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I love this guy! And I love his passion…. these are the kinds of places I choose
to shop at: where someone has found this interest and is catering to a desire in
a passionate, fun-loving way.

And now I’m off to shop!

He reminds me of my dad. My dad seemed to know everything and could give you an education without you ever realizing you were being taught something. These type of people are just filled with a passion. That was a cool story ! Thanks for sharing it.

Very nice! I bookmarked the store so I can browse later.

This is the reason I go to a local liquor store, Liquor Barn to get my drinks and cigars. They stock all the weird unusual sodas and drinks that no one else has for sale in Louisville. I detest the new coke with the crappy syrup they use, it gives me indigestion when the original never did. Not to mention that the plastic bottles all have an after taste that I can detect, especially with coca-cola.

We need more individual thinking people in the free market, too many are nothing but WalMart clones.

Great story – thanks for putting it up for us to see.

What’s so refreshing is that for him its not about the money. He just gave someone the ticket to riches. He just wants to see it happen. That’s his reward.

Aleric…Louisville resident here also.

I don’t get non-diet sodas because they taste awful. I couldn’t figure out why I liked them so much when I was a kid, but can’t stand them now, even to the point of them making me ill. I just learned this past year about the Passover Coke having cane sugar instead of corn, unfortunately after Passover, so it was gone by then. I can’t wait for next Passover to try it.

I hope this guy has great success. Wouldn’t it be nice if he could start up some franchises nationally? I want some of the original birch beer I used to get when I was a kid. That was my personal favorite. The flavoring is from the sap of the river birch, like maple syrup from maple trees.

The old adage if you love what you’re doing — it’s not a job — it’s a passion. . .applies here.

Thank you for sharing — I have bookmarked and already shared the site.

Way cool!

Galco’s is the best! I live down the street from this place and go there frequently. Not only do they have every soda you can imagine, but also old-time candy, all kinds of unusual beer, and great deli sandwiches. That guy knows his soda and gives me new recommendations every time.

Love this guy! I hope he ships internationally.. I live in Australia now.

I ordered here several years ago and had a great experience. Packed very well. For cream soda Fitz’s is excellent. I am also partial to the Journey Caribbean Cream, which has a slight coconut taste.

This guy is a national treasure. You can just see the joy emanating from him, a true professional. I wish him great success and have bookmarked his site.

Wow, this guy goes straight to the top of my heros list. It’s entirely subjective and very un-scientific, but the fact that he does this in the over-regulated, business un-friendly state of California automatically earns him a spot. And he’s still smiling, yep, to the top. Can’t wait to shop there.