And the lines have now officially crossed:

This is on top of this news:
…after a turbulent year of rancorous politics, rising war casualties in Afghanistan and unemployment now above 10%, 5% fewer Americans are calling themselves Democrats.
Hardly an enthusiastic endorsement of the record so far of the incumbent president, whose approval rating has also dropped below 50% for the first time. Approval of President Obama’s war handling has fallen the most, plummeting from 63% last spring to 45% this fall.
A new poll by Rasmussen Reports finds that despite — or perhaps because of — legislative progress on Obama’s 2009 keynote issue of healthcare reform, among other issues, the number of adult Americans calling themselves Democrats fell by almost 2 whole points just in the month of November.
A year after hope, change and jubilation filled the party ranks, only 36% of Americans consider themselves Democrats, according to the poll.
That’s the lowest percentage in 48 months.
The percentage calling themselves Republican is lower — 33.1%. However, unlike the Democrats, that number is increasing, up from 31.9% the previous month.
Here comes 2010!

See author page
Since they always undercount republicans I’d say republicans are dead even or even slightly ahead at this point in time. Taken together with the generic congressional ballot, democrats better pass a decent pension plan for their members who will be booted out next year as their intellectual abilities will otherwise place them on the public dole (as these democrats don’t have any marketable skills).
The scale is relative and the tectonics move it to the left. My political philosophy has been fixed for decades, but the Republican party now seems to group to the left of me.
Didn’t take long for people to figure out they elected a liar.
Let us pray that Obama and his henchmen in the congress and the senate, will be sent packing as each one comes up for re-election. Then the next house cleaning will have to be all those RINO’s and appeasers in the Republican party. Then and only then will our country get back on track.
I read the headline to fast and thought it said Obama stinks. Well maybe that is what the headline should read.
be at the polls in 2010! we need to clean house and be ever deligent of voter fraud!
There’s an old Jewish prayer that would be appropriate.
“May the Lord bless and keep Obama. Far from us”.
The movement is the polls is good, however by now you must wonder why the public hasn’t dropped this fraud until only the die hard Marxists and the illiterates support him or are we already there.