“My Wife May Be Calling You!”
It’s sad to see an American icon fall from grace. But if it’s going to be a train wreck, we might as well look. From Us Weekly:
On Nov. 24 — the day before reports of his alleged infidelity first surfaced — Tiger Woods, 33, phoned his off-and-on girlfriend, 24 year-old Los Angeles cocktail waitress Jaimee Grubbs, and left a message in which he begged her to change her voicemail greeting.
“Hey, it’s Tiger. I need you to do me a huge favor. Can you please take your name off your phone? My wife went through my phone and may be calling you. So if you can, please take your name off that. Just have it as a number on the voicemail. You got to do this for me. Huge. Quickly. Bye.”
Wouldn’t you think such a great golfer would have better taste than this?
wheres the proof?
Sorry folks but this one doesn’t really generate much interest for me. He’s a public figure but bottom line, he messed up. It’s his problem and his wife’s – let them deal with it.
Why is this even any of our business? This should be between Tiger and his wife.
Flopping Aces just fell a few points in my book on this one.
@anticsrocks: Oh come on! No one is forcing you to read this story.
And if you want to blame anyone, blame me, little ole Mike’s America!
He has won 14 majors, earns $90 million plus per year, and the guy can’t have a little strange on the side?? What world do you people live in? His wife is doing great producing his offspring and staying out of the news…enough said.
Cheers to Tiger.. He wins all 4 majors in 2010!
@Joey Bagadonuts: I’m not passing judgement. Merely commenting on a public figure.
Thou I do think his taste is a mistress needs improvement.
Meanwhile, the hit counter on this post is skyrocketing as the hit counter on analysis of Obama’s Afghanistan speech has yet to break 100 views.
I guess scandal sells better than war.
Any critics of this post might want to click on the post above and help right that wrong:
It’s a shame that the media can’t dig into Obama’s background as diligently as they are going after Mr. Woods. He wouldn’t have been elected dog catcher. When Clinton was doing his deeds with Ms. Lewinsky, on the Oval Office carpet, the media said it was a private affair and no one’s business. Such hypocrates!
Joey Bagadonuts is spot on!! She had to know what she was getting into when she married someone of his stature/celebrity. Gazillionaire, travels the world, good looking. Most wives of athletes just accept it as part of the marriage (maybe he didn’t have that talk with her). Plus there’s 2 sides to every story. Maybe her actions pushed him into this?
z man — really, bro? this has something to do with the president. you are a sub-moronic buffoon. turn off the beck and cop a clue. tiger can’t keep it in his pants. get over it.
You da man, you an idiot. Stay away from MSNBC and take your meds. It would be nice to see the media do it’s job and invetigate leftwing scum as aggressively as they protect them.
Actually, that message alone does not express infidelity…I am not condoning his alledged outside relations with other women, but I am married and I have female friends…My wife trust in me, because I have to much to lose which would be my family…Jesper turn his back on Tiger which I am very appauled by…she was a nanny..she is fortunate to be with someone of Tiger’s stature…
@Jake: Couldn’t agree more with your comments and lets face it, the real stress in Tigers life is coming from the far left wing nut extreme radical in the oval office…no one wants redistribution of wealth. The guy was just relieving a litte stress the best way he knows how to.
The Sun, a British Tabloid, has a good roundup of photos of the car with the windows smashed out by Tiger’s wife:
Notice she didn’t smash the front windows. Maybe she still loves him after all!
@Mike’s America…I was commenting on the fact that this is personal business and the media is sensationalizing it for the sake of ratings. I guess I just have come to expect FA to avoid this type of tabloid journalism.
I wasn’t blaming anyone, other than a general need for the media to make a huge deal out of this. It is gossip column fodder.
Z man F@@K OFF
@anticsrocks: We can’t cover Obama all day, every day. Well, maybe we can but we can take a break from that story from time to time.
Yeah, this is a tabloid kind of story but it’s at the top of the news. Tiger is a worldwide celebrity and when something this bizarre happens people are going to want to know more about it.
Again, if you’re not one of them, no one is forcing you to read it.
But I welcome your view nonetheless.
@Mike’s America…fair enough. Just wanted to throw my two cents in.
Stories like this get on my nerves. In this, I am very bipartisan. For example on Hannity tonight his Great American Panel came to the conclusion that it was basically nobody but Tiger and his wife’s business. Then Sean asked why Obama’s brother was starving in Kenya and Obama’s Aunt (the illegal immigrant) was crying about not being able to contact him (Obama). Sean said this was bad. But there again, if we feel that Tiger’s family business is none of our business, the same goes for Obama. I do not like the man, or his policies, or the people that he surrounds himself with, but how he gets along with his family is not our business.
Okay, ’nuff said. Thanks for letting me rant.
Tiger drives a golf ball much better than he drives that Cadillac.
Yeah, I’m sure his wife thought Tiger would be running around, possibly bringing home sexual diseases as an added benefit. Much of his commercial appeal is based on his loving family man image so if he doesn’t want the scrutiny, he should stick to making millions playing golf.
Mike, what about Anna Nicole Smith? Surely you can find some linkage with Tiger. Hell man, he is a private citizen and his life is his own to do with as he sees fit. He’s not doing very well right now but it’s his life. This is below FA to carry this crap. O’Reilly has this crap on last night and I watched something else because he is becoming a scandal whore just like CNN. Now if Tiger was elected then you have a story. Man up and drop this girlee shit.
@Inspectorudy: Rudy, I’ve responded to your concerns already in comments above. You know from experience that we don’t do a bunch of this celebrity stuff here and we won’t. But this story interested me and it obviously interested the thousands who clicked on this link to read it.
I welcome your input on ALL the stuff we do here. Even when you don’t exactly share my opinion or tastes.
But do me a favor and drop references such as the one in your last sentence. That’s hardly what I would call an elevated dialogue which you seem to suggest you prefer.
Just using an old Schwarzenegger line Mike. You guys do a good job but I hate to see it get into the tabloid realm.
She’s lucky to be with someone of “Tiger’s stature”, money makes it right, the wives accept it, she drove Tiger to it?
I bet that’s what you’d all be saying if she was running around on Tiger.
Why do ads reading to your kids if you want a “private life”!
He’s a louse, he’s lucky to be with someone of her stature!
It’s sad that some can’t participate in civil discourse without being vulgar.
be sure your sins will find you out.the bible couldnt have said it better
Z Man,
People get vulgar when they can’t refute your point – which was excellent by the way. I agree with you and I don’t know why the vulgarity is allowed at many conservative blogs.
Tiger is the real victim here. Lets look at the facts:
-Everything is alleged. Tiger has admitted to only some “transgressions” and “failures” of his values. In other words, he failed to capture a major in 2009. His work ethic at the practice range obviously didn’t stand up to his core belief and value system of previous years. Thus hurting his families income for 2009, hence “I have failed my family”
-Abuse. Elin hit Tiger and verbally has assualted him on numerouse occasions. The lastest being Thanksgiving eve around 2:30 am. Why? Because his income is slightly down from 08. This type of verbal and pyshical abuse is common among woman who feel they are “entilted” or feel they need “a greater distribution of wealth” from their “working” husband.
-Race. Tiger has alway been a target. Elin is white Tiger is black. It is that simple. Once again we have the white populace trying to keep the hard working black man down, with lies and more lies.
Z-man has it right….
you da man…. you are CLUELESS…
Mark Robison.. if you can’t dazzle us with brilliance…..
anticsrocks…. you too are correct.. it’s really N.O.O.B.!!!!
Now as to the REAL REASON the media is all over this?? Human nature what it is (at least among the least educated) “National Enquirer stuff sells….. those who “have no life” of their own are fascinated by those who DO!! Sad….. so they pursue these meaningless stories to take attention off the REAL issues… The Economy, Obama, Healthcare scam etc etc…. “watch the right hand folks…. “…. because the TRICK is happening with the LEFT!! Only dopes cannot see this, right, You da man?? Media is all over Palin for the same reason…. cover, AND “fear”….
Too bad they all but have FORGOTTEN how to REPORT NEWS!! Now, if they were only smart enough to read the RATINGS and put 2 and 2 together…. but they can’t I guess…. victims of their own “dumbing down” scheme!! 😉
Joe Bagadonuts… “Keep the hard working black man down???” Pluuueeezze!! OH, wait, you MUST be talking about DEMOCRATS!! Sorry, my bad!!
Tiger is a victim of the liberal media machine and the far left wing nuts….
Elin is a european socialist, and when it comes to her man’s money the more she re-distribute his money the better. Worse, she is not even an american citizen.
Joey Bagadonuts
You must be privy to inside info – Elin has been hitting Tiger because his income is down?
I have to assume your posts are attempts at satire.
Again the facts; Tiger is a great American citizen, unlike his European socialist soon to be ex-wife. Elin’s parents fully support socialism at its core, her grandparents where part of the Marxist support group in Western Europe. She would like nothing better than to redistribute his hundreds of millions. Second, spousal abuse both verbal and physical is very common and most always goes unreported when committed by the female. Lastly, the number one cause of stress in marriage in not a cheating spouse, but money or finances. Again, the left wing media tries the smear campaign against Tiger and they steer the eye one way. Look over here at the right hand, as the left hand performs one trick after another.
But that is your “”best GUESS” as to what/why it happened and NOT a substantiated fact.. not as of yet anyway……… he’s just saying don’t cross fact with “personal opinion”…ok to have BOTH, but don’t call one the other!
Hankster58 and Joey Bagadonuts
Exactly, Hankster58! Joey, you may be right, but you have no factual proof for you assertions, at least it doesn’t appear you do.
Logically, there has to be a first time someone becomes abusive – physically or verbally. In my opinion, although I have been happily married for 30 years without any abuse of any kind from either husband/wife, if either of us found out the other was engaged in the activities Tiger has been – watch out. Elin may or may not have known/suspected something was going on, but Tiger was texting his tramp there, in the house with Elin home! I am not supporting any type of abuse! I’m stating a simple fact – people become enraged at such in your face betrayal. People do things they regret, wouldn’t normally do or shouldn’t do when they are in a fit of passion and rage. I seriously doubt any of us would’ve just said – hey fine – does she want to come spend the night? I hope I would have left and cooled down, but I don’t honestly know how I would react. Can Tiger really be that stupid? People are killed by husbands/wives/lovers for much less. I’m thankful for their family that things didn’t escalate to a truly tragic ending. Tiger endangered his entire family that night.
This may be a stretch, but abuse takes many forms – I think a case could be made that Tiger’s actions that night were a form of abuse. Certainly he showed a lot lack of respect and love for the wife of HIS CHOOSING and the mother of HIS CHILDREN. Personally, I think Tiger actually loves Elin.
None of us know what went before. I can’t believe Elin is “redistributing” Tiger’s money to anyone. Unless spending money on clothing, etc is “redistributing”. Most socialists are all for redistribution when it benefits them and redistributing other people’s money, not theirs.
I hope for the Woods’ family that they can work out their problems. Without his family, I think, Tiger will have a very lonely life.