These are the lemmings swarming to ODUHMA to their oblivious end.
15 years ago
Silly socialists. Silly socialists. Silly socialists. Has a ring to it, doesn’t it? Say it aloud. The alliterative phrase simply sizzles with sibilance.
I wish everyone would use it to describe the left. So many on the left take their beliefs in the righteousness of the collective so seriously. They’ve read Marx and Chomsky and fail to see the obvious weaknesses in their ideas. So they take themselves to be studied and serious. Yet they see socialism and freedom and democracy as compatible. So silly.
Using the phrase has a purpose. The left taught us about Saul Alinsky and he taught us about the power of ridicule. We should want the term to catch on and see lots of public use. It should be the default term for the left. Please use it freely.
15 years ago
Here we go, I pity the New Yorkers for numerous reasons:
Everyday is New Year’s Day in KSM’s New York
Buried eight paragraphs down in a New York Times report on Eric Holder’s trip to New York to brief officials there on arrangements that they must now make to accommodate KSM and his fellow 9/11 plotters comes this startling revelation:
“While the entire operation will be similar to the deployment for a New Year’s Eve celebration, the difference this time is it will have to be sustained over months or more, officials said.
Mr. Kelly has told the Justice Department that the costs for security operations, including paying officers’ overtime, are expected to exceed the initial minimum estimate of $75 million.”
We all know full well it will take more than a few months to wrap up what Holder is billing as the “trial of the century.” A 2004 NYPD fiscal document from 2004 estimated the average annual cost of police protection on New Year’s Eve at $3.5 million in police overtime alone. The security costs could easily total half a billion or more over the course of what may be a very long trial, held up at every turn by al Qaeda lawyers and their ACLU buddies. What will this kind of security entail, you ask? It’s called the “counterterrorism overlay package”:
“And two months ago, with several hundred thousand people gathered in Times Square for New Year’s Eve, the pressure was really on the commissioner and the NYPD. They had executed what Kelly calls their “counterterrorism overlay package.” Undercovers were everywhere. Intelligence officers mingled in the crowd. Sharpshooters were on the rooftops. Police boats were on the water, choppers were overhead, and Hercules Teams were ready to move.
Kelly also had the department’s Archangel package in place, which includes ESU teams equipped to detect a chemical or biological attack and to respond if one does in fact occur.
Is New York less safe than it was? “You don’t want this kind of perception to fester. I’m aware that it’s out there. The elephant in the corner of the room is 9/11. That’s why people feel less safe.”
The five days leading up to the celebration had been especially difficult. There were intelligence reports detailing serious harbor threats, including information about a possible plan to stage eight separate diversionary acts culminating with a major terrorist attack. All the locations were covered. The water had an eerie, blacker-than-usual look to it because it was mostly empty. No pleasure boats were allowed out. “
I say let’s go to D.C. and rock that little bunch of “Liberal (Moronic) Minions” and tell those pathetic jerks that we don’t want ObamaCare ! It is a rally organized by Laura on December 18th called Code Red rally. Go to the Laura Ingraham web site.
How can it be possible that bureocrats who files paperwork in the federal government with my and your taxes get a 2% increase in their salaries when the rest of Americans are unable to find a job or feed their children?
The tax increases and mandates have to stop! The Socialist European style of government does not work. Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain are very close to default because for decades they have only taxed their citizens and created government jobs, I call it the black whole economics of Radical Lefties! Tax Tax Tax and if you cannot find any more money continue to tax!
There is no such thing. This is the same Islam that was used to stir up the masses to conquer 80% of the known world, back in Mo’s time. It is the same Koran that taught torture, war, murder, wife beatings, beheadings and torture where part of spreading Islam (they like torture). Anyone that disputes that is just not able to think logically. The next time some panderer uses “Islamic Extremist” I think that I am going to have to call them on it! We all should. I just can’t see it as a religion, it is a Cult, just like the Nazis. Let’s use the same phrase that haters use on Christians: Fundamentalists, Islamic Fundamentalists.
@URI — The Code Red Rally/House Call for DC is Dec 15 not the 18th. . .Seems like the numbers ARE swelling — I am aware buses have been added to several regional area departure points. . .and would venture the case in other regions.
This is another chance to show the Senators WE, the American citizens, are watching. WE are Ready, Willing and Most Able to cast our votes against those who vote for ObamaCare and any other initiative that promises to tax us to death and steal away our Republic.
I do like what Laura Ingraham wrote about the upcoming event —————————-
“. . .On December 15th at 1:30pm, we will remind Pelosi, Reid, Schumer et al. that they work for us and not the other way around. We will demand that they follow the will of the people, not dismiss and degrade it by putting future generations into a deficit dungeon. We will put every politician who supports this travesty on notice: enjoy your remaining time in the U.S. Capitol because we’re coming for your seat.
The American people will not forget those who turned their backs on us and voted for a bill that they hadn’t read and which will do nothing but ensure that one of the best healthcare systems in the world is compromised. . . ”
Laura I. linked to the following site for people to collectively voice their ObamaCare grievances to their Congressmen.
15 years ago
The shark is the Tea Party Movement the little fish are Pelosi and pals
15 years ago
Thank you American Voter. I hope many people show up because the words NO is to no avail to those scoundrels! I went to a small non political gathering recently and I was surprised to hear so many people say how terrible the economic situation is and how we need to get Obama out of office, pronto. Couldn’t believe that CSPAN is the most watched TV show in town these days. (Too bad AARP is not getting either)
You are right about CSPAN. . . never thought CSPAN watching get-togethers – with family/friends and a big bowl of popcorn would make for an engaging evening. . .we are taking names!
The good that will come out of all of this is the American citizen (all ages) is awakening out of an American Idol stupor and more and more are becoming politically engaged. . .ACORN will have to have a lot of new tricks and ballots stuffed in trunks to turn back the angry-had-enough tide rolling in. . .
15 years ago
Without Global Warming just imagine how cold it would be! Too bad the didn’t bad they didn’t have the Global Warming Hoax Summit in Western Canada, read down to the bottom.
Canada freezes as snow storm strands thousands
Posted Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:07pm AEDT
People in the north-central part of the Canadian province of Ontario are digging out after one of the worst snow storms on record.
Some areas north of Toronto received as much as 100 centimetres of snow over the past three days.
The main highway through the region re-opened for the first time in days, but nearly all side roads remain closed, blocked by a thick blanket of snow, in some areas chest high.
More than 100,000 people have been affected by the storm, either cut off in smaller communities, or in their cottages, or stranded by the road closures.
In one town the mayor declared a snow emergency, shutting schools and businesses.
Officials say emergency road crews clearing roads are completely exhausted. Officers at one police detachment said they could not see their parked patrol cars buried under the snow.
Police are also urging travellers to stay away from the region at least for the next couple of days.
Meanwhile, western Canada is in the grip of a cold snap with temperatures plummeting anywhere from -40 to -50 degrees Celsius.
If any of you use Google, you may have noticed this below the search bar:
New! Explore impact of climate change on Google Earth
I think I may be switching to Bing!
15 years ago
I just finished watching a speech by the new Greek Prime Minister Giorgios Papandreou.
He is a PASOK party member(Left).
He is currently under a lot of preasure to cut the Government budget deficit running at 12% of the GDP and he tries to set it to a 3% in the next 4 years. Greece might defaulf with a 750 billion dollars deficit.
He asked for no Bonus to Bankers in the public sector. The ones in the private sector will be taxed 90%! if they accept a bonus.
All workers are going to be taxed, illegals and legals. Moreover, the people who employ illegals will pay very severe penalties.
All contracts will be displayed in the internet before a MP or Deputy MP signs the order.
Each Ministry will give him a budget with a 10% cut every year for the next four years! That’s is going to be significant.
Of course, he told the Slavs from FYROM(Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia) to change their name Macedonia to FYROM.
If the Greeks can get togheter and tackle corruption and inefficiency, it will be a historical accomplishment and many other small and medium size countries in the area may follow the Greek example.
This is the first time that a Prime Minister in Greece and much more a Socialist, has ever tried to cut their budget deficit! If Greece fails, the country may have to go back to the Drahma and get out of the European Union.
PS: Meantime, Turkey is violating Greek airspace in the Aegean Sea. Greece was flying with fully loaded planes!
Obama’s COIN in Afghanistan
Here is a easier form of COIN called tribal leadership by David Logan
Your picture fits with the weekly absurd “global warming causes _____” claim:
Great picture of Rahmbo… Sheesh!
Time to FAX all senators (they don’t answer phones or read email)… tell them
These a$$holes have to GO!
Obama swims with the faithful!
Coincidence ?? you decide
These are the lemmings swarming to ODUHMA to their oblivious end.
Silly socialists. Silly socialists. Silly socialists. Has a ring to it, doesn’t it? Say it aloud. The alliterative phrase simply sizzles with sibilance.
I wish everyone would use it to describe the left. So many on the left take their beliefs in the righteousness of the collective so seriously. They’ve read Marx and Chomsky and fail to see the obvious weaknesses in their ideas. So they take themselves to be studied and serious. Yet they see socialism and freedom and democracy as compatible. So silly.
Using the phrase has a purpose. The left taught us about Saul Alinsky and he taught us about the power of ridicule. We should want the term to catch on and see lots of public use. It should be the default term for the left. Please use it freely.
Here we go, I pity the New Yorkers for numerous reasons:
Sarah Palin swimming with Obozo’s Liberal Minions.
Hope & change, hope & change, hope & change………………………………………
Slatrat, that is funny!
FedUp: I could not have said it better.
I say let’s go to D.C. and rock that little bunch of “Liberal (Moronic) Minions” and tell those pathetic jerks that we don’t want ObamaCare ! It is a rally organized by Laura on December 18th called Code Red rally. Go to the Laura Ingraham web site.
How can it be possible that bureocrats who files paperwork in the federal government with my and your taxes get a 2% increase in their salaries when the rest of Americans are unable to find a job or feed their children?
The tax increases and mandates have to stop! The Socialist European style of government does not work. Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain are very close to default because for decades they have only taxed their citizens and created government jobs, I call it the black whole economics of Radical Lefties! Tax Tax Tax and if you cannot find any more money continue to tax!
Complete e-mail and fax numbers for Congress and State Reps
Do we get to rant at these weekly things?
Islamic Extremists!
There is no such thing. This is the same Islam that was used to stir up the masses to conquer 80% of the known world, back in Mo’s time. It is the same Koran that taught torture, war, murder, wife beatings, beheadings and torture where part of spreading Islam (they like torture). Anyone that disputes that is just not able to think logically. The next time some panderer uses “Islamic Extremist” I think that I am going to have to call them on it! We all should. I just can’t see it as a religion, it is a Cult, just like the Nazis. Let’s use the same phrase that haters use on Christians: Fundamentalists, Islamic Fundamentalists.
@URI — The Code Red Rally/House Call for DC is Dec 15 not the 18th. . .Seems like the numbers ARE swelling — I am aware buses have been added to several regional area departure points. . .and would venture the case in other regions.
This is another chance to show the Senators WE, the American citizens, are watching. WE are Ready, Willing and Most Able to cast our votes against those who vote for ObamaCare and any other initiative that promises to tax us to death and steal away our Republic.
I do like what Laura Ingraham wrote about the upcoming event —————————-
“. . .On December 15th at 1:30pm, we will remind Pelosi, Reid, Schumer et al. that they work for us and not the other way around. We will demand that they follow the will of the people, not dismiss and degrade it by putting future generations into a deficit dungeon. We will put every politician who supports this travesty on notice: enjoy your remaining time in the U.S. Capitol because we’re coming for your seat.
The American people will not forget those who turned their backs on us and voted for a bill that they hadn’t read and which will do nothing but ensure that one of the best healthcare systems in the world is compromised. . . ”
Laura I. linked to the following site for people to collectively voice their ObamaCare grievances to their Congressmen.
The shark is the Tea Party Movement the little fish are Pelosi and pals
Thank you American Voter. I hope many people show up because the words NO is to no avail to those scoundrels! I went to a small non political gathering recently and I was surprised to hear so many people say how terrible the economic situation is and how we need to get Obama out of office, pronto. Couldn’t believe that CSPAN is the most watched TV show in town these days. (Too bad AARP is not getting either)
You are right about CSPAN. . . never thought CSPAN watching get-togethers – with family/friends and a big bowl of popcorn would make for an engaging evening. . .we are taking names!
The good that will come out of all of this is the American citizen (all ages) is awakening out of an American Idol stupor and more and more are becoming politically engaged. . .ACORN will have to have a lot of new tricks and ballots stuffed in trunks to turn back the angry-had-enough tide rolling in. . .
Without Global Warming just imagine how cold it would be! Too bad the didn’t bad they didn’t have the Global Warming Hoax Summit in Western Canada, read down to the bottom.
Canada freezes as snow storm strands thousands
Posted Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:07pm AEDT
People in the north-central part of the Canadian province of Ontario are digging out after one of the worst snow storms on record.
Some areas north of Toronto received as much as 100 centimetres of snow over the past three days.
The main highway through the region re-opened for the first time in days, but nearly all side roads remain closed, blocked by a thick blanket of snow, in some areas chest high.
More than 100,000 people have been affected by the storm, either cut off in smaller communities, or in their cottages, or stranded by the road closures.
In one town the mayor declared a snow emergency, shutting schools and businesses.
Officials say emergency road crews clearing roads are completely exhausted. Officers at one police detachment said they could not see their parked patrol cars buried under the snow.
Police are also urging travellers to stay away from the region at least for the next couple of days.
Meanwhile, western Canada is in the grip of a cold snap with temperatures plummeting anywhere from -40 to -50 degrees Celsius.
If any of you use Google, you may have noticed this below the search bar:
New! Explore impact of climate change on Google Earth
I think I may be switching to Bing!
I just finished watching a speech by the new Greek Prime Minister Giorgios Papandreou.
He is a PASOK party member(Left).
He is currently under a lot of preasure to cut the Government budget deficit running at 12% of the GDP and he tries to set it to a 3% in the next 4 years. Greece might defaulf with a 750 billion dollars deficit.
He asked for no Bonus to Bankers in the public sector. The ones in the private sector will be taxed 90%! if they accept a bonus.
All workers are going to be taxed, illegals and legals. Moreover, the people who employ illegals will pay very severe penalties.
All contracts will be displayed in the internet before a MP or Deputy MP signs the order.
Each Ministry will give him a budget with a 10% cut every year for the next four years! That’s is going to be significant.
Of course, he told the Slavs from FYROM(Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia) to change their name Macedonia to FYROM.
If the Greeks can get togheter and tackle corruption and inefficiency, it will be a historical accomplishment and many other small and medium size countries in the area may follow the Greek example.
This is the first time that a Prime Minister in Greece and much more a Socialist, has ever tried to cut their budget deficit! If Greece fails, the country may have to go back to the Drahma and get out of the European Union.
PS: Meantime, Turkey is violating Greek airspace in the Aegean Sea. Greece was flying with fully loaded planes!
The Rally in DC is on right now on C-SPAN 3.