“In the spirit of the Season”, Senator Roland Burris wishes to share a holiday poem with his “good friends on both sides of the aisle”:
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
If I may be so bold, this version of “Twas the Night Before Christmas” is a much better read than what the good Senator read. Please indulge me by giving it a read:
Merry Christmas to one and all.
Twas the night before Chrismas and all through the house not a creature was heard, not even a mouse.
Dear old Grannie should have been sweetly tucked in her bed, but somethings amiss poor Grannie is dead.
We asked and we cried but the true couldn’t be belied, that poor Grannie’s chemo had tersly denied.
Thank you for posting that poem, I never tire of reading it! We certainly will always love and appreciate that author as opposed to Burris.
Something is amiss with my Senator. Perhaps he’s hoping to add:
Personal Ornament on Obama Blue Room Tree 2010
to his tombstone with this ignorant attempt to “share good cheers” in the “spirit of the season.” What a pathetic man.
@ Missy,
I, too, never tire of reading it – though, of course I’m biased to the Army version. As to the Blue Room tree ornaments, I hope against hope (and change) that it is an Onion-esque bit of humor. Sad thing is though – that it probably isn’t.
I suddendly feel like Bob….as in You-tube’s Drinking With Bob.
Me too! My Army lifer is in town from Ft. Riley, can’t wait to see him and his family. Would scoot down to his mom’s house for a visit but we have so much global warming icing up the roads, will have to patiently wait for his promised visit! Our Christmas is looking bright!
Merry Christmas to all!
So speaketh the Senator who had to (or tried to) BUY his seat from ANOTHER corrupt Democrat!! That gives him the right to “judge”!!! NOT!! Funny, they speak of “mandate”… but the man FORGETS that “candidate” Obummer promised to be one man…. “President” Obummer turned out to be another…..and the “Mandate”???? Opposition numbers UP… Approval numbers DOWN… um, where’s the mandate.. NOW??? GONE, Burris you idiot!!! Keep up with the times!! Also, he too lies.. speaking of needed change NOW, when the law doesn’t fully kick in until after the NEXT Presidential election!!
Why is THAT?? They already count on Obummer being a one termer…. so when the costs kick in and the economy goes south once AGAIN because of it… the next Repub will get the “It’s Bush’s fault” treatment!!!! These guys are downright EVIL!!!
Here’s an answer to Burris:
And this is better:
T’was the night before Tea Party and all thru the crowd
Conservatives were stirring up venom and bile so very loud
They called out some who were labeled as Rino
And said those are no better than a gutter sleeping Wino!
If your not a pure thinking Conservative then we have some bad news
And we don’t try to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes
We need to define who is 100% “with us”
and if your not then we will feel you are totally against us
So a Senator named Spector switched parties to wit
because the Conservatives cried “as a Republican your not fit!”
They were happy they claimed they had smoked out the man
“get rid of more Rinos” said Limbaugh and friends
From a Liberal viewpoint is from where I have wrote
and thank you so very much for our 60th vote!
Merry Christmas and Happy Death Panels to all here on FA!!
You have a macabre sense of Christmas “spirit”, moose…..
Yeah I know Mata, but I did have a bit of fun with it and hope it at least can provoke a smile
@mooseburger: Thanks for that perfect example of how Obama loving libs are trying to gin up and manipulate conservative divisions in the GOP.
Maybe someone should do a version of this poem with all the divisions within the Dems as they scramble to sell out the few principles they have for a lousy couple of hundred million.
Moosebreath…. what IS IT with you guys?? Why would I want to “walk in someone elses shoes” as you put it. The life a person MAKES for hiself is HIS Fortune, Or his PROBLEM!! Everyonehas the chance to get an education here.. you are too lazy or STUPID to take advantage of it…. tough #$#$!! Libs want to GIVE to everyone….not make em EARN it. ALL you have bred is a bunch of WANTERS….. and no DOERS!! you CANNOT hand out the amounts of money the left want to, WITHOUT any real PROOF you will have the funds to PAY it!! If you have 20 bucks in your wallet.. thats fact. You can safely spend and not worry of any repercussions… NOW if you have NO MONEY in there, and you write 20 bucks worth of checks because I TELL YOU that somehow, 20 bucks will appear in there before the checks hit the bank…. you are a fool. THIS is EXACTLY how Obama’s plan works….they “think”.. they cannot GUARANTEE it’ll be there… and if YOU write those checks.. you get arrested!!! If GOV writes those checks… they just print more dollars to back it.. this devalues the dollar even MORE!!!
You mock the “right” (Note i did NOT say “Republicans”) for pointing out the FACTS (as in TRUTH)…. but since it doesn’t fit in your fantasy world of how things should be… we are to be mocked, are evil, are racists, whatever. Well, I have a name for YOU!! ENEMY!!
You and those like you, because you want to “believe” in some Socialist utopia.. would destroy THIS country to “transform” this nation, to use Obama’s own words… Well I have news for you, the U.S. rulebook doesn’t ALLOW for transformation, at least not when Done this way!!! There is a process… THEY are trying to CIRCUMVENT it.
America is the “land of opportunity”…. NOT the land of “you get it all, work for it or not”….. Sorry…. if you DON’T like it that way, too bad!! But the good news is, flights leave every 15 minutes to socialist/communist nations where you CAN!! Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out…..
Rant over…
And NO Moosebreath… no smile. I do not look at low life self serving, tax raising lying payoff/bribing treasonists as a “funny thing”…..
Hey Mike, Your welcome. The Republican establishment is embracing the Tea partiers, and that’s your right to do it. Y’all will have to contend with them, because they would not vote for Obama anyway no how no time. When these angry people find out you can’t stop the Liberal agenda, they will turn on the Republican establishment. That anger gettin’ all whipped up will have to have some outlet. When splitting from the Republicans and starting their own third party becomes a real possibility, that won’t hurt our feelings, it will only split those who would never vote for Obama anyway. My only hope is that you send us all the RINO’s you can, purge the ranks of unclean and unworthy folks, it is the only way you will ever get back in power according to Rush.
This is like Operation Chaos…and now we know why you guys enjoyed that so much…if it’s good enough for Rush, it’s good enough for us too! maybe we can plant some operatives into the Tea Parties and have them carry some really bad signs and say things that will get National attention. We know the Republicans are scared Sh*tless to ever stand up and say anything bad about the Tea Party folks and it will just make them look really bad to the swing voters.
Hankster: The walking in someone else’s shoes reference in the poem was about putting pressure on Specter because he has to contend with the people in his state who are not die hard conservative. Some of the Blue Dog Democrats are in the same boat a bit with the Liberal base, but they are only dealing with the reality of the feelings of most of the people in their districts and States. To some degree they have to reflect their constituents, and if the folks who want purity could be in their position and understand their situation, perhaps the Democrats would have only 59 Senators right now.
@mooseburger: Well at least you have the Christmas honesty to admit that’s what you are trying to do.
Frankly, It won’t work. The handful of tea partiers who are insane enough to go third party or sit out yet ANOTHER election are about as relevant as the anarchists, Moveon.moron, and Ralph Nader ninnies that inhabit that much larger closet in the Democrat party.
Face it Mossy, the Independents have dumped you guys after Obama was exposed for the liberal big spending liar we said he was and they aren’t coming back. Combine them with the Tea Partiers who ARE the Republican base and we can’t lose!
Suck on that!
The repubs are NOT going to change the “tea partiers… they are going to have to change to “GET” the Tea partiers… get Conservative again, or die. As to the LEFT benefiting?? I guess you don’t know how to read polls ??? The LEFT is in some serious trouble… and their constant IGNORING of the Constituents wants and opinions will only make this worse. They are loyal ONLY to the “PARTY”… (Hey, so were the ‘NAZI’S) and the PUBLIC be damned… the fact that in the face of MASS disapproval they continue doing THEIR will and not the will of the people has exposed them for what they truly are… DICTATORS!! Perfect fit of the definition!!! Their single minded will to want to control everything will be their undoing…. all WE need to do is show those on the lower income levels they are being… ENSLAVED!! They don’t like the “S” word!!! And that is EXACTLY how the DEMS treat the public…. Yeah, I don’t think WE are the ones to need to worry… just keep skipping down the path of socialism… time to bring out the “C” word… COMMUNISM!! Socialism just “nices” it … Commie is something even dopes will understand!!