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black belt barack

Photo: President Obama and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak. Credit: EPA

Wow….a Barack belt. That’s just so many ways of awesome, right there. A title that is never earned; just redistributed.

Is there anything that this man can’t accomplish without ever having earned it, first?

A book deal, the presidency, a Nobel Peace Prize….now a black belt (hat tip to Patvann):

Anyway, there he was in Seoul, the last stop of his journey.

And out of the Seoul sky, President Lee Myung-bak hands over to the American leader a tae kwon do outfit. And then Lee, who practices tae kwon do himself, presents Obama with a coveted black belt.

After zero long years of study.

Apparently, President Obama does have some martial arts experience:

President Obama practiced Taekwondo for about four years with an American master in Chicago from 2001 while he was serving in the Illinois state senate. He obtained a green belt.

Well, he’s green alright. And it shows.

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Fists of Ego!

Words, the best way is to refuse to advance, fight as a white belt and make those brown and black belts wish they were somewhere else when they have to fight you. Who needs a belt?

Obviously, Obama was promoted from white belt to black belt and thought that was all there was to the deal. It would be really funny, if he weren’t destroying our country.

I played with Brazilian jiu jitsu in the MMA dojos, until a bad horse wreck left me with eight fractures three of which were compound, thus my horsebacking and martial arts career are over until I retire, although i still enjoy Kendo. Well I enjoy it, but really I love it. I am so close to retirement, that it is important that I maintain my vitality for work, so I also parked my two Harley’s for the duration, after 45 years of riding.

However, I will come out of retirement if Obama wants to challenge me in the octagon, all I need is just one punch, he can throw all he has at me, just let me have one punch and i think our problems will be over.

“And then I told Putin, Look Putin do you need your a$$ kicked.”

“Thanks Lee, I’m ready for Putin now. Hey, I’ll be the Green Hornet and you can be Kato.”

Unable to cope with the pain of Michelle’s more assertive fist bumps, the POTUS contracts a world-class fist-bump trainer as part of his new health and fitness care.

“Hey Lee, I’m a pretty good bowler too!”

“And this is how I broke my first teleprompter”

“The next time Jesse Jackson says he wants to cut my balls off…oh who am I kidding? Michelle! Where’d you put them?”

Then I told the bartender, I don’t care if she is drunk or not give my wife another beer.

Back in the hood, I was known as the Obamanator.

Then i told this Chicago cop, don’t push me bud, I’m a community organizer.

I might look like an impotent little wimp, but I am a bad motor scooter.

When it comes to kids and puppies, I kick a$$.

Sweet cheeks Big O! I’ll bet you’d be a lot of fun around the cellblock.

He is showing that he can’t punch his way out of a wet paper bag

With a punch like that, my 11 year old daughter Kwan Lee could kick your a$$…

“…We took a bow and made a stand, started swinging with the hand
The sudden motion made me skip now we’re into a brand knew trip

Everybody was kung-fu fighting
Those cats were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightning
But they did it with expert timing”

This is how I treat the American taxpayers!

“And then Michelle, well she was mad, she hit me like this and then I agreed to do the dishes and vacuum”

“A black belt? Watta you, a racist?”

My left fist for that Alaskan woman, I’m saving the right for Limbaugh.

Super twins power – Unite!

Go on…kiss the ring or you get the other fist!

“So this is how you fight… And here i was about to give up the farm.”

Barack-This is how I stick it up the butt of the American Taxpayer. I learned it from the movie Caligula.
SK Pres-Ahhso!


That gets my vote.

“ya put your left hand out, and you shake it all about”

And that’s how I punched out democracy!

“Look at me! I’m freakin’ Jackie Chan!”

Lee Myung-bak saying to himself:

(1) I knew I would have him dancing to my tune if I just gave him enough rope: Money.

(2) I got Obama the Chicago way: I bought him. He is my puppet now.

(3) If you run the USA like you fight, it will be down for the count in the 1st round.

(4) Now that I own the USA, what will I do with it?

@ Fit fit


“No, I’m not in a bad Kung Fu movie (lips continue to move), my teleprompter is out of sync! (lips continue to move)”

Aides in the background “It looks like it is working. The American Schools may be onto something with giving meaningless awards to boost self esteem.” “Yes, but do you think it is enough to carry into the Dollar. I am losing my retirement fund.” “We can always award him ‘The best president with a black belt to visit China’ award as a backup.”

Wonder Twin Powers, ACTIVATE!
Form of…Mao Zedong!
Shape of…Karl Marx!

…and so I told the SEIU to punch back twice as hard. POW!

“After every speech, I give my teleprompter a little fist bump.”

Oh damn, Lee is there a restroom around here I think I just crapped my pants.

This is what I would like to do to Palin and Beck!

BHO: “You think I do this good, you should see me throw a baseball!!”

I know I punch like a douche bag, it’s because I am!

See Michelle I’m wearing the damn ring.

One fist made out of iron and the other one of steel
If the left one don’t get you, then the right one will.

Oh no! Obama is now a pugilist
One more thing on the to do list
Perhaps there will be a big prize
and a large belt to dazzle the eyes

To Hell with danger, actually fighting
my enemies might find that enticing
I’d rather do nothing, and sit around and dither
Then sneak up and pow, punch them in the liver

Skook 09

“I soften them up with some Hope-n-Change, then BAM! Hit them with my Socialist Manifesto!”

thank tfhr 🙂

Barack-This is how I deal with those bitter bible and gun toting xenophobic americans;


Barack-All right I will show you my wedding ring but I won’t show you my long form birth certificate.

Obama…with Kung-Fu Grip

Come on, I’ll be Wilt Chamberland and you are Bruce Lee only this time I kick your scrawny Chinese ass OK?