The post-election turmoil in Iran continues as thousands of students gather in the streets of Tehran to demand freedom. Their free speech and right to assemble is being mercilessly crushed by the Iranian military on the orders of the government itself. Yet the televisions and the teleprompters remain silent in the greatest beacon of democracy on the planet: our United States.
You may remember months ago that an incredibly fraudulent election took place in Iran, with incumbent President Mahmud Ahmadinejad “winning” reelection over challenger Mir Hossein Musavi. The “votes” were counted and showed irrefutable proof that much of the election was faked, including cases where votes “cast” were actually more than the number of registered voters in many regions.
Eventually the Main Stream Media picked up on the story and it was headline news for a few days. After that, as the President saw that popular American support was behind the protesters in Iran, Mr. Obama made a wishy-washy speech about Iran, talks, and voting. He stated that he supported the “right” of Iranians, but did not mention the election results or the fraud within.
But soon, both the President and the MSM fell silent. Lured by more shiny topics, the media and Administration left Iranian students’ rights behind. Six months later, the protests in Iran continue. The people of Iran still call out for freedom. The people of Iran call out for the very hope that our President campaigned on.
Where is President Obama? Sir, you promised hope and change and a new world when you were seeking election. Now, as the beleaguered yet resilient people of Iran call out for the things you promised, they are greeted by your silence. How can you stand idley by and not defend the burgeoning rights of Iranian students? Not a speech, not a paragraph, not a sentence, not a word.
The same goes for our Main Stream Media. Where is the support for democracy and free speech? Apparently, the MSM and our President seem to take these rights for so granted that they ignore the rights of others.
I stand with the people of Iran.
Crossposted from Jumping In Pools
If you recall, during the time when the beatdown of the citizens of Iran was at it’s peak…
Michael Jackson, living in the Muslim country of Bahrain, suddenly died, and that was all the MSM needed for an immediate distraction.
What a coincidence.
The absurdity of the Administration’s silence on the Iranian resistance is that a more democratic, if not secular regime would offer the most promising hope for a reduction in the virulence of the war making activities of the Islamists. Were the theocracy to fall, and a more Western friendly government to take hold, support for Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and the many other radical groups would be substantially reduced or eliminated. The rush toward nuclear weaponry would be halted, the agitation with the Yemini rebels on the Saudi border would cease, the flow of arms to Chavez would stop, as would many other of the nefarious agitations of the current Iranian regime. Unfortunately, Obama and company have neither an overarching vision nor the cajonies to implement such even if they had such a vision. Here is a grand opportunity to land on the side of freedom and justice, but those are unfortunately not the values cherished by the Administration, which seems to believe that artificial deadlines, endless talking, and profound butt kissing are the keys to successful diplomacy.
My faith in the American people remains strong, however, as I note that he is at -19 in the latest Rasmussen daily tracking poll. I think he is bored with the Presidency and is evidencing the first signs of horror at his own failures. His speech at the Nobel presentation was so absurd –“I do not come with the solution to ending war” that one has to believe he doesn’t much care what he says. His worldly 26 year old speech writers have taken over, and the naïve puff predominates. I have never seen such hubris and that gives me hope that his legislative agenda is truly on the ropes