Tis the season to reflect on what we value, what we cherish, and what we are thankful for in this great nation. We live in challenging times and uncertainty is our constant companion – yet there is much I am grateful for every day of the year:
- To the men and women serving overseas protecting our life and freedom. THANK YOU!
- I’m thankful for the homeless man who resides on a steam grate outside the parking garage at work. I’m given a daily reminder of how fortunate I have been in life and how much work is needed to help people in this situation. Homelessness in Philly is not a dry statistic –Â it has a face, it has a name.
- Thank you Sarah Palin for revolutionizing feminism to empower women instead of victimizing them.
- I’m thankful for being part of the Sheepdog family. For the past 2+ years I’ve had the privilege to document the story of the American Sheepdogs in West Chester and in the process have discovered the selflessness, sacrifice and nobility of everyday Americans. Every Saturday hope is renewed and I get to spend quality time with Frank, a WW2 veteran who shows up rain or shine.
- I’m grateful for the opportunity to get to know Chris Galloway during his short time on this earth. Rest in Peace, Chris.
- I’m thankful for being part of a conservative grass root awakening in this nation.
- Adopting a homeless dog – I’m ever amazed at how Buster has worked his way into my heart. Liberals would have homeless pets killed in order to protect the environment, I suggest adoption since AGW has been exposed as the fraud of the century.
- Thanks to all the readers of the Flopping Aces – you are constant source of inspiration for all the contributors on Flopping Aces.
- I’m ever thankful for having the opportunity to contribute on Flopping Aces – I love you guy and gals!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Skye and all my fellow contributors and our wonderful readers and commenters.
Best to you and yours, Skye!
I feel like a cad for leaving you out of my message of thanks to you guys down in Mikes post. Maybe you and Aye should list Scott between you two on the Authors-list up there, so my tired eyes don’t get confused. 🙂
God bless you, and thanks for havin me. It is a honor.
Happy Thanksgiving to Skye and All! Hope everyone makes their stomachs into cemeteries for some poor turkeys….or tofurkeys, if that’s your thing.
God bless our troops and their families!
Happy Thanksgiving! Let’s all give thanks for the many blessings that we have.
Special thanks to the Flopping Aces Team for a really great blog! Keep up the good work, guys!
Thank you so much, Skye, for sharing your thankful reflections…a really important thing to do on this special holiday. And, I am SO thankful for all of you here at Flopping Aces…you inspire me, make me laugh, inform me, and give me courage to face the challenges of this time in our country. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I am also especially thankful as this year nears it’s end, that 2010 will be a much better year. I just feel it. 😉
@SoCal Chris said: “2010 will be a much better year. I just feel it. ”
You feel it and I KNOW it!
2009 was a tough year. But considering how relatively quickly the Obama masquerade has begun to come crashing down I’d say it wasn’t as bad as it could have been if the mask had not slipped.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Skye and the crew and most especially our readers….couldn’t of said it any better then Skye, the readers are a constant source of inspiration. I give thanks for those who take the time to visit here.
Happy Thanksgiving and thanks to everyone for making this place worth visiting (daily).