the state run news outlets get their instructions and news pablum after 2012? Putin has a lot of experience running state run news outlets, perhaps he will be able to give them direction. They will collapse from their own incompetence without direction from some authoritarian Progressive Marxist Central Committee.


You are down right laughable!!!

YOU call me a Staliniist because I don’t walk lock step with the right wing Republican news service? (fox news)

If you don’t recognize how slanted fox news is you are totally BLIND!

I do believe CRAP was called a Stalinist not because he doesn’t walk in lock step with Fox, but because he walks in lock step with the progressive movement and MSNBC.

The only thing slanted here is CRAP’s perception of the US Constitution and the role of government (via the taxpayers) to support his sorry butt.


I do agree with the progressive movement for the most part. But I don’t walk in lock step with MSNBC like you righties do with fox noise. I really hope you don’t seriously consider Fox news an actual news station. It’s pure handed down talking points and slant.

I make no apologies for the link. It was well worth the wait and not having to accept a job where I would have been under employed. I know you don’t agree which means I am correct. I am gainfully employed and making more than I did at my last job. Enough to be happy to help others who are unemployed.
It’s called supporting one another in community MATA! I realize that’s something conservatives have no concept of.

@Real American Patriot: You can’t take the truth and so you loony lefties have engaged in the most UNAMERICAN, UNDEMOCRATIC attacks on Fox News trying to shut them down or shout them down.


The Truth!!!! Mike just saying you support fox noise’s approach to news shows you have no concept of the truth.

I wonder did you even bother to look at the links I put in message #1 ? I doubt it since you have no concept of what fox news really is… Liar’s, Crooks, fakes, they purposely edit out the entire statement to make the BS points. Then purposely show footage of different stories and claim it had just happened. consistent BS and the funny thing is you righties fall for it hook line and sinker.

Poor fox noise. they could really be news but instead they choose to make up stories, put out falsehood after falsehood just to please the righties.

@Real American Patriot:What a complete waste of my time those YouTube links were!

Wtf? All they mostly reveal are the biases of the YouTube uploader.

How the frak did Galloway prove “FOX News to be liars”? The interview had nothing to do with FOX, and was merely Galloway blowharding his point of view.

And your last link of Sean Hannity? Didn’t know he was a straight news anchorman. Thanks for that.

Please try again.

@Real American Patriot said: “Liar’s, Crooks, fakes… “

Now really CRAP. I know Dan Rather used phony National Guard documents to attack Bush that were easily disproved but that’s old news by now.

Or perhaps you were talking about MSNBC?


Or Tailwind….or exploding gas tanks on pickup trucks…or the New Republic lies…

CRAP, when somone like you slams something it’s really just an endorsement AFAWC. Now go away troll.

Hard Right you should know by now that I would never leave because YOU tell me to…


How much proof do you need?

Here we have them altering news footage… it was proven!!!


here are some of the many many lies they SPEW!!! this is just a sampling.

Do you enjoy their right wing HATE SPEAK too!!!!

@Real American Patriot: Give it a rest CRAP. I have ZERO interest in your twisted STALINIST propaganda.

I notice you just completely ignored the Dan Rather effort to sway the results of a Presidential election.

But then of course STALINISTS don’t believe in free elections any more than they do freedom of the press!

The Progressive Marxists and their state run media are fast losing credibility, even with the Oprah crowd, their demise is imminent; their message has become laughable and is largely ignored by the American public. Their ratings are falling faster than those of our Quasi-Marxist in the White House, it is only a matter of time before they are fiscally bankrupt as well as morally bankrupt. When your opponents are incompetent as well as corrupt, time is your ally, they write their own epitaph with each passing day. Their incompetence and corruption is becoming legendary, even by Third World Standards, the standards that they are so actively pursuing for the general population and their pathetic efforts would be hilarious if it wasn’t happening to the United States.

The hysterical ninnies will scream and wet themselves; but the inevitability of failure, brought about electing an incompetent Marxist and subverting the so called Fourth Estate in to a state run propaganda bureau made the Progressive Marxists of the United States an International symbol for weakness and ridicule.

Hopefully our country can survive three more years of the Incompetent Narcissist in Chief or he will do the honorable thing and step down because of being in way over his head.

Happy New Year my FA Friends, its off to work with a few horses! I will return tonight.


Just what would you call YOUR tactics?? you try to squelch and discredit MSNBC constantly, Claiming MSM bias..

It is well known that the true BIAS comes from FOX NOISE!!

You righties just choose to IGNORE THE TRUTH!!!

CRAP aka, “the sponge”: I make no apologies for the link. It was well worth the wait and not having to accept a job where I would have been under employed. I know you don’t agree which means I am correct. I am gainfully employed and making more than I did at my last job. Enough to be happy to help others who are unemployed.
It’s called supporting one another in community MATA! I realize that’s something conservatives have no concept of.

I see… you consider yourself a government charity success case. Truly, CRAP, I’m glad you’re employed if for nothing else than the rest of us no longer have to pay you for walking to your mail box and picking up a check for a living. Just wondered how you made it thru the interview with that large “L” emblazoned on your forehead.

Also interesting that you confess your notion of “supporting one another in community”… or charity… comes from government mandates. No surprise there. “community support” at the point of a gun. Yeah, good idea.

And you think conservatives have “no concept” of community support? BWAHAHAHAHAHA