-U.S. Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl
The Arizona Senator made the statement on the heels of this:
Tea Party Support ( http://teapartysupport.com ) and the Social Security Institute ( http://socialsecurityinstitute.com ) joined forces yesterday to blast out a million-and-a-half email messages asking people to demand that Republican Senators stop assisting Harry Reid to ram ObamaCare and the Reid health bill through the Senate by year’s end.
Social Security Institute President Lawrence Hunter apparently sent out an email to whip up the torches and pitchfork branch of the angry-as-hell-kick-the-RINOs-out conservative movement:
“The campaign continues today, and we won’t stop until Republicans get the message: ‘Don’t Put Christmas Vacation Ahead of Your Country.'”
The email message said, in part:
“Shame on Republican Senators!“They are paving the way for ObamaCare to be enacted into law this year because they want to go on Christmas Vacation. I know it sounds unbelievable that REPUBLICANS are the ones who will be responsible for a government takeover of healthcare but that is the sad and outrageous truth.
“Our Capitol-Hill operatives working out of the newly organized Tea Party Cloakroom© have learned that the Senate Republican Leadership is working hand-in-glove behind the scenes with the Democratic Leadership to move one amendment after another through the Senate without adequate time for debate and deliberation. In exchange for this collaboration with the enemy, the Democratic Leadership is assuring Republicans they will be allowed to offer their own ‘message amendments’ and that Republicans will not be forced to work long hours through the night during this holiday season.
“Republican Senator Jon Kyl let the cat out of the bag on Bill Bennett’s radio show last week. When guest host Rick Santorum asked Kyl, ‘What is your strategy, to the extent you can share it,’ Kyl said, ‘Our strategy is not actually to delayOur strategy is to have a lot of good amendments and highlight the problems in the bill. It is not our strategy to somehow slow things down.’
“The Republican Senators have been protesting vehemently in the media about how much they oppose ObamaCare and the Reid Health bill, and despite their constant reassurances to
grassroots activists that they are doing everything humanly possible to defeat the bill, Republicans in fact are quietly stepping aside and allowing the ObamaCare Express to move forward. The bill is loaded down with the Harry Reid language and tons of amendments that will barrel through the U.S. Senate, all so senate Republicans can go home for Christmas Vacation without delay and not have to work long hours in the meantime.“Don’t Let Republican Senators Put Their Christmas Break Ahead of Their Country.
Tell Republican Senators: “Just Object to Harry Reid’s Fast-Track Rush on ObamaCare.”
—————————————————————–This is the hill we will live or die on. For years we have allowed Republicans to use one excuse after another to hide under the rock of political expediency and put self-interest over country. No more. As a recent national poll indicated, the Tea Party is now more popular than the GOP. The message to Republicans is clear: you are losing your voters because you are losing your nerve.
Media Contact:
Tea Party Support
Lawrence A. Hunter, Ph.D.
(540) 349 2360
Great interview given by Senator John Kyl on the Dennis Prager Show, this morning. This is for those of you who are destructively rather than constructively tearing down the Republican Party. Yes, for good reason, there has been much bashing of the Republican Party; it’s become quite fashionable and the “in thing” amongst true dyed-in-the-wool conservatives. But before you “throw them all out”, keep in mind:
Every single Republican in both houses of Congress voted against President Obama’s budget.
Every single Republican except the two Senators from Maine voted against the stimulus package.
Every Republican in the House of Representatives opposes Obamacare.
Senator Kyl defends himself and the GOP strategy against recent criticism by right-wing demogogues (it’s a worthy listen):
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
No one in their right mind can call Sen. Kyl (don’t confuse him with Minority Leader Mitch McConnell) a RINO.
It’s a ridiculous charge and one that undermines GOP efforts to highlight the Dems weaknesses on the health care issue with another stupid round of “Republicans are just as bad…”
GOP leadership may not wish to pursue a scorched earth policy on this issue because they know in the end that will be a loser for them as it won’t result in the delay necessary to KILL THE BILL!
Instead, they are using amendments to highlight once again how weak Dems are on this issue. Something that will pay off huge rewards in the Senate races for 2010.
I have closely followed both our House and Senate GOP leaders this past year and they have been doing an excellent job, far beyond my expectations, for keeping GOP members together in opposing Obama.
It’s counterproductive and STUPID for anyone now to suggest they aren’t doing a good job!
@Mike’s America:
Thanks for the catch…Updated the title.
Mitch McConnell is not a RINO is any respects either so I hope no one is stating that.
If the Republican legislators are doing such a great job, they must be wearing an invisibility cloak. Granted, it is hard to make the conservative case in the MSM, but progress made by dealing with Dems to further Dem goals smacks of insider trading. Rather than try to amend a legislative process that is going the wrong direction (lipstick on a pig is one metaphor), why can’t the Republicans simply stand together and say “Obamacare is WRONG, and we are going to oppose it in any way we can.” Be firm, be bold, and be right.
Republicans that stand on principle will do well in the next election cycle. Those that waffle or play political games will not do so well. The conservative base is paying attention, and the independents are looking for honesty and integrity. What’ll it be, RNC?
@vikingTX: ” If the Republican legislators are doing such a great job, they must be wearing an invisibility cloak. “
Well, DUH!
Are you really surprised you didn’t hear about their efforts on PBSCBSABCNBCMSNCNYTIMES????
What would you suggest they do to get the attention of the “news” media? The same folks who refuse to report the Global Warming email scandal?
You can follow John Boehner and House Republicans Here:
Don’t miss Boehner’s blog:
You can follow GOP’rs in the Senate here:
Many of the minority members on legislative committees also have their own blogs such as Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK)’s excellent page on global warming:
Our men and women on the Hill are working very hard. Just because you don’t see it reported doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. They deserve our support for all the things they are doing RIGHT just as they deserve our criticism when they do something wrong.
It has become obvious to me that some of the folks on our side only seem able to complain and not to acknowledge the extraordinary achievement the small GOP minority has been able to accomplish in both houses.
That attitude just has to STOP if we are ever to retake Congress!
You either get behind your team, warts and all, or expect to continue to see it lose!
@ Mikes America
Something fishy here, TeaParty.com say the republicans are folding! They want their vacation. What’s it going to be liberty or vacation.
@Give me Liberty:
There seems to be a problem with your source.
@Mike’s America:
Count me in as one of those that doesn’t exactly see the Republicans fighting this thing. I admit that I don’t have the expertise in trying to figure out what exactly is going on, but from outward appearances, it sure looks like they are trying to make this better so that it will pass. I quit relying on the lame stream media for info on any politics a long time ago, and only really got VERY interested in politics after retiring from the service, in those terms, I’m probably considered a virgin in politics LOL. I see both dems and Republicans wavering on promises to filibuster if there are things in there that they don’t want or do want. It’s going to come down to how well Reid/Pelosi/The Won can keep disenters from their own party in line, i.e. bribes, promises etc.. and how badly they want to make The Won look going into 2010.
@ Miss:You are right mam I read that post on TeaPartySupport.Com. It was in the last four paragraphs and the article was sighned by a Dr. Hunter.
I only have one question —
GOPers had the House, the Senate and the presidency and did nothing to make the health care system better, but passed the God-awful drug bill that bloated the projected deficits. They had no plan to deal with portability, they did nothing on tort reform, they did nothing about pre-existign conditions, nothing about insurance company abuses, nothing to address the fact that, if you are recently laid off, you ain’t got the $600 per month to pay for COBRA. So why should anyone listen to them now?
See, Obama put that tax credit funded subsidy for COBRA in the stimulus plan . . . you know, the one the cons opposed. There is a big difference having to come up with $350 a month on a $1,000 family plan premium, versus coming up with the whole enchilada. If cons had had their way, how many more families would have lost health insurance since last March?
It is the lack of any practical answers to questions that sank the cons in 2008. That is why Obama got a mandate and a bigger congressional majority, to boot: to actually try to change things. Unless and until the cons figure out that they have to actually address problems instead of just spouting platitudes, they will continue to be a shrinking, aging regional party.
flashback…. 1992 to 1996. How’s that truth working out for you, in light of all the proclamations that this isn’t a “new” problem, billy bob?
When you start figuring out your party and oval office occupant ain’t the offspring of deity, we actually might have a starting point of conversation and debate. Until then, you sticking out your forked tongue is nothing but fodder for schoolyard ridicule.
ADDED: btw, what’s all this BS about defense funds and Medicare D sinking the US budget? …. laughable in light of quadrupling the national debt in 10 months time, not to mention the Dem controlled Congressional spending since 2007. Some of you proganada mouthpieces better find a more gullible audience….
GOPer’s, “did nothing” on many things when they held the majority because Democrat minority from 2000 to 2006 contantly fillibustered everything OTHER than the PharmaBill and Patriot Act. Many of the things you have listed as, “done” nothing on was either fillibustered or shut off completely by Democrat No Votes in both chambers so please do not try the, “Blame GOP” card. The Democrat majority now are screaming like little children that the minority party is playing their game of fillibuster with the extra layer of real debate to critical issues at hand. Harry Ried’s ignorance of History along with Pelosi’s disreguard of American opinion is giving power to the Republican base and the citizens of America to stonewall Democratic agendas en masse.
And the COBRA Subsidy is a temporary thing and has ended now, what has happened is an extension to State Unemployement payment weeks now. And with that COBRA Subsidy, do not be surprised when subjects of this now defunct subsidy (Such as me) will be hit with a sur-tax at the end of the tax year to compensate the price as detailed in the COBRA exenstion bill under payment collection process.
I see the Republicans doing little if anything to block this train wreck legislation. Thank God for the Blue Dog Democrats keeping their party from being able to operate its filibuster-proof majority.
If the Republicans want us to vote them back into power in 2010, it would really really help if they’d at least pretend that they were trying to give us a reason.
@B-Rob: BROB contradicts himself in the first sentence by suggesting that the GOP did nothing to address the health care issue but DID pass the prescription drug plan.
Make up your mind BROB… Either we did nothing or you are going to have to acknowlege that millions of seniors now have help with their meds (maybe you should sign up).
And the drug plan has been the one health care plan to be BELOW projected costs!
@AFSarge: I don’t know where you are getting your news but I have been following this story on a day by day basis for months and have been very proud of the efforts of our GOP team to stop this monstrosity. But you and I both know that in the end Dems have the votes so what can we do?
Certainly you must have noticed that Dems first promised they would have a health care bill on Obama’s desk by the August recess? Why do you think this has not happened?
We’ve been able to slow this thing down and give the public a chance to have their voices heard and the polls show a clear majority against the bill.
Did any of us really expect that we could stop this bill altogether?
But if anyone out there is thinking we should throw our GOP leaders under the bus because they didn’t succeed in derailing this bill completely then you better get used to having Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi in charge.
As I said earlier, I am very proud of the job our GOP leaders in both houses have been doing on this and all other Obama legislative issues. They deserve some credit.
@RoboMonkey: OK, then tell me exactly what PRACTICAL ideas YOU would expect the GOP leadership to do?
Blame Republicans????. . .Quit reading the liberal rags. . .
Liberals have the votes to pass all the fiascos —
Sen Graham, as rino as he may be, is on Greta right now letting us all know he has no idea what Reid is putting in his bill. . .nor does anyone else outside locked doors of Dem meetings. . .Transparency, C-Span Cameras. . .?????
Call your libtard Senators — or better yet, join us next week, the 15th in DC for another House Call/Rally
Thank you Mike!
I find it rather remarkable that people who consider themselves so well read and so well informed constantly complain about our Republicans in the House and Senate doing nothing, when they are doing everything they possibly can do considering the situation.
1. The media (including FOX) is completely against the GOP.
2. We are an absolute impotent minority in the Senate.
3. We are dealing with the duplicity of Reid/Pelosi.
Just what would you want them to do, run around like Henny-Penny screaming that the sky is falling and they can’t get up, or act like grown-ups and keep on soldering, fighting the good fight.
There is no way they can win anything. It isn’t going to happen. The only way they can even try to get their message out is via their local media “back home”. If you live in a state like New Mexico. it isn’t going to happen.
We are currently in a no-win situation. To constantly complain, berate, and denigrate everyone who is a Republican who isn’t grand-standing about how perfectly conservative they are is a crock.
One of these days the grown-ups will once again win control of the House and Senate.
The Pink Flamingo
@SJ Reidhead: You’re very welcome!
I’ve put out a great many posts describing the actions our GOP leaders are taking in opposing Obama. I wonder if anyone is reading them?
I guess I’ll have to toot that horn a bit louder in the coming year as it’s clear there is a predisposition on the part of some to ignore or downplay what our leadership team is doing.
And let’s be perfectly honest about some of this criticism (not all, but some). It’s being put forward by people with a third party agenda or those who want to reap a fundraising reward.
Take a look at the Tea Party Support page:
$20 to send a blast fax that NO ONE on Capitol Hill will read?
I wrote a post a while back describing the many EFFECTIVE ways that people can reach their representatives:
It’s written from my perspective working for a U.S. Senator and answering many of the letters he received. And direct contact with your representatives doesn’t cost you a dime, unless you want to MAIL a letter.
What really galls me is that some of our folks are being manipulated into not fully supporting the GOP leadership team by the left wing media acting on behalf of the Dems. We saw that in 2006 and again in 2008 and look at the result: Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid run Congress and Obama has the White House.
Don’t let yourself get used by the left into trashing your team. If you want your team to be stronger, then support it and let them know you want them to take stronger action.
I guess great minds, right?
I feel like I am pounding my head into a brick wall. I am writing the same things you are about what our Republicans are doing (or trying to do). I just do not understand the deaf ears.
Sure, there are a few hard-heads that are never going to be pleased, but what is going on now is a little scary and designed to keep Nancy Pelosi Speaker for Life. I sure wish I was a conspiracy theory buff. I bet I could come up with a great one for the way certain conservatives are acting.
Keep up the good fight.
The Pink Flamingo
@SJ Reidhead: Don’t get me wrong and think that I believe that the entire Tea Party movement is a sham. It’s not. It was the first populist uprising to come along and put Obama AND the GOP on notice that we were not going to take this crap.
But it’s clear that there are people out there who would use this outpouring of citizen anger to further their own agenda, and feather their own nest.
As far as this third party B.S. goes, I can only look back on my own experience. I remember John Anderson running for President in 1980. I was the Exec. Dir. of the Ohio College Republicans and Anderson was supposed to be a big hit with the youth vote. Thankfully, that mirage faded or else we might never have elected Ronald Reagan.
Then of course there was Perot who saw to it that Bill Clinton got elected with onlyl 43% of the vote in 1992 and was re-elected in 1996 again with Perot’s help. Perot never even came close to winning a single state.
Obama smiles anytime the folks on our side start to talk seriously about a third party or abandoning our GOP leadership.
Wordsmith & Mike, thank you for posting and explaining the situation. Under the circumstances it is amazing they have managed to stop and or delay the “seemingly” inevitability that is Obama Careless. It is reassuring to this redneck skeptic to hear this situation explained by Kyle and the two of you, thanks again.
Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. There are several articles out this morning in the MSM jumping on the Republicans are losers bandwagon, Sarah Palin is selfish per Republican leadership, Tim Keane says the GOP is helplessly divided, and then one in the Canadian Free Press by JB Williams that is quite interesting.
He explains how the tea party movement in Nevada, launched the National Precinct Alliance and took over the vacant GOP precinct chairs in the entire state. They are now working on a grass roots movement to spread across every precinct across the whole United States:
I realize Nevada is a small state, but a lot can happen by the time 2012 rolls around, 2010 imho will not field third party candidates across the country leaving the dems the margins they are now working and failing with. I think the movement will become more focused and hopefully take a good look at how Nevada conservatives have repaired the GOP from the bottom up, that’s what is needed.
Obama’s press and the democrats are busy attempting to use the tea party movement to further divide conservatives and especially, to hide their own party’s divisions which are major otherwise we would have healthcare and cap and tax already.
They are still, still using Dede from NY23, emphazising that she was a moderate that evil Sarah Palin and the radical wingnuts quashed, thus handing the election to a democrat. This is all aimed at weak kneed Republicans and putting the fear of so-called radical Repubs into their base and it’s bunk. Let’s not let them win.
New find, Gary Andres also saw the Politico column where Tim Kaine(whoops, mispelled his name in comment 25) and others “eagerly fan these flames”
Aha! he agrees with me, just says it better:
And, heads up, preview of Brotha B-Rob’s new talking points:
@ Mike’s America. . .thanks for referencing back to your political action list to give insight on how to make your opinion heard.
In your March article, you asked for any other suggestions to add to your list. . .mine is to be participatory in electing your local school boards, municipal, and state officals.
The voters in Wake County, NC just participated/witnessed a voter revolution in November 2009. Four (more conservative, family values) challengers won their bids for four seats up for re-election — quite a feat! This was accomplished by citizens getting involved in running for office and/or actively getting enough voter turnout to make a difference (voter turnout overall was still very low but those voting made a difference). This was truly a valiant effort started at local kitchen tables!!!
The nine member board now has four new, more conservative thinking members to join one like-minded incumbant. . .creating a majority. They are already trying to turn back the ‘busing’ of children all over the county to for integration, gain back a hold on fiscal responsibility, and more. The Wake County School system busing issue and effectiveness study cover-up is a whole story all on its own.
The brand new board is already being strongly critiqued by LABOR UNIONs (including anti status-quo union voices from out of state) and in fact, Tuesday, Dec 15 is likely to be a bit of a showdown. Locals are going to hold a rally outside prior to a school board meeting to show support and counter the promised Union attendance/protests. . .Union attendance to voice displeasure for proposed change. . .this is shaping up to be a showdown. How many schoolboard meetings are subject of Union protestors and counter groups?
No one said our republic would be easy to maintain — we must never give up. . .citizens must never again sit back and let any election go by with an apathetic excuse ‘but I voted in the last Presidential election’ . . .especially at the local/state level. . .or without supporting candidates of choice!!
Interesting update from ABC News. Harry Reid wanted to take the weekend off to go to a fundraiser:
@American Voter: I totally agree. Our pal Skye’s group in Pennsylvania just won slots on the county school board there.
And as Missy points out, folks can run for the precinct slots in their county GOP. I ran and won for a PC seat in Ohio years ago.
Mike, I don’t think the argument that the Repubs are pursuing the wrong course is correct but that they are keeping it to themselves. They are acting as if a LARGE portion of the country is watching and following this every day like we are. They are not! One of the weaknesses of the Repub party is the lack of a charismatic spokesman with the ability to get air time anywhere. If they made an attempt to get their message out and told the public what they are trying to accomplish then maybe we could call their strategy successful. I’ve said it before that a bad bill can’t be cured with amendments. If the Dems passed a bill to kill red headed people all week long and the Repubs amended it to exempt Fridays, would that be a good strategy?
It’s simple, if there is a third party candidate the Democrat wins. Senator Kyle is a good man who would never put his Christmas vacation ahead of his duty to America. If tea party candidates run in the primaries and win – great. If they don’t win they should support the Republican candidate unless they actually want the Dems in power. The Republicans have fought against these government take-overs.
Inspectorudy is completely correct,in my opinion.
@Inspectorudy said: ” If they made an attempt to get their message out and told the public what they are trying to accomplish”
Now we’re going in circles. You’re blaming the GOP because the “news” media doesn’t report on their efforts anymore than they do on the climategate scandal?
Again, what would you have them do that they are not already doing? They could have Jesus Christ as a spokesman and the media would still not cover it.
And it’s clear you underestimate the power of the amendment strategy. It puts vulnerable Senate Dems on record in a series of key votes that will highlight to the voters in their respective states how out of touch these Dems are. The “news” media might not cover these votes but you can bet damn sure that their GOP opponent in upcoming elections will plaster the state with ads to let them know.
I don’t understand what you guys are bitching about. The Senate GOP has next to NO POWER to stop this thing. Tell me what you think they should do that would be MORE EFFECTIVE????? They’ve already succeeded in putting the brakes on this monster that was first slated to be passed this summer. Remember that?
I follow this story on an almost hourly basis and I am convinced our Senate GOP leaders are doing a great job. The fact that our entire Senate membership is standing in opposition is HUGE! If you know something I don’t then please enlighten me and I’ll slink away and post more Tiger Woods news.
@American Voter:
Once we step away from DC spin and look at what’s going on locally the picture seems to change significantly. In one conversation we find there has been success and positive on going work in three states. This news comes by word of mouth and a newspaper from Canada. Sounds like you are living in an exciting community!
Depending on the liberal press to present a positive image, current news or the truth of what is happening within the conservative movement and, as we have seen, the tea parties or tax protests, is futile. We have to boldly venture out, do much homework and start ignoring what the enemy wants to feed us.
Deseg case….we lived in Rockford, IL during part of that case that went from the 70’s until it was resolved in 2001 after spending over $260 million..wasted tax dollars, money that should have been spent in the classrooms.
It was exhausting, by the time our fourth and last child was ready for school we moved out of the district because we just did not want to go through that system one more time. It was still going on when my grandchildren hit the school doors. My granddaughter was bused over 30 miles one way in the beginning of her kindergarten year, my daughter pulled her out and homeschooled.
Don’t know if you are familiar with this site:
In our case, we actually had two, I think they are only speaking to the last case. The first started in the 70’s. Because the board thought they would just go along with the court and not fight, it would be cheaper in the long run, it wasn’t. They basically accepted the accusation of wrong doing against the will of the people, to make it go away, big, costly mistake.
When ever I see McConnell on the evening news he is the perfect example decorum and civility. That plays well in some quarters but not the segment that needs to be reached. How about putting someone who has some PASSION for the debate and can form a thought while standing. This is one of the weakness as well as the strengths of Senators. They cannot convince the masses but come across poised and civil to the elite. There has to be someone in the senate that can do both. The MSM hate R’s but even they can’t pass up heat and fire. I am not being defeatist like you insinuate Mike, but the R’s are not powerless just leaderless.
Mike, I think the GOP started getting the backlash after the way they handled NY-23. And it seems to me, for the way they are handling Florida. To a degree, I think Erick Erickson is right, every time a republican loses an election, we’re told conservatives can’t win. They said that after McCain lost to Obama. McCain? Conservative? I don’t think so. Another thing Erick said was that republicans should support conservatives and conservatives should report republicans. (Before you get the wrong idea, I’m not a huge Red State Blog fan, I read this one much more, but I saw an interview from Hot Air). He’s right, we need to support the conservative up front, but if the conservative doesn’t win the primary, (as decided by the people that want that person to represent them) conservatives need to support the republican. Not some third party blow hard. NY-23 was an exception, not the rule; there was no primary. But the NRCC doesn’t need to be throwing money on a candidate before the primary, it pisses people off. Especially in the case of Crist vs Rubio and Devore vs Fiorina. Just saying.
@Missy — Thanks for the link on NAMS. . .
Yes , it was very exciting to be a part of a coalition of local citizens (Dems, Repubs, and Independents) who came together, consolidated with other like-minded groups to form a new association, and then helped to elect more conservative, family values board members — it was a VERY contentious race.
You mentioned busing as well — busing seems to be a problem all over our country. . .in our particular county, the Superintendent commissioned a study by SAS to show the effects of busing. The final report showed nothing had been gained by the busing. In fact, some children were on a bus more than 2 hours a day and had indeed been detrimental to grades, parent-teacher interaction, morale, costs, etc. The Superintendent sat on the report for months — but the information found daylight close to elections.
The new board majority has begun in earnest to make some bold changes — busing, finances, etc — and is now the target of out of state union officials. The unions have announced they will be attending the Dec 15th board meeting and hold a protest outside. Local citizens are planning a counter appearance — should be interesting. . .I can’t wait to read how the local Raleigh paper will spin that story to the union advantage.
As I firmly believe all politics begin locally, I suggested adding the local/state elections involvement to MA’s list on effective ways to get your Congressmen’s attention.
While involving oneself in School Board, Municipal, State elections is the least expeditious — pompous federal level politicians may become less complacent about accountability when they sense change is looming and the voters back home are ready, willing, and most ably demonstrating their will at the ballot box.
The Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill Triangle is heavily represented through Democrat Congressmen who seem to be cheerleaders for everything Liberal and now a REID rubber stamp Senator — Kay Hagan. — they are all supported by a very liberal local media, union/acorn chapters, local officals, and famously ethically-challenged state politicians who grease the wheels for Congressmen’s re-elections — ie Gerrymandering and voter registration rules, proof of id for legally registered voters, how ballots are counted etc, etc.
. . . all politics begin locally!!!
@Aqua: I was a bit peeved that the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee endorsed Crist in Florida before the primary. In all my years of working for the party I never heard of such a thing before. I’m glad the Senate Campaign Committee got the message and will not be repeating that mistake.
And you are absolutely right: we need to support conservative candidates in every way possible but if they don’t get the nomination for a particular office we should support the Republican candidate. That doesn’t mean we have to send them money, but we certainly shouldn’t be supporting a third party candidate which will only insure the election of a Democrat. Right again when you say NY-23 was the exception to that rule.
I’ll be happy to send money to whatever Republican wins the primary in Nevada to run against Harry Reid.
The problem isn’t only that the Republicans don’t have a charismatic speaker to get their message out. It isn’t even media bias. For some strange reason, people on our side believe whatever lies and misinformation the media or Democrats put out about the Republicans. Then our people spread the lies and gin up anger at Republican Senators and Representatives. The whole theme becomes throw all the Republicans out since they’re a bunch of no good bums. We run around shooting our own people, such as Senator Kyle. Can we all agree that the Democrats benefit from our obsession with Superman Republican or gone?
@ American Voter I salute your efforts and agree with your strategy. I personally participate in all election from the smallest to the biggins. Thanks for your hard work!
@ Missy and American Voter —
I agree! The GOP should make an anti-busing position one of it’s highest priorities. Don’t worry about the nay-sayers who think it will just drive away more minorities, White independents, college educated voters under 30 and moderate Dems! Go for it! It can only make the GOP hew closer to the conservative anti-busing, anti-desegregation grassroots! Real Americans do not support forces desegregation! So you go, girl! And to get you started, here is $10 million to run some ads for the new GOP anti-busing push!
George Soros
There is a good article at redstate.com called “Fight” that lists many things the R’s can do in the Senate but aren’t. It reinforces what I said above about getting attention and making the MSM cover it.
@Inspectorudy: Erick opens his piece with one of my favorite Churchill quotes. What a shame Erick doesn’t appreciate what is really going on here.
Yeah, I’d like to see a more hardcore approach in the Senate. I’m a big fan of my junior Sen. Jim DeMint. But we have a GOP Senate Caucus which has been remarkably united thus far and it would shatter if we adopted Erick’s plan.
The “drama” Erick would have created on the floor would attract media attention all right. But it would be the wrong kind of attention. Up to now, McConnell has defused the Dems charge of the GOP being a “party of no” through the very civility that you object to. Starting an all out food fight on the Senate floor won’t win us the crucial Independent voters who are now flocking to our side in droves. It will drive them away.
In many ways I would like to go beyond being the “party of NO” to the party of HELL NO! But I realize in so doing that we will lose that mushy middle ground support that we MUST HAVE to have any chance of winning back more control in both houses in 2010.
I’ve got an update in the works on what our Senate leaders are doing. And again, I think they deserve a hell of a lot of credit for putting the brakes on this thing thus far. The bill would have been passed in July if it weren’t for their efforts.
What an idiot you are. Busing isn’t a political issue, it’s a travesty and a nightmare for the children and their parents. It also wastes large sums of money that could be put to better use actually educating the children. The cost of our case is in the link I provided and that price did not include transportation because the state had to pay for that, the figure mentioned was paid by the city’s homeowners.
My first three children went through it, by the time my youngest daughter graduated from the 6th grade she had been in 6 different schools, one school change was due to our family moving all the rest of the changes were due to school closures, every year, off to a different school. Is that what you want for any child?
It was common for families that had several children having their children all going to different schools, having to trade off yearly school events to make it fair for their children to have their parents see their holiday programs, or visit their science, fun fairs or whatever the schools were offering. It took both parents, grandparents, friends, and other family members to help chauffer their kids to games and extra curricular activities. In the end it did not bring scores up, it divided families, it divided the community, it was a rat race and none of it was political.
Our situation stemmed from the way the town had settled, much like Chicago, ethnic groups group, much like Chicago, we had AA, Asian, Hispanic, etc. neighborhoods so prior to the deseg case the children were in neighborhood schools that reflected the population of their neighborhood. As the remedy went on, the community as a whole was fed up with it except the small vocal group that started the mess in the first place.
So play your silly little game, just know it’s obvious that you have no idea what you are talking about.
So you throw George Soros name out. I should shut down my voice and be shaking in my boots. . .why? I will stand up for my beliefs and actively work towards their achievement until my last breath. . .This vermin spent a small personal fortune trying to defeat GW — how’d that work again?
If my opinion is so ‘off’. . .why the Nov 2009 voter decisions to elect anti-busing/more conservative candidates in Wake County NC school board elections — and in several other American school districts ?
It would seem you don not like facts BUT You might also read the SAS study on education and their proposals. . .of interest because the Wake County Superintendent (a Lib) covered up the report that did thankfully leak right before elections — he should start seeking new employment — if he has not already started. Parents from all county communities are speaking up against the forced busing/school reassignment.
Studies have shown (by local based SAS) that the busing program has:
— not worked to provide quality education for students’ — grades/testing have not improved
— student morale has suffered
— drop out rate – not improved
— parents relying on public transportation, job hours conflicts, cost of gas/transportation
cannot stay active with their child’s school/teacher if too far away
— depending on circumstances (listed above) children cannot play sports, participate in
after school school activites — not a frivolity — this is how some students receive college
scholarships through development of talents in these programs — sports, music, theatre,
math, language to name a few.
— this issue is a deterrent to attracting new companies (=JOBS and increased tax revenues)
to Wake County
— the soaring costs of busing transportation
— and more
I’m sure all of this will amuse you — but how do you, as a Lib justify all the extra pollution caused with the extra busing. . .I thought the mantra was ‘bicycles are our friends.’ A little hard to send a child bicycling to school 30 or more miles away via the interstate?
Again — I should shut-up because George Soros doesn’t like something? . . . why?